Interview with a Foreign Employer to Get the Job (TN Visa Applicants)

If you think it’s more difficult to get a job as a Canadian with a U.S. employer or as an American with a Canadian employer, you’re wrong. Due to the shortage of qualified professionals, the similar language, culture and equivalent schooling––American employers are eager to hire Canadians and Canadian employers are eager to hire Americans. Many employers don’t realize the TN Visa immigration requirements when hiring Canadians or Americans. Some are surprised to hear North Americans require a visa; others think it’s a costly visa used when hiring someone from overseas. Most employers have heard of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but do not realize this agreement provides the TN Visa (or TN Status) for Canadians to quickly begin working in the U.S. or Americans to work in Canada in one year increments with unlimited renewals. The key to an applicant’s success will be their attitude and preparedness during the interview. Employers are interested in finding a qualified applicant who can start quickly with little hassles.


  1. Show Your Value. Establish your value in the interview. Your first interview is to show the employer how you will be an asset to their company.
  2. Discuss your TN Visa Requirements. This may occur in the first interview or a follow-up interview. Ideally, you’ll want to discuss this at the end of the first interview. When the employer sees your value, you will have an easier time discussing the TN Visa.
  3. Know your Facts about the TN Visa Application.It is very important you confidently explain the TN Visa application process and answer any questions or concerns your employer may have. This is an easy visa to obtain, if you’ve prepared the application correctly and are prepared for the border interview.
  4. A second benefit to knowing your TN Visa facts will show your employer how you prepare yourself and can provide solutions to problems.
  5. Finally, the employer will hire you if no red flags are raised in his mind. Minimize the red flags and he/she will contact you.

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