Keep a Poker Face in a Game of Poker

It is very important in a game of poker that you don't show emotions. It doesn't matter whether you have good or bad cards.


  1. Having a "poker face" is commonly misunderstood. It's not only about your face but it's about your entire body. But having a "serious" face often shows that you know what you are doing. This will often impress your opponents which can be used as an advantage. Using sun-glasses helps when you are not good with eye contact and they're great when it's bright under the lights of Las Vegas or Atlantic City.
  2. Always remain calm and act the same every hand. If you don't control your body and you are shaking or acting really nervous when you are about to make your move, opponents will know and fold instead of betting (maybe not the first time but after that).
  3. Never go nervous ticking you chips on the table, picking your nose, pulling your hair, biting your nails. Don't act sad when you have good cards; good players look right through this. If you are bluffing and you don't look your opponent right in the eyes they will know you are bluffing.
  4. Always look your opponent right in their eyes when they look directly at you. Try not to look away not even for a second.
  5. Never say: "I know you are bluffing" or something similar because if you then make a move no matter what your opponent knows how you react to such situations and that will definitely not work the way that you thought it would. However try not to do everything just perfect, because you are really predictable then, but that doesn't really make any sense does it?.
    • Look at your opponents as much a possible in a very serious way.
    • Make your opponents nervous. Mess with their heads.
    • Watch how they act and react.
    • Try to be aware of any poker tells you have and control them.
    • Consider wearing sunglasses like a pro.


  • Something to note: it is scientifically proven that a person's pupils dilate (get bigger) 45% when they look at something they like
  • If you are allowed to, wear sunglasses. The eyes give most away about your game.
  • Practice with friends
  • You can also hide the wrinkles on your face by wearing a cap.
  • Always use a small amount of real money, this will make it a lot more fun and people won't be irrational.


  • Never go over your limit; people destroy their lives with gambling.
  • Think twice before thinking you can win, and re-raise. Unless you have the absolute nuts, consider the possibility that your opponents have better cards than you do.

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