Judge People Based on Their Appearance

Since the time we were children, we were told not to "judge a book by its cover." However, there are some instances where this is not only helpful, but necessary. For example, if you see someone who is CLEARLY a serial killer, you can make the decision to avoid that person and not get killed. Thus, judging people based on appearance is a very useful skill that can aid you through the rest of your long life.


  1. First, start off easy. Choose a target. i.e, a creeper. The best place to find easily-read people are places like retail stores, public swimming pools, museums, and restaurants. If you are a beginner, a restaurant is a great place to start because you can also judge people by what they are eating and how they eat.
  2. Once you've found someone to practice on, study their face. Are they a male or a female? Do they have facial hair? Do they generally smile or frown? Is their hair tidy, or unkempt? These questions can provide you with key information about the person's personality. Be sure to take into account any "crazy looks in the eye," as this may be a vital piece of information in insuring your safety, should the person notice you are staring at them.
  3. Take a look at the way your target is dressed. People always say that "clothes make the man," and it's true! A person who is dressed nicely and professionally is seen as far more approachable and friendly than someone who is dressed sloppily. Be sure to take note if the person, if they are female, is wearing correctly fitting undergarments.
  4. Based on the information you've gathered, you can now make a hypothesis about the person. In an ideal situation, the survey you have just done of the person should have taken you no longer than about five minutes. Go with your gut and draw conclusions. Try to take brief glances during this period if possible, so that you're not likely to give away your hidden agenda. A good trick for beginners to use, is to try to narrow down the person's projected personality to one word.
  5. If time or the situation permits, and provided that the person looks safe and approachable, strike up a conversation with the person you've been surveying. Try to ask questions and steer the conversation to find out if your hypothesis was correct. If it was incorrect, take a mental note of the mistakes you may have made in your thought process so that next time you can learn from them.
  6. The most important step is PRACTICE! Learn as much as you can about stereotypes, and hone your skills so that you will not be caught staring and such. With practice, you will be able to draw more in-depth conclusions about people simply based on their appearance.
  7. Appearance is not just about outlook. Its also includes things like body language, facial gestures etc, which are key factors to determine the personality of a person.


  • Do not get caught staring at your subject, or they may start to judge you. Or they may kill you, rape you, or mug you, depending on what "crime" they resemble.

Things You'll Need

  • A clear head.
  • A critical mind.
  • No heart, feelings, or pity.
  • An extremely vain and shallow personality
  • If necessary, a writing device to take notes with.
  • Sunglasses to look cool and incognito.

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