Imitate Light Yagami

Light Yagami is the famous anti-hero genius who appeared in Death Note. Athletic, mental abilities and skill makes him the most famous anti-hero in the world of anime. Do you want to be like him? Then read on:

Note: He is a fictional character so don't try following his appearance totally - but you can style your hair like him, etc.


  1. Dress nicely and keep yourself well-groomed. No matter what happened, Light never let his appearance falter. He always appeared professional and dressed with a purpose.
  2. Be smart. Light is portrayed as a genius student who would constantly predict all of the possible scenarios that could happen, and plan a solution in advance, even in the most impromptu situations so you should brush up on your smarts! Try to improve your vocabulary, always do your homework, and study so you get good grades. Make studying a priority over being social.
    • Challenge yourself in school. Light is the sort of person that would only take the top classes his school had to offer. If you're not really for honors classes that's okay, but aspire to be in one someday.
    • Of course, if you really struggle in school, then you may just not be able to imitate Light Yagami in this area.
  3. Be athletic. Exercise regularly and keep yourself fit and healthy. Try sports like tennis such as Light did, or try other sports like polo, swimming, horse-back riding, etc. Light wasn't the sort of person who would intentionally get dirty, so sports like football or rugby might not be what he would do.
  4. Get plenty of sleep. Light said himself that less sleep would dramatically affect his concentration and performance.
  5. Be healthy in general. When your health declines, so does your thinking power.
  6. Stay calm. Don't let any situation get the better of you. Even if you are panicking inside, try not to show it on the outside.
  7. Develop the ability to manipulate people. The pre-Kira Light would never think of bending people like Kira did, but he possessed the power nonetheless.
  8. Carry an imitation Death Note. Try to make your own out of an old notebook or see if you can buy one online. Choose whether you want the title to be written in Latin characters or katakana.
  9. Watch Death Note! The best way to know how to imitate Light is simply to rewatch the anime.


  • Believe in your ability to be like Light Yagami.
  • Be popular.
  • Light Yagami was very arrogant. If you're crazy about every aspect about him and want to incorporate this aspect of him as well, then go ahead. However, Light wasn't perfect, and you'll need to keep your ego under check if you want to ever get anywhere in life.


  • Some of the steps might get you in trouble if you're not a genius, like looking out of the window during class.
  • Don't be lured by power.

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