Interpret an Astrological Birth Chart

After casting an astrology horoscope either manually or with astrology software, it's time to interpret it. The steps below are for people who are new to reading charts. Here, this article will sketch how to write an interpretation.


  1. Prepare a blank document file or sheet of paper. This is for taking notes.
  2. In the document file or paper, place Subject Headings to divide your report. Examples are: Basic Personality, Family and Relationships, Health and Leisure, Career and Abilities, and Strengths and Weaknesses.
  3. Note the type of chart it is (bucket, locomotive, etc.) But don't rely too much on the traditional interpretations of the cluster types.
  4. Note which element and modality are emphasized. Just relying on the four elements' signs can be misleading so don't rely on this too heavily. But the modes are more accurate. Cardinal means initiative. Fixed signs mean stubbornness and rigidity, and passion. Mutable signs often indicate flexibility and a good mind.
  5. Now look at each placement. Start always with the ASC or Ascendant. Then the Sun in Sign, Sun in House, Sun's Aspects, the Moon, and so on.
  6. Then see how each factor contributes to the Subject Headings. For example, a Moon in Taurus will have something to say about that person's basic character, family relations (the mother especially), emotional needs, talents and health.
    • For each Subject Heading, insert the relevant keywords from that placement. In the case of a Taurus Moon, keywords and phrases such as "emotional stability" for Basic Personality, "loyalty" and "constancy" for Relationships, "fertility" and "good singing voice" in Health and Leisure, etc.
  7. Keep doing this for every planet in sign, planet in a house, and planet in aspect to the ASC, MC or another planet.
  8. Now, you will notice that the same traits seem to crop up again and again. For example, "quick temper" and "self-centeredness" may be suggested by a Sun in Aries, a Sun Square Mars, a Stellium in Aries or Leo, and a Sun Conjunct Midheaven (MC). When this happens, you can be sure you have found a dominant trait in your subject's psyche.
    • On the other hand, if a trait is suggested only once, it may not be that strong unless it is a very close aspect or the planet involved is strong (personalized, ruling, dignified, etc.). Do not stress a trait too much if you are not sure it is that influential.
  9. Look for which planet, sign and/or house is emphasized the most. Then think of the qualities of that planet, sign or house. Consider this when writing your interpretation.
  10. Once you are finished, and you see the "trends" in the chart, you are ready to begin writing your interpretation. By now, you should see a picture of your client/subject in your mind. Proceed systematically, referring to your notes always.
  11. Make the report only about 5-10 pages long. A long report is boring and repetitive; a short one is useless.
  12. Print it in large print, stapled, in an envelope. Or email it to your client in DOC or PDF format. There are free PDF makers available online.
  13. Afterwards, talk to your subject about it. Don't make the mistake of skipping dialogue with your client. You cannot learn from a one-sided reading. Ask him or her for feedback.


  • Don't get excited over minor aspects. Concentrate on the major ones, especially the square, opposition, conjunction and trine.
  • The best people have the worst charts; the worst people have the best charts.
  • When interpreting, keep in mind that trines and sextiles mean opportunities and natural talents; these are often taken for granted. Squares and oppositions are challenges; these are very noticeable. Conjunctions can be easy or difficult depending on the planets involved.
  • Pay special attention to the ASC or Ascendant. It is the most basic personality of the person you are studying. No matter what the other factors in the chart are, their expression will be invariably modified and colored by the ASC.
  • If a planet is 6 degrees or less away from the cusp of the next house, it is in that house! For example, if you technically have Venus in the 5th house yet it is only 4 degrees away from the 6th, it IS in the 6th!
  • In a chart, you will find maybe one or two areas of emphasis. Pay attention to them.
  • Use the "Astrological Alphabet" to find areas of strong emphasis. Letter 1: Aries, Mars and the 1st House, etc. Look for interchanges between Letters.


  • Do not do a reading for a person who is having a serious problem, especially if he or she is begging for help or advice. Astrology cannot perform miracles, and you are not a miracle-worker.
  • Never try to interpret everything. Rather, focus on the main themes, those that are repeatedly emphasized all over the chart.
  • Do a reading only when you are comfortable with that person, and he or she with you. Otherwise, you will never learn from each other.
  • Don't ask very personal questions. If you feel or know that the subject's childhood was difficult, be very careful when asking about it, if at all.
  • Above all, be practical and sensible. Don't be all bubbly with New Age enthusiasm. Keep your feet on the ground and get a grip on yourself!
  • Better to do this with a friend than either a close relative or a complete stranger. It is hard to judge the natal of someone very close to you, while a stranger is unlikely to open up to you.
  • Never discourage a person by telling them negative things about themselves. Be optimistic and always suggest ways for them to improve themselves.

Things You'll Need

  • A calculated natal chart. You can do one on your own or use astrology software.
  • Notebook or a word processing program.
  • PDF maker (optional). There are free PDF drivers online.

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