Kill Garage Mosquitoes by Hand

Mosquitoes can be nasty critters that spread a variety of diseases. Killing them with bug spray can be a noxious experience, so try these steps to kill them effectively without the use of poisons.


Fly Swatter Technique

  1. Wait for the mosquito to settle on a surface.
  2. Bring your swatter down on them with a single quick and fluid motion.
  3. Repeat until the offending insect is dead.

The Quick-Hand Technique

  1. Bring your hands up in front of your head. Mosquitoes are attracted by your scent, so when you find a mosquito hovering around you, keep your breath steady, exhale gently towards it, and hit it with a well aimed clap.
    • Alternatively, wait for it to land and stay where you are. Wait for a few seconds before slowly and steadily approaching the target. Quickly, strike it with your hand. Try starting from a lower position and striking upwards. If you miss the first hit, the mosquito is most likely going to take off upwards and it'll be easy to hit him in mid-air.

Vacuum Cleaner Technique

  1. Turn on the portable vacuum cleaner.
  2. Wait for the mosquito to settle on a flat surface that doesn't have any debris that may accidentally be sucked up into the vacuum.
  3. Vacuum the nuisance and then dispose of it outside.

Rubber Band Technique

  1. Extend the rubber band on your thumb whilst holding the other end with 2 fingers.
  2. Aim and let go of the side that is not on your thumb.
  3. Repeat until you hit and kill the mosquito.

The Garden Hose Technique

  1. Cover anything you don't want to get wet or move items to a different area. This technique is best with a large amount of bugs in a concentrated area.
  2. Set the pressure and spray settings to high. If your hose doesn't have a head, then just use your finger to cover part of the hose to increase the water pressure.
  3. Aim the hose and spray. If the mosquito(s) doesn't die, it will at least get them to the ground where you can then kill them with your shoe.


  • These techniques work for a variety of flying insects in addition to mosquitoes.
  • Try wetting your hands with soap and water before you try to catch or smash them; the soap and water makes them stick to your hands.
  • It is more recommended to flick mosquitoes than swat them. Flicking them injures/disorients/kills them to the point where they won't immediately go after you again. Also flicking reduces the chance of diseases from the mosquito from entering your blood stream (if it lands on you) and has a better chance of saving you from having to wipe mosquito guts off of you.
  • Take an electric racquet (Bug Zapper) commonly available in the market, for killing flies and mosquitoes. Charge your racquet and wait for the mosquitoes. Move your racquet violently where the mosquitoes are. Enjoy the smell of barbecue. Go Get them.

Things You'll Need

  • Fly swatter
  • Portable vacuum cleaner
  • A rubber band
  • Garden hose
  • Your hands.

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