Run a Fast Mile
Are you looking for ways to run a faster mile? Whether you're entering a race, trying to pass a military physical fitness test or just looking to challenge yourself, you can use the strategies and training routines in this article to boost your speed around the track.
Run a Fast Mile 1 Lap At a Time
- Start with a pre-race warmup. Do a few paced sprints to get your heart rate up. Mentally go through the race in your head. Know what times you want to have at each lap.
- Run as quickly as possible on Lap 1. You'll want to start out a little faster than what is necessary to get your target time.
- Psychologically, you're going to slow down as you get further into the mile, so make sure this first lap is good to compensate. At the same time, don't spend all of your energy on this lap.
- A good example would be, if you want to run a 5:00 mile, each lap would need to be 75 seconds. A good time for your first lap would be 71 to 73 seconds. It's not too fast, but it's fast enough to give you some security.
- Run Lap 2 at a comfortable pace. This is the lap which should be right on target. In the 5:00 minute mile we mentioned earlier, Lap 2 is the lap which should be exactly 75 seconds, so your time at the halfway point should be 2:26-2:28.
- If you've been running 400m sprints, then you'll know the exact pace that you need to run this lap. You'll feel your body's muscle memory click into place.
- Your adrenaline rush will probably start to wear off midway through this lap, and you'll start feeling it. Stay focused on maintaining your running form and keeping up your pace.
- Dig deep for Lap 3. Mentally and physically, this is the toughest lap for most people. More often than not, this lap will determine whether you hit your target time or not. Chances are, you will slow down from your original pace.
- In our 5:00 mile example, most people will run Lap 3 in between 77 to 78 seconds. However, since the first lap was hopefully strong, this puts us almost perfectly at 3:45.
- Make a conscious effort to keep pace on this lap or else you will fall behind. Remember, your next lap is the one that counts!
- Lay it all out there on Lap 4. This is it. You're almost there. That's what you need to be telling yourself at this point. You probably slowed down on your previous lap, so you need to really strut your stuff on this one and mentally push it to get to that time.
- Especially important is the last 200 meters. On most tracks, that's the final curve. This is where you "kick."
- All that can be said about this lap is that you need to mentally give it your all, and you'll make that target time. Just believe in yourself.
- Speed up at the curves. For about 6 to 10 seconds as you go around the curves of the track, pick up your pace. This will help you to shave even more seconds off of your time.
A Training Plan for Beginners Who Want to Increase Their Pace
- Start slowly during Week 1. You'll slowly ramp up your running distance and speed while cross-training to prevent injury. Follow this progression:
- Monday: {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} jog
- Tuesday: Bike or go swimming
- Wednesday: {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} jog
- Thursday: Go biking or swimming
- Friday: {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} jog
- Add a mile during Week 2. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, jog {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Continue biking or swimming on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Bike or swim exclusively during Week 3. Skipping running may seem strange, but beginners are very vulnerable to injury. You'll pick up again in Week 4.
- Start running again in Week 4. Aim for a 12-minute mile. Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Bike or swim on Tuesday and Thursday.
- Change it up during Week 5. Continue to increase your speed. Follow this routine:
- Monday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Tuesday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Wednesday: Off--no exercise
- Thursday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Friday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Push yourself during Week 6. You should be trying to run a 10-minute mile. Here's your pattern for the week:
- Monday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Tuesday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Wednesday: Off--no exercise
- Thursday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
- Friday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}
Training for Intermediate Runners Who Want to Shave Minutes Off Their Miles
- Perform the following routine during Weeks 1 to 4:
- Monday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Try to run for as long as you can at your goal pace. Track yourself to see how long you can maintain the pace that you want.
- Tuesday: Run 6 to 8 sprints of 1/4 mile (400 m) at a pace of between 90 seconds to 2 minutes per interval. Between each interval, jog slowly for 1 to 2 minutes so that your body can recover.
- Wednesday: Take the day off, swim or do an upper body workout.
- Thursday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}, timing your pace to see how quickly you can complete your miles. Then, jog {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} at a slower pace.
- Friday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} worth of intervals at a pace of between 90 seconds to 2 minutes. Really push yourself today to see if you can increase your pace. If you drop below your pace, take 2 minutes to walk or jog and then try to get back on pace. If you can't keep up a steady pace, go back to intervals. Just push yourself as hard as you can.
- Saturday: Jog {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} at an easy pace.
- Intensify the routine during Weeks 5 to 8:
- Monday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Stay at goal pace throughout both miles.
- Tuesday: Run 6 to 8 sprints of 1/2 mile (800 m) at a pace of between 3 and 4 minutes. You want to increase your distance while keeping your pace the same.
- Wednesday: Take the day off, swim or do upper body strength training
- Thursday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} at your goal pace and then jog {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} at a relaxed pace.
- Friday: Run {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} at your goal pace. If you can't keep up your goal pace, switch to intervals or try walking or jogging for 2 minutes before trying to run again at goal pace.
- Saturday: Long, leisurely run of {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}}. Make sure to stretch well.
Other Tips for Success
- Get a running buddy. Choose someone who runs about the same speed as yourself if possible, as this provides encouragement and friendly competition. While you can train alone, training with a team of similar runners is a huge motivation booster. But, for some people a running buddy can slow you down, so you don't have to have a running buddy, but it's a good option to consider.
- Set your mind to it. Whether your goal is 10 minutes, 8 minutes or 6 minutes, you have to be extremely focused to break a personal record. The body will emulate your thoughts. If you believe something won't happen, then it most likely won't happen.
- Stretch after warmups and cool downs. Always do a 5 to 10 minute warmup and cool down. Adding warmups and cool downs to your routine will prevent injury.
- Learn how to run properly. Posture is crucial and sometimes is what prevents many people from running faster.
- Look at the horizon, not at your feet. Tilting your head at this angle will align and straighten your neck and back.
- Keep your shoulders level and loose. If they start to come up toward your ears, then stop running and shake them out or stretch them gently.
- Place your arms at a 90-degree angle and allow them to go forward and backward instead of across your body. Keep your fists unclenched with your finger lightly touching your palms.
- Run tall. If you find that your torso is slouching, then take a deep breath and feel your torso naturally straighten. Maintain the improved posture while you exhale.
- Keep your hips naturally aligned with your torso. Bending at the hips puts unwanted pressure on your lower back.
- Take the right size strides. With each step, your foot should land directly beneath your body with your knee slightly bent. If your foot is landing in front of your body, then you are taking too long of a stride.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Around 64 fluid ounces of liquid a day.
- Add strength training and plyometrics. Strength training will improve your stamina, and plyometrics will help you to bring bursts of speed to your run.
- Go to the bathroom before you run. It sounds silly, but a full bladder can be a major distraction.
- Positive attitude is very important. If you're constantly telling yourself that you suck or that your goals are unachievable, you will never be successful. Tell yourself that you are strong and fast and visualize the desirable outcome of the race or workout.
- Get your breathing down. Deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathing slowly calms your heart rater and gives you more stamina.
- Make yourself run even when you don't mentally feel up to it. Once you're 20 minutes into the run, you'll be glad that you made yourself do it.
- Buy some lightweight shoes. The average person usually takes about 880 steps per mile. If you buy a shoe that's 2 ounces (57 g) lighter, that's about 108 pounds (50 kg) that you won't carry during the mile.
- If you aren't in the right frame of mind, focusing on your sore legs or how you are never going to make it, sing a song or tell a story in your head. Distractions every few minutes won't kill you.
- If you are starting to struggle, break your run into stages. Just another 400m to a junction or post box is not so daunting as another mile to go. When you get to your first stage set another target.
- If you feel like you cannot finish, tell yourself to keep holding on. However, if it really becomes physically painful to keep on running, slow down and start walking while taking deep breaths.
- Breathe through your mouth at the end when you sprint to your finish goal. However, the intake of unfiltered, cold air is not healthy in long periods of time, and it also dehydrates you very quickly, so do not breathe through your mouth during the main part of your run.
- Don't eat too much before the run. Some fruits may be okay. Drink plenty of water both before and after the race.
- The first lap must not be overdone; this is a major mistake, save your energy for the final kick. For most of the race though, aim to keep the same pace, then kick it up at the end.
- If you have a cramp during your running, just keep pushing through and don't think about it. The more you do, the more it will hurt. If you don't think about it, the cramp will go away really fast.
- Train to take quicker steps throughout the race. Not only will this help keep your pace consistent, but it will help you go faster and use less energy. Keeping the same pace steps with a bigger stride will also help you go faster.
- Listen and synchronize to music while you run, and make sure the music is at a comfortable running pace. 160-168 beats per minute works great, and there are plenty of websites that catalog music at these paces.
- When you are racing, your brain is holding back some energy because it's survival instinct. If you train yourself to kick at the end of training runs or interval training, you start being able to access this reserve and your time will improve by a good few seconds as you learn to use this energy at the end of the race to kick.
- Get the right amount of sleep. This is very crucial. Get about 8 hours of before the day of the race.
- Drink water.
- Don't drink too much before running a mile! You may need to use the restroom in the middle.
- Keep your back straight and your head up when you are jogging.
- Make sure you always have confidence. Low or no confidence can slow you down.
- If you listen to music, try to breathe to the beat. You can also make it the beat of your running.
- Your mental game is just as important as your physical game. While running, stay focused on the hand at task, and don't think of pain. Think "I'm a winner" or "No pain no gain," etc.
- If you are out of shape, or have not run for a while, don't try to be a hero and start off running {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} runs. Not only will you demotivate yourself but you could also develop injuries such as stress fractures, muscle pulls or joint problems.
- Don't over-train. Once you're into your third or fourth week, you should feel better and more refreshed after a run than before. If you're always feeling tired or exhausted after runs, take a day or 2 off. When you get back to your workout, you might actually run faster than before. If you feel pain during your workout, stop and take a break or talk to your doctor or trainer.
Things You'll Need
- Running partner(s)
- Water or energy drink
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