Induce a Period

There are many reasons why you may want your period to start sooner. Maybe you're tired of PMS and ready for it to come as soon as possible. Perhaps you're going on vacation next week and you want it to be over by then. A more serious reason may be that you're worried you may be pregnant, and you just want proof you aren't. Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to induce your period. It's a natural process that isn't under your control. However, certain lifestyle choices like reducing stress, eating vitamin C and using herbs can prime your body to begin menstruating as normal.


Trying Unverified Home Remedies

  1. Use caution when trying herbal remedies. Many herbs have been as emmenagogues for centuries. People often believe herbs to be harmless, but they can have side effects that are just as significant as any other type of medication. If you want to try using herbs to bring on your period, it is best to speak with your doctor first. Conduct research and make sure you take no more than the recommended dosage, as some herbs are poisonous at high levels.[1]
    • Some emmenagogues are also abortifacients, meaning they could cause your body to miscarry if you are pregnant. If there is any chance that pregnancy is the reason your period hasn't come, do not attempt to terminate the pregnancy using herbs.[1] This can be extremely dangerous.[2]
    • Be especially careful if you already have a medical condition. Herbs could exacerbate your condition or cause dangerous side effects.
  2. Eat vitamin C. Vitamin C is thought to be an emmenagogue. This is another word for a substance that helps induce your period. Vitamin C is supposed to help increase the amount of lining in the uterus, helping to increase your chances of getting your period. Some find that taking vitamin C supplements or eating food high in vitamin C makes the uterus contract, bringing on a period.[3]
    • The recommended daily value of vitamin C is 60 mg. If you decide to take supplements, be sure not to exceed the recommended dosage.
    • Try eating plenty of papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, kiwi, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and tomatoes.
  3. Add parsley to your diet. According to folklore, parsley can be used to induce a period. Flat and curly-leaf parsley contain apiol and myristicin, substances that are thought to cause the uterus to contract slightly. No scientific research backs this claim, but some women have found drinking parsley tea to be helpful.[4] To enjoy parsley tea,
    • Wash and chop 1/4 cup of fresh parsley. The fresh variety contains more nutrients than dried parsley, and it makes better-tasting tea.[5]
    • Boil a cup of water.
    • Pour the water over the parsley and let it steep for five minutes.
    • Strain out the parsley and drink the tea.
  4. Eat turmeric. Turmeric is thought to relieve menstrual pain and promote period regulation. Turmeric is a flavorful root that is often used as a cooking spice. It can also be made into a healthful drink. Scientists have not confirmed that it can help bring on a period, but it may be worth a try if your period is late.[6]
    • Sprinkle turmeric over rice, steamed vegetables and other dishes you cook during times when you want to induce your period.
    • To make it into a drink, add 1 teaspoon turmeric to a cup of water. Flavor it with lemon and honey, then pour over ice.
  5. Try herbal supplements. Several herbal supplements are thought to stimulate menstruation. Because supplements are not regulated by the FDA, they should be taken with caution. Speak with your doctor before incorporating supplements into your lifestyle. Read the instructions on the packaging and take no more than the recommended dosage.[7] These supplements are thought to be beneficial for inducing your period:[6]
    • Dong Quai. The number one herbal remedy for this issue, Dong Quai promotes blood flow to the pelvis where it will stimulate an absent or irregular period.
    • Black Cohosh. Used for hundreds of years to help bring on menstrual bleeding, black cohosh promotes the regulation of the entire menstrual cycle and contributes specifically to the shedding of the uterine lining.
    • Motherwort. Motherwort has been found to mildly stimulate the uterus and help it work efficiently thereby contributing to the onset of menstruation.
    • White Peony. White peony moves the blood in the pelvic area, an antidote to uterine "stagnation" during the absence of a period.

Making Lifestyle Changes

  1. Rest and destress. Times of extreme stress can cause your period to get delayed. Stress alters the function of your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that regulates your hormones and causes menstruation to happen.[8] If you think stress could be the reason your period is late, take measures to decrease sources of anxiety in your life.
    • See if you can take a few days off of work or school. Spend the time relaxing, eating well and exercising.
    • Cancel social obligations that may be stressing you out. Give yourself some "me" time.
    • Try meditating or practicing yoga.
    • If your stress is chronic, talk to someone who can help. Consider making an appointment with a therapist who can help you find a good solution.
  2. Take a hot bath. There's not scientific explanation for why taking a hot bath helps bring on a period, but many people find it works. Perhaps it's helpful because the warm water relaxes your body, easing physical and emotional stress at the same time. Give yourself time for a good, long soak in the bath when you want your period to start.
    • Try adding relaxing essential oils to the tub. Lavender, lemongrass and rose essential oils will help you destress as you bathe.
    • Focus on letting your body completely relax and let go. Massage your legs, arms, face and scalp to improve your circulation.
  3. Maintain a healthy body weight. If you are 10 percent or lower below the normal body weight for your height, this can cause a disruption in your menstrual cycle. Many people find that allowing themselves to gain a little weight causes their cycles to become more regular.[8]
    • Find out what's considered a healthy body weight for you by talking with your doctor. You could also use a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator, but know that experts disagree on whether this calculation is an accurate measure of a person's health.
    • If you have an eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia, seek treatment right away. These disorders are very difficult to correct on your own. In addition to disrupting your menstrual cycle, they can cause other long-term health problems.
  4. See if you're exercising too much. Many athletes who train every day experience irregular or missed periods. Overtraining can lead to decreased levels of estrogen in your body, causing your period to stop. Low estrogen levels can have negative side effects, including causing your bones to become brittle. If you think overtraining might be the problem, you'll need to change your routine right away.[9]
    • Talk with your doctor about your training schedule to determine whether this might be the case. Long-distance runners, weight lifters and other athletes who train heavily on a daily basis are most at risk.
    • Although there may be pressure to keep training as hard as you are, it's important for your health that you scale back if you're overdoing it.[9]
  5. Consider using hormonal contraceptives. Taking the Pill or another hormonal contraceptive can give you total control over your cycle, and even eradicate it, for months at a time. Hormonal contraceptives are often prescribed as treatment for irregular, long or very painful periods. Talk with your doctor about whether taking a hormonal contraceptive is a good choice for your situation.[10]

Finding the Underlying Cause

  1. Determine if you're pregnant. There are many reasons why your period may not have come. If pregnancy is at the top of your worry list, you'll need to take a pregnancy test and decide what to do next. Most pregnancy tests don't give an accurate reading until five or more days have passed since your period was supposed to begin.[11]
    • If no more than 120 hours (5 days) have passed since you had sex, emergency contraception is an option for you. Also called Plan B or the morning after pill, emergency contraception is a drug containing high levels of progestin.[12] This hormone works by stopping the release of the egg from the ovary, preventing it from getting fertilized. The sooner you take it, the more effective it is. In the United States, emergency contraception is available for about $50.00 in drugstore pharmacies. No prescription is required.
    • If more than 120 hours have passed or you take a pregnancy test that reads positive, emergency contraception will not work. Make an appointment at your local health clinic to go over your options.[13] Whether you choose to have an abortion or continue the pregnancy, it's important to get support right away.
    • Do not attempt to terminate a pregnancy on your own. This highly dangerous and could result in permanent injury or death.[2] Call or visit a health clinic to learn about safe options.[14]
  2. Know the other natural reasons for missing a period. Having an irregular cycle is completely normal for some. Everyone's body is different, and some people tend to skip a month here and there or go long periods of time without menstruating. Breast-feeding and menopause are other natural conditions that disrupt the menstrual cycle. Talk with your doctor if you're unsure whether the cause of your missed period may be connected with natural hormone changes.[15]
    • Pay attention to your cycle and keep track of patterns. Most women menstruate every 21 to 35 days. The length of time between your periods can change over time as your body grows and changes. Just because you miss one period doesn't mean something is wrong. However, if it happens more than once you should talk to your doctor.
    • Menopause naturally occurs around the age of 50, although it can happen earlier. The hormone levels in your body drop, causing periods to become irregular and eventually stop altogether.
    • Some have periods during breastfeeding, while others do not. It depends on how frequently the baby nurses, how much milk you're producing, and a number of other factors.
  3. See if your medication causes missed periods. Certain medications can lead to a disruption in the menstrual cycle. It's possible that you're on a medication causing you to miss your periods without realizing that this is a common side effect. If you are on one of the following types of medication, it could be the reason your period is late:[8]
    • Antipsychotics
    • Antidepressants
    • Blood pressure drugs
    • Allergy medications
    • Chemotherapy
  4. Find out if you have a medical condition. It's normal to miss a period every now and then, but if it has been months since you last menstruated, it's important to see your doctor to make sure you're in good health. Certain underlying conditions can cause a disruption in your cycle. The following conditions may be the culprit:[8]
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which causes your body to produce high levels of hormones instead of the normal fluctuations that bring about your period.
    • Thyroid malfunction or hypothyroidism, which can affect how often you have your period.
    • A benign tumor in your pituitary gland can interfere with your hormones as well.
    • Some people experience premature menopause, which is defined as menopause that occurs before age 40.
    • Structural issues in your reproductive system can also cause the absence of periods. Uterine scarring, a lack of reproductive organs, or other abnormalities may be the source of the problem.


  • Sunshine! Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption, and numerous functions in the body. A deficiency can cause a sluggish parathyroid gland, and have a direct effect on sex hormones, such as estrogen. Recent studies indicate that diet and supplementation do not provide adequate levels of vitamin D. The current recommendation is 15 minutes a day in direct sunlight, with areas of bare skin exposed and no sun protectant.
  • While trying to get your period to start, make sure you're always prepared for it with pads, tampons, chocolate, etc.
  • Drink 3-4 cups of green tea or another herbal tea a day to jump start your period.
  • Take plenty of iron rich food during your period like red meat and egg yolk to replace hemoglobin in red blood cells due to the loss of blood.
  • Natural therapies cannot reverse the aging process or bring back the menstrual cycles in someone who has already gone through or is going through menopause.[16]
  • Do not do anything over the top to try to get onto your period. It may be unhealthy. Always remember to carry a pad with you everywhere.
  • Always make sure that you are eating healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals.
  • If you don't eat much fruit and have "missed" your period, try taking multivitamins and eat more fruits.


  • Never try to induce your period if you suspect you may be pregnant. Getting your period does, frequently, signify you are not pregnant but a one off early 'period' can in fact be an early miscarriage. Some people bleed regularly throughout their pregnancy, so you may still pregnant even if you believe you've had your period. Trying to induce a period could harm your baby. Understand your cycle so you can know if you are at all likely to be pregnant and don't be foolish enough to think you can't become pregnant if you've never had a period.

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