Increase Penis Size Using Herbs
If you want to increase the size of your penis, there are several herbs you can use that may stimulate blood flow to the area and temporarily help it get fully erect. More permanent natural solutions to increase its length and width include making dietary changes, getting more exercise and losing weight around your midsection. Much simpler and safer than surgical enhancement, right? See Step 1 to learn more about how you can make your penis larger without resorting to drugs or surgery.
Using Herbs to Increase Blood Flow to the Penis
- Try ginseng. Korean red ginseng is said to give the nervous system a boost through ginsenosides, a natural component of the plant. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence that ginseng causes the penis to get bigger, men who took ginseng extract tablets as part of a study in South Korea experienced better sexual function after taking the supplements for several weeks.
- Ginseng contraindicates with several medications, and it can have negative side effects for people with certain cancers, heart disease, insomnia, and other disorders. Be sure to talk with your doctor before you begin taking ginkgo regularly.
- If you're considering taking ginseng supplements, look for a supplement labeled "Korean ginseng root" and take 500 mg per day.
- Since herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA, there is always a risk when taking them. Be sure to purchase the supplements from a reputable company, and never take more than the recommended dosage.
- Consider ginkgo biloba. This herb is often taken to boost memory, but it also help with blood circulation and may enhance blood flow to the penis. According to a study conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most effective at helping men on anti-depressants that can lead to sexual dysfunction. Another study found that gingko had no effect. Scientific data is inconclusive, but since gingko enhances memory and has relatively few side effects, it might be worth a try.
- Gingko can be consumed as a tea or a supplement in the form of a capsule. Both forms of the herb are widely available in health food stores.
- Do not take gingko supplements if you have a history of seizures or you're on blood thinning medication. See your doctor to make sure this supplement is safe for you to take.
- Look into taking maca supplements. This powder is known for being an aphrodisiac. It contains the photochemicals macamides and macaenes, which are said to boost energy and help men maintain erections. Because no conclusive scientific studies have been conducted on this substance, it's best to proceed with caution. Be sure to discuss it with your doctor before you start adding this supplement to your daily routine.
- Consider taking L-arginine. This is an amino acid that leads to increased blood flow, helping the penis get larger during an erection. A study conducted at Tel Aviv University showed that some men experienced improvements after taking the supplement for 6 weeks. It's available in natural food stores, and the recommended dose is 1 gram three times a day.
- This supplement should not be taken if you're on nitroglycerin for your heart, because it can cause a drop in blood pressure. Talk with your doctor about whether you should take L-arginine.
- Eat watermelon. It's not an herb, but it has properties that might help increase the size and duration of erections in a similar way arginine. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which gets converted into arginine and leads to the dilation of blood vessels. The fact that watermelon contains citrulline is a relatively new finding, so no studies have been conducted to find out how well it really works or how much watermelon you'd have to eat to see the benefits. However, since watermelon is considered a superfood when it comes to men's health, you can't go wrong by eating plenty of it while it's in season.
Trying Size-enhancing Natural Solutions
- Stop smoking. The size of your penis, whether it's flaccid or erect, depends on how much blood it contains. Using tobacco products causes the body's arteries to become narrower, which in turn reduces blood flow to the penis. If you smoke, you're inhibiting your penis from being as large as it could be.
- Exercise regularly. Moving your body enhances circulatory healthy, strengthening the arteries that carry blood to your penis. If you don't exercise at all, your penis may not be realizing its full potential. Aim to exercise for about an hour a day, whether you want to go for a swim, a walk, a jog or a bike ride. Any type of exercise will help increase blood flow to your penis.
- However, there's no way to exercise your penis itself in a way that will make it get bigger. The penis is composed of smooth muscle, which doesn't increase in mass with exercise.
- Exercise your pelvic floor. You may not be able to build up the penis itself through exercise, but if you strengthen your pelvic floor your body will be better able to hold blood in your penis. The pelvic floor presses on the vein that keeps blood from leaving the penis during erections. You can strengthen your pelvic floor using Kegel exercises. A trial conducted in Britain concluded that men who performed Kegel exercises experienced better sexual function than those who made other lifestyle changes but didn't perform the exercises.
- Find your pelvic floor by tightening the same muscle you use to stop your urine flow.
- Tighten and release the muscle 8 times. Rest and do it 8 more times, and again until you've done 3 or 4 sets.
- Do the exercises once a day for best results.
- Lose belly fat. Your penis may look smaller than it really is if it's partially obscured by skin that droops over the top. Losing belly fat is no simple task, but it can make a big difference when it comes to the perceived size of your penis. Start taking measures to lose weight and you'll likely see improvement in other areas as well. According to a report from Harvard, men with a 42-inch waist are 50 percent more likely to have erectile dysfunction (ED) than men with a 32-inch waist.
- A regular exercise regimen will help you slim down. Aim to do cardio exercises as well as weight training.
- Eat whole foods, like lean meat, fish, whole grains, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits and healthy oils.
- Avoid refined and processed foods, excessive sugar and starch, and hydrogenated oils.
- Try penis-enhancing devices. There are a few simple, non-invasive devices you can use to help your penis grow and stay enlarged long enough to have sex. If your aim is to have a bigger, firmer erection without using drugs or invasive treatments, try one of these devices:
- A penis ring. This works by holding blood in the penis when it becomes engorged during an erection. Your penis will temporarily be larger and stiffer.
- A penis pump. It's a vacuum device that fits around the penis. When you operate a hand pump, it draws blood into the penis and keeps it erect temporarily.
Knowing What to Avoid
- Stay away from products claiming to increase penis size. Since wanting a larger penis is such a common desire, there are a lot of scammers out there making promises they can't back up. There is no magic potion that will make your penis grow. It's completely genetic. Don't waste your money or jeopardize your health by falling prey to a company that promises to permanently give you a bigger penis with its product.
- Be wary of "herbal Viagra" products. These are cocktails of the herbs known to increase blood flow to the penis, but since they aren't regulated by the FDA, it's difficult to know what the side effects might be. It's better to try herbs one at a time, controlling your dosage so that you don't accidentally take too much.
- Avoid ordering products online, even if the site selling them looks legitimate.
- If you do end up buying such a product, be cautious. Be sure not to try any type of penis-enhancement product until you check with your doctor.
- Don't bother with stretching or weight-hanging. These two techniques are said to lengthen the penis, and in some cases they do. But the longer it gets, the thinner it gets; both methods cause the penis to lose girth as it stretches out. The only time to use a penis stretcher is after having surgery, when it's necessary to prevent the accumulation of scar tissue.
- Think it through carefully before getting surgery. Surgical penis enlargement, or phalloplasty, has unfortunate side effects. The penis is extended in length, but you sacrifice function. After an enlargement procedure the penis is no longer able to stand out from the body; instead, it hangs between the legs. And sometimes, it no longer gets erect at all.
- Phalloplasty is used to build up a very small penis, also called a "micropenis," and in these cases the surgery is beneficial. However, phalloplasty performed on an average-length penis can lead to erectile dysfunction, scarring and deformity.
Looking into natural solutions is a much better bet.
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