Cope With Periods
As natural as periods are, they can sometimes seem such a burden when they bring pain, mess and prevent you from participating in your usual activities in any way. Coping with periods is about keeping clean, treating any painful symptoms and finding ways that let you continue your daily routine unimpeded.
Some Period Basics
- Understand from the outset that a period is natural and it can be managed to fit your lifestyle. Treating it as if were some alien activity every month will only cause you to feel less in control and unhappier. You might even find it helpful to read How to enjoy periods as a way to get you better acquainted with some good methods for appreciating its value and feeling a little more positive about it.
- Be aware that while the textbook period may be regular on around 21- or 28-day cycles, this isn't the case for every girl or woman and it can vary and it can be irregular. It may be irregular when it first starts, when experiencing stressful situations, after pregnancy and during peri-menopause. It may also be irregular due to your own hormonal makeup. Speak to your doctor if you have particular concerns related to regularity. This can be perfectly normal or an indicator to an underlying health issue. Contact your doctor if they have become erratic.
- Know when your period is likely to come. This is half the battle with the period, as sudden staining can mar the day. Keep a record on a calendar or app that represents the likely due dates for your period. Always have supplies in your bag, locker, desk drawer, etc., just in case. You can never be too careful! If you have settled into a pattern with your periods, you should carry pads/tampons with you in the run up to your period. Also have the necessary medicines to relieve symptoms. Wipes can be useful to stay clean if you are caught unexpectedly.
- You can download the app Ptracker liter and it tracks your period and tells you when you will get it.
- Prepare a portable period kit. This is a basic item every girl and woman needs to know how to put together and take with her around the time her period is due. To prepare a kit, select a small, opaque bag in which to carry your essential products while on your period (pads, tampons, liners, etc.). Include extra underwear in case yours stains.
- Keep a plastic disposable bag to throw your pad into in case of an emergency change where there is no appropriate disposal.
- Keep a hand sanitizer inside the bag, in case you need it.
Making the Period Easier to Cope With
- Wear comfortable clothes. Wear something that you consider comfortable. If you bloat a lot when you have your period, you may want to wear clothing that has more space around your stomach region, perhaps even reserving some pants or skirts for "period time". Looser garments, sweatpants and dresses can be helpful if you bloat considerably.
- If wearing skirts, shorts or dresses, wear strong underwear that keeps the sanitary ware in place, to avoid the potential for leakage. Also favor the right strength of sanitary ware; a heavy flow needs a super or maxi pad, for example.
- Shower daily. Don't use shampoo, soap or any other item on your vaginal region as this can cause dryness, burning or pain. Just wash with warm water, either gently scooped over or gently sprayed on.
- Some people have baths; you need to be prepared for blood to mingle with the water and this isn't to every person's liking.
- Treat pain. Many girls and women experience cramps during their period, particularly at the start and at the end. These can be lessened by a hot water bottle placed on the abdomen, taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, heat pads which are stuck to the abdomen, and exercise. Although you may not feel like running about, doing a couple of jumping jacks and a short brisk walk can alleviate pains.
- If your period makes your normal living day unmanageable due to pain or excessive bleeding, seek the advice of a doctor. They can offer advice on symptom control and can prescribe medicines.
- Be prepared to deal with nausea. Sickness can be experienced alongside cramps. A doctor can prescribe medicines for this, acupressure wristbands can be worn and capsules of herbal ginger can be taken. The ginger tablets are very effective. It is also recommended to take sips of cold water as your temperature may rise.
- Spend some time in bed when you have actual free time. A day, or at least a couple of hours extra, in bed is ideal to help you get back to feeling your best. It is not normal to spend a whole day in bed once a month because you're getting or have got your period. Remember virtually all post pubescent, pre-menopausal women have periods. Policewoman, teachers, astronauts, doctors, mothers, pilots, pop stars, actresses, sports women, administrators, and so on. Have you noticed women you know taking a day off about the same time every month? No. Women cope. For the vast majority of women, periods are not a big deal.
- Nobody knows that you have your period so don't feel self-conscious about it. If you bathe once a day and change sanitary wear at least once every four hours, then there should be no odour.
- Treat yourself if you are on your period and feeling like you want to eat something tasty, but in moderation. Your body is working hard to remove the old lining from the womb, and your brain and taste buds deserve a treat!
- Remember that every woman around you should have gotten them before and so if you feel comfortable, ask them if they have any tips or tricks that they use to make themselves feel comfortable.
- Stay hydrated as your body loses blood. Bleeding is natural but it is still a loss of fluids - if not actually water. Iron supplements are occasionally required.
- Try eating dark chocolate, it may help the cramps to go away.
- If you get cramps a lot, use a heating pad or if you have a pet, try to make them lay on your stomach.
- Do not go swimming while wearing a pad as they become weighed down in the water and also contaminate the water with blood.
- Avoid wearing white or light-coloured dresses, skirts and trousers to avoid staining.
- Do not leave a tampon in for more than 6 hours at a time to avoid getting toxic shock syndrome.
- Breasts can be tender to touch or sleep on if you sleep on your stomach.
- Very heavy periods happen and for some people, they are a regular occurrence. In this case, it is important to speak to your doctor about managing it in some way. If your doctor isn't sympathetic, find one who is.
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