Identify Shorthorn Cattle
Though they originate from England, shorthorn cattle can now be found in most English speaking countries. Whether you’re making a trip to England or hope to spot some closer to home, you can identify shorthorn cattle by their color and unique characteristics.
Recognizing Characteristics
- Start with an internet search. Familiarize yourself with how shorthorns look by studying images online. You'll be introduced to their basic characteristics as well.
- You can also order a book on shorthorns. One such book is: A Field Guide to Cows: How to Identify and Appreciate America's 52 Breeds.
- Look for body type. Shorties (a slang term for shorthorns) tend to have the same kind of muscling that you will find in Angus, Red Angus, or Hereford cattle.
- Shorties are a British breed and tend to be smaller, less muscular and not as lean. However, some bulls (often the best ones) can be quite deep, long, and muscular, with a lot of muscling on the hind quarters and shoulders.
- Well-conditioned cows can be the same way, but are not as massive as bulls.
- Bulls are medium-sized animals, typically weighing about 990kg. Cows weigh slightly less at 800kg.
- Shorthorn have moderate frames that are rectangular and low. Their backs tend to be wide and deep, as do their forequarters.
- Study the head. Contradictory to their name, some shorthorns are naturally polled (without horns). Bloodlines vary greatly and are the determining factor for whether cattle will have horns or not.
- This breed is also less wide in the forehead, particularly between the ears.
- Shorthorns look finer in the head and are somewhat longer from poll (horn) to nose.
- Understand other unique characteristics. Shorthorns are still considered to be one of the best breeds to raise on ranch-like conditions because of their excellent forage convertibility, great maternal traits, and ruggedness.
- This breed is also recognized for its docility traits. Though shorthorn bulls are considered quieter than other breeds, caution should always to be taken regardless of the reputation.
Understanding Coloration
- Recognize red shorthorn cattle. Red shorthorns range from deep red to brownish-red and may have white specks on various parts of their body.
- Look for white on their belly, from the brisket to the hind legs and possibly on their foreheads.
- In crossbred cattle it's the red shorthorns, which are most often used to help maintain those solid colored cattle.
- Learn about white cattle. The white shorthorn is most often used to breed with females, which is referred to as a crossing bull.
- White shorthorns are predominately white. However, they may have a few visible red hairs.
- Look for their hair to be medium in length and soft.
- Don’t forget about roan shorthorns. Roan shorthorns have a more interesting pattern. Most are red from their head to their shoulders, while the rest of their body is roan.
- You can often find splashes of red and white on their lower body, legs, and possibly the rump as well.
- There are all sorts of possibilities for coloration on the roan shorthorn cattle. Even Googling the word "shorthorn" and looking at the images will give you an idea of the variety of interesting patterns you may find on a roan shorthorn.
- Look for a large star or diamond of white on their foreheads with red from the rest of their heads to the base of their necks.
Seeing Them in Person
- Visit a local farm. Do a Google search for, “local farms with shorthorn cattle.” Check out their website to see if they allow visitors.
- If their website doesn’t mention visitation hours, call the farm and ask if you can come for a visit.
- Explain that you’ve been studying different types of shorthorns and would like to take pictures if possible.
- If there’s not a farm nearby, try looking for a cattle show. Visit: to learn more about shows near you.
- Try to spot the different types. When you’re at the farm or fair, try your hand at spotting which types of shorthorn are present. Practice spotting white, red and roan shorthorns.
- If you’re having issues differentiating between the cattle, ask the farmer or person showing the shorthorns.
- Take pictures and compare notes. Bring your camera along to the fair or farm. Always ask the person in charge before taking pictures of the animals.
- Don’t get too close. It may be best to bring a long-range zoom lens with you so that you can get detailed shots without getting too close.
- The roan coloration in shorthorns tends to be more popular than either red or white.
- Red shorthorns, in contrast to Red Angus, will have a narrower forehead and no black on the lips and around the nose. Red shorthorn bulls also do not have the lighter spots on either side of their foreheads.
- Always ask before taking pictures. Don't use flash. It may scare the animals.
- Never let your guard down when visiting or entering a pasture with cattle in them, as they may not be as friendly towards you as you might think.
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