Improve Your 400M Time

The 400m race is one of the most demanding races in track and field. It consists of the runner having good speed and strength, along with endurance. Training for this race takes a lot of hard work and time. But also eating right and not smoking. Remember, this race takes heart and determination.


  1. Make sure before you do any sort of running you warm-up well. If you don't you run the risk of pulling a muscle or injuring yourself. A good 30min of warming up is recommended, and some light stretching.
  2. You want to make sure you have a running plan, over training your legs will do more harm than good.
  3. For example Monday should be speed(8x200m, sled), Tuesday energy system (4x350m, 6x100m), this is working your speed endurance. Wednesday over distance(2x600m,2x500m), Thursday mid distance(4x300m,3x200m) and Friday lift weights and do a {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} run.
  4. Before you do any of these workouts it is highly suggested that you be in good shape.
  5. After doing your workout for the day, you should do a 5min cool down. Which could be anything to a mile warm down or simply laps around the track. Then do lots of stretching after.


  • When you are the most tired in running don't give up, push your body to finish each run out. When your body is trained to resist pain it will give you an extra edge on race day.
  • Always pump your arms the last 100m. If you must, exaggerate it.
  • Also as you running get your knees high, don't drag your legs if you are tired.
  • Here is a tip on how to run the 400m. First 50m sprint, next 150m stay relaxed and maintain speed,200m-300m start to pick it up and make your move, at the last 75m-50m sprint.
  • Be hydrated when you do sprint workouts, it will give you more energy out put and you will get a better workout in and not get tired so quickly.
  • When running the 400m keep good form, people get sloppy with their form in the last 100m but in reality when you keep good form and stay relaxed in the last 100m of the race you will run better and faster than you would running sloppy and tense.
  • 3 lifts that will help you out in the 400m are Barbell Squat, Straight Leg heel Raises, and Romanian Deadlifts.
  • But before you go in the weight room make sure you sweat, either do sit ups or a light jog. Don't lift until you got some sweat on your face. This gets your body warmed up and ready to lift.
  • Take a stopwatch with you in the weight room and in between sets only take a 30sec rest in between. This gives you a good workout, great cardio, and more spare time.
  • When you lift weights don't be one of those people who go in and talk to their friends.
  • If you want a good 400m time your first 200m will have to be faster than you PR in the open 200m.
  • As you're running, breath slowly in through your nose and out your mouth, until the last 120m, in-out in-out your mouth to pump the most oxygen through your muscles as possible.
  • You might get tired in the straight away but don't slow down keep pushing your legs and arms and finish the race.
  • Warm up before the race and don't drink water just before the race you will get cramps.

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