Help Save Whales

Whales are some of the most magnificent, amazing and majestic creatures on Earth! They breach high in the out the fish, eventually starving the whales! And released helium balloons fall in the ocean where whales and dolphins mistake them for food, and disrupt their feeding! So decide; will you just sit there or are you going to save some whales? It's time to act!


  1. Donate to other conservation societies. Save up your money to donate. Make sure you donate as much as possible. These societies, such as Greenpeace, the Sea Shepherd and the WDCS will use the money effectively to help save whales. Do not try to spend the money on your own to save whales. This will, in fact waste it. Did you know the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society used money so efficiently that hundreds of whales were saved each year? So save your allowance!
  2. Ask Go on a Whale Watch tour guides not to lead the boat too close to the whale. Boats can easily scare whales and make them avoid shore, even if that is where their food supplies are. Research from marine biologist show that some whales avoid certain places ships lurk because of noise pollution and collisions. Did you know that? So the next time you go on a whale watch, talk to your guide first.
  3. Volunteer with local community groups to stencil storm drains, Adopt A Beach, or monitor the water quality of local watersheds. Organize your classroom, school club, or organization to clean litter from rivers, creeks, estuaries, and beaches. Did you know? Storm water pollution (urban runoff) is the leading cause of water pollution nationwide. Pollutants such as motor oil, antifreeze, detergents, litter, paint, pesticides, pet waste, and copper (from brake pads) are flushed off streets and into storm drains which lead straight to rivers, creeks, and the oceans. This can harm many living things!
  4. Participate in Save The Whales' letter writing campaigns with your classroom, club, or church group. Invite friends over for a “letter writing” party. Print letters from Save The Whales “Action Alert” section under the Take Action. One letter from an individual to a government official represents the opinion of hundreds of people. Letters are powerful tools of influence, as they highlight public concerns. So write a letter or two!
  5. Cut up plastic six-pack rings before recycling or disposing them in the garbage. Thousands of birds, fish, and other marine creatures die needlessly from entanglement. This can seriously decrease the whales' food source. And the whales might eat it themselves! Did you know that some people just overlook this step, thinking it isn't important but this one is the most important!
  6. Pick up trash while walking in your neighborhoods. Participate in National Coastal Clean Up Day (September) to prevent pollution in watersheds and storm drains. Did you know that? One of the most common sources of beach pollution is cigarette butts, taking up to seven years to breakdown. Last year, over one million butts were removed by volunteers during National Coastal Clean Up Day. So the next time you come across a piece of litter, pick it up!
  7. Educate your children. Children grow up to become great helpers in saving whales. If they begin liking whales at a young age, they will defend whales, and all marine life, as adults. Did you know that "Save the Whales" educated over a quarter of a million children?
  8. Clean up rivers. Garbage in the rivers will drift into the ocean eventually, and pollutes the water. Fish can't breathe through polluted water, and eventually drown. Whale food sources will be greatly reduced, jeopardizing their survival. Did you know that in the next decade, about over a hundred whales will die from this cause if nobody takes action?
  9. Keep your car well maintained to prevent leaks onto roadways and driveways which cause water pollution. Carpool when possible, or ride a bike. Recycle used motor oil for free. Take hazardous waste such as paint, pesticides, and antifreeze to a hazardous waste site. Call 1-800-CLEAN-UP or visit for the free drop off location near you. Tell your neighbors if you see them dumping things into the sewers: "Thousands of gallons of water were polluted!" So make a difference!
  10. Never discard used fishing line, nets and hooks in the water. This can entangle and kill birds, fish, turtles, dolphins, small whales, seals and otters. Even if the whales survive, their food source will be decreased.
  11. Never dump anything in the street as it goes into the storm drains which travel straight to rivers, creeks, and ultimately the oceans without being cleaned. Did you know that? One quart of motor oil can pollute {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of water. A dime-sized drop of oil stuck on a sea otter can cause deadly hypothermia. They die from freezing to death. Wow! I bet you didn't know that!
  12. Recycle, Reuse and Reduce. Landfills across the nation are filling up with discarded items and refuse. Hazardous waste thrown in the garbage ends up in landfills where it leaches into the soil and ground water causing contamination. Reduce your refuse by recycling, reusing and composting. Plant an organic garden free of pesticides. Remember to tell your neighbors, too! Did you know that Ontario's government banned pesticides in favour of the environment?
  13. Buy products that are environmentally friendly and support organic farming.See Step 11. Pesticides can be damaging to the environment indeed!


  1. Whaling has been going on for thousands of years, and if we don't take actions, our oceans will be left lifeless.
  2. Get lots of media. The more attention you can get, the more people will help you save whales. Tell them why it is important to save whales.
  3. Write the companies behind Japanese Whaling. Write a letter to the CEOs of Nippon Suisan, Maruha and Kyokuyo, the premier seafood conglomerates who drove the planning of Japan's ongoing whale hunt. Ask them to persuade the government of Japan to permanently end the slaughter of whales for products that nobody needs.
  4. Sign up at the IFAW website to receive mobile text alerts. Be the first to learn about breaking whale news when you join IFAW's free mobile whale network. When IFAW needs your help to save whales they'll let you know by sending an action alert directly to your mobile phone.
  5. Host a house party for whales. Encourage others to join you in becoming an active member in the global campaign to end whaling by hosting a party to view the unique film "What to Do About Whales".
  6. Sign a petition to stop whaling. The more signatures our conservation societies can get, the faster the population of whales will rise.
  7. Tell others to help protect whales. It only takes a few seconds to spread the word about the cruelty of whaling and our efforts to end it, yet the impact on the campaign is enormous. Please invite your friends, family, and colleagues to help save the whales.
  8. For more details on whaling, click Help Stop Whaling.

Methods for your Kids

  1. Do you have any kids? If their favorite animal is a whale, why not tell them to help save them too? Here is a complete listing of things kids can do to help save whales.
  2. Protest any balloon launches at school fairs or other events. Balloons often drift into the ocean where whales and other sea animals mistake them for food and eat them. The balloons get stuck in the animals' insides and can kill them. Fourth graders in Connecticut got their legislators to pass a bill that makes balloon launches illegal there!!
  3. Turn off all lights possible, whether at school or home. This can help decrease the risk of an oil spill that wipes out waves of the whale's food source.
  4. Check lipstick, margarine and shoe polish for ingredients like "fish oil" or "marine oil" which can come from whales and other sea animals. This will discourage the company that makes them.
  5. Get your class to join you in writing letters to the Japanese Embassy, 2520 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington D.C. 20008 to ask that Japan leave whales alone. If they don't respond, then tell the kids in Japan why they should stop eating whale. This will help protect whales.
  6. RECYCLE! Tell your friends, co-workers or classmates to recycle more this will help a lot.
  7. Adopt a Whale! Visit WWF's website and they will have a whale page and a link to donate or adopt.


  • Bring plastic bags along with you when going for a walk. This way, you can pick up all the garbage you see. Do not throw them out after you're done, which is often more harmful to the environment.
  • Always look for a "recycle" sign at the bottom of all the things you want to throw out. Do not throw it into the trash can if it does.
  • Group together with others who like whales. It might seem feeble at first, but it works. This way, more and more people can follow these instructions and more whales will be saved.
  • If you turn off a light to reduce oil spills, have a backup just in case someone asks why. A good one is "Germs reproduce 80 times faster in bright light." Or simply tell them why you did it.
  • Even though it might not seem very efficient, Step 6 is a very important step. Step 6 can get more Get Lots of Media when Saving Whales. The more media, the more will help save whales.
  • Do not try to Start an Environmental Club of your own-it is quite challenging. Instead, you can join or support other societies. This is much easier, just like editing articles here on wikiHow instead of writing your own.


  • Never force people to save whales. Just tell them what will happen if they don't (Grenade headed harpoon, explosions, drownings). If you try to manipulate people, they are likely to go away.
  • Don't copy the Sea Shepherds. Even though they get away with it, that doesn't mean you can. It is extremely dangerous and can easily get you a criminal record. Pete Bethune was fined for piracy when he boarded a whaling vessel called the Shonan Maru No.2.
  • Never insult or hate mail the Japanese. No matter how far they go, respect is a must. Remember to hold your bad language.
  • Don't go protesting if your country doesn't hunt whales. There's no point of it other then getting people to save whales. Did you know that in some places, protesting can land you in jail?

Things You'll Need

  • Love for cetaceans.
  • Money (for donations).
  • Plastic bags (not recommended) for picking up garbage.
  • Friends to help you.
  • A kind heart (see Warnings number 2).

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