Read an Astrology Chart

Astrology studies the interactions between planets, stars, and personality. Astrology charts are used to help interpret a person's nature and make predictions about his or her future. Learning how to read an astrology chart can give you insight into yourself.


Reading Your Sign

  1. Locate your sign. The outer rim of a Zodiac chart is divided into 12 sections. Your birth date will fall into one of those sections. The section in which your birth date falls is your Zodiac sign. There are 12 signs of the Zodiac, all of which represent different personality traits. Locate which section you fall into in order to identify your Zodiac sign.
    • On your astrology chart, a small person is drawn on the globe in the center. The person is drawn on the top of the longitudinal point of your place of birth. You can draw a straight line from the little person to the out rim of the chart. This will show you your Zodiac sign.[1]
    • The stars, planets, and signs are drawn in relation to how they appeared on your date of birth.[1]
  2. Learn the meaning of your sign. Your Zodiac sign supposedly has an influence on your personality. For example, if you're an Aires you are supposedly passionate, driven, ambitious, and outgoing.[2] You can find information about personality traits associated with the Zodiac online. You can also check out a book from your local library, or purchase one online or at a bookstore, about astrology. This can help you learn about yourself by using your Zodiac sign.
  3. Understand what can affect how your sign is read. Keep in mind your Zodiac sign is only one small component of how you read an astrology chart. A variety of aspects influence how your sign is read. You have to take all other aspects of the chart, such as your houses and planets, into consideration to completely read an astrology chart. This information is dependent on both your place and date of birth.

Interpreting the Houses

  1. Find the ascendant. The ascendant is a very important part of an astrology chart. It is the point, by sign and degree, that was rising above the Eastern horizon at the exact moment of your birth. You need to find the ascendant to know how the houses will be labeled in your chart.
    • If the Zodiac wheel was a clock, your ascendant can be found at 9 o'clock. This points to the cusp of your first house.[3]
    • The astrology chart is divided into 12 inner sections, in somewhat triangular shapes. Count the houses counter clockwise, the ascendant marking the first house.
  2. Learn about the first six houses. The different houses point to different aspects of your life. What sign rules the differing houses will influence your astrology chart.
    • The first house represents you at birth. That is, your identity, physical appearance, attitude, temperament, and other inherent qualities. Planets and signs found in the first house have a huge influence on your personality.[3]
    • The second house represents your money, personal assets, self worth, and attitude towards such things. Financial security and emotional well-being throughout your life can be evaluated by what sign and planet are found in the second house.[3]
    • The third house represents communication and transportation. How others communicate with you, physical forms of communication like letters, and short distance travel is found in the third house. This also points to your mental attitude, learning style, self-expression, and manner of speech.[3]
    • The fourth house represents home, family, and property. Your roots, background, childhood, and the inner emotions that stem from these areas of your life are dominated by this house.[3]
    • The fifth house represents children and how you relate to them. Romance and love affairs are also found in the fifth house as are how you approach pleasure and fun.[3]
    • The sixth house is the house of health and service, representing your general physical well-being throughout life.[3]
  3. Learn about the last six houses. In addition to the first six, there are another six houses. Where these houses fall on your chart, and what planets and signs rule these houses, help you read your astrology chart.
    • The seventh house represents serious, committed relationships. Things like marriage and romantic partnerships are controlled by this house. It can show what you need in a longterm romantic partner.[3]
    • The eighth house is the house of regeneration and rebirth. Birth, death, decay, healing, surgeries, injuries are found in this house. Sex is also found in this house.[3]
    • The ninth house represents long distance travel. Journeys found in the ninth house are both physical and metaphorical. In addition to long trips, of 500 miles and more, emotional journeys and transformations are found in the ninth house.[3]
    • The tenth house represents career and status. Your ambitions and aspirations are found in this house. It also reveals your place in a community.[3]
    • The eleventh house is known as the house of hopes. It represents when and if your dreams will come true. Supposedly, you should wait until you have a significant planet transitioning through this house before taking big risks.[3]
    • The 12th house represents secrets. Things that are hidden, like hidden emotions and secret aspects of one's past, are revealed by the 12th house.[3]

Understanding Your Planets

  1. Locate the planets. Planets that pass through the different houses of your chart affect your reading. Planets are scattered throughout the chart, represented by different symbols.
    • The sun is represented by a circle with a dot in the center. The moon is a small half-crescent moon shape.
    • Venus is the symbol for female while Mars is the symbol for male. Mercury is the male symbol, but with two small lines jutting out of the top circle.
    • Jupiter is represented by a symbol that looks something like the number 4. Saturn is represented by a symbol that resembles 5.
    • Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all have fairly intricate symbols representing them. Uranus looks something like an upside down female symbol with four lines on either side, two on each side, that curve outward in opposing directions. Neptune looks like an upside down cross with two lines on either side, looping upward. Pluto is a kind of combination of Neptune and Uranus. It's a female symbol facing upward, with two lines on either side that loop upward.
  2. Learn about personal planets. The planets are divided into two types: personal planets and outer planets. Personal planets include the sun, the moon, mercury, venus, and mars.
    • The sun represents a person's basic identity and purpose. The moon represents how a person reacts and reflects on the events experienced in life.[4]
    • Mercury is your ability to relate to and perceive individuals and objects. Venus illustrated what you're comfortable with and what you enjoy. Mars represents your will and your actions.[4]
  3. Learn about outer planets. The outer planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune. They point to different aspects of your personality than the inner planets.
    • Jupiter represents how you integrate yourself into society as well as your personal growth.[4]
    • Saturn represents your personal responsibilities as well as personal rules you develop for yourself over time.[4]
    • Uranus represents your ability to learn and grow. Neptune points to your ideals and imagination.[4]
    • Pluto represents your capacity for change and inner growth, pointing to very deep and personal types of change.[4]
  4. Interpret your planets using your houses and signs. In order to read an astrology chart accurately, you will need to take into consideration where the planets appear. What house do they appear in and under which sign? This will give you insight into your personality and life path.
    • Planets represent what you do, that is what you enjoy and what drives you. Houses represent how, which is your manner of accomplishing a given task. Signs represent where, as in which areas of your life you can expect certain aspects of growth or change.[5]
    • Say you have a Uranus in Aires in your fourth house. Uranus represents your ability to learn and grow. Aires is a sign that points to ambition, passion, and strong emotions. The fourth house points to home, family, and property. This could mean you feel passionate about personal relationships and tend to learn and grow most through your family. You may be more emotionally invested and introspective when dealing with your family.


  • It can be very difficult to draw your own astrology chart but you can find websites that will generate an astrology chart for your use. Be careful, however, as not all sites are accurate. Pay attention to user reviews and feedback to find a good site. You may also find someone who does astrology professional in your area that can make a chart for you.
  • You'll need to know your time of birth, in addition to your date of birth, to read a chart correctly.

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Sources and Citations