Keep Tomatoes from Splitting

Split tomatoes are commonplace for home gardeners. It is possible to avoid but not always possible if you aren't able to control the growing conditions (such as temperature fluctuations, fertilizer spikes, etc.); the faster the tomato grows, the greater the possibility of it outgrowing itself and splitting.


  1. Water the tomatoes adequately and regularly. Tomatoes respond best to receiving the right amount of water during the entire growing phase; too much or too little water will harm the growing rate. The best way to achieve this is to put the tomatoes on a drip watering system that measures out equal quantities of water daily. See How to Build a Drip Watering System for Outside Plants.
  2. Provide shade. Tomatoes are more prone to splitting in intense heat. If you live in a growing zone subject to high heat levels during the growing season, it is vital to shelter the growing tomatoes. Put up shade cloth, or plant the tomatoes in an area that gets shading from other plants or a building during the hottest part of the day.
  3. Use compost rather than prepared fertilizer. Too much of a good thing can cause the tomatoes to grow too quickly and split. Compost provides a more steady and slowly released form of fertilizer.
  4. Mulch. Mulch helps to keep the water levels sufficient and not too clogged, nor too dry. This can be an excellent way to keep moisture in and prevent the tomato plant from drying out. Top up as the growing season progresses.
  5. Look for a tomato variety less prone to splitting. Ask your local garden center for guidance. Older varieties tend to be more prone to splitting than newer ones, but ask about the tomatoes available.
  6. Harvest as soon as splits occur. The tomatoes are very susceptible to bacteria and viruses once split and the flesh begins to change as soon as there is a split. Cut away from the split area; the rest of the tomato should be fine to consume.


  • Turn your automatic watering system off during heavy downpour days.
  • Over-watering after letting your tomatoes get dry during a heat spell will usually result in split tomatoes; keep watering levels regular and adequate so that the plant is not given the opportunity to dry out.
  • Some cracking occurs because of too much rain; usually there isn't much you can do about that. Just harvest and use as soon as possible.
  • Small to medium tomatoes that grow quickly tend to fare better than larger varieties with longer growing seasons, and are less likely to split.


  • Don't leave split tomatoes on the vine; any viral or bacterial infection picked up through the split can move through the rest of the plant and kill it.

Things You'll Need

  • Drip watering system
  • Mulch
  • Compost

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