Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes plague areas with high humidity, and in many parts of the world they're responsible for spreading disease. Whether you're determined to stay bite-free on your next camping trip or you want to keep the mosquito population down in your yard, this article has lots of methods that can help.

10 Second Summary

1. Wear loose, full coverage clothing and a chemical or oil-based mosquito repellent.
2. Insect-proof your home. Repair any tears in the window screens.
3. Use citronella candles and plants to repel mosquitoes in your yard.
4. Consider using yellow LED lighting outdoors. It won't attract mosquitoes.
5. Dump any stagnant water sources. Mow your lawn and trim your shrubs regularly.


Keeping Mosquitoes Away from Your Skin

  1. Slap them with a swatter. A mosquito swatter, usually made of a thicker metal or plastic than a regular fly swatter, is mounted on the end of a springy wire. This dramatically increases your chances of hitting a stationary mosquito by increasing the momentum of the swat.
    • Any item that will make your arm longer, and therefore your swing faster, will suffice if you don't have a swatter. Try a rolled up magazine or newspaper.
    • No swatter handy? Kill the flying mosquito with a double-handed clap. Using two hands is more effective than one, as the air coming from each hand will blow the mosquito into the opposing palm.
  2. Wear chemical mosquito repellent. Keeping mosquitoes away from your body is the best way to avoid getting bitten. Use insect repellent on uncovered skin surfaces and on your clothing when you're outdoors, especially during the day. When using sunscreen, apply it before insect repellent.
    • Repellents containing 30% to 50% DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) are the most popular type of repellents, and are recommended for adults and children over 2 months of age and are effective for several hours. Repellents with lower amounts of DEET offer shorter-term protection and must be applied more often.
    • Repellents containing up to 15% picaridin, which must be applied often, are available in the US. Picaridin is odorless, has a pleasant feel, and doesn't plasticize like DEET. Studies have shown it to be as fully repellent to mosquitoes as DEET and can also be applied on infants as young as 2 months.
    • Protect infants less than 2 months of age by using a carrier draped with mosquito netting with an elastic edge for a tight fit rather using a repellent.
  3. Use an oil-based repellent. The safety of using chemical deterrents manufactured by combining synthetic chemicals in the laboratory has been questioned, and there are many natural solutions you can use instead. Citronella oil, cinnamon oil and castor oil are reputed to keep mosquitoes away. Most natural repellents require more frequent application or use than the chemical versions.
    • Oil of lemon eucalyptus is sold as a product called Repel®. Repel is a 40% formulation of naturally-derived eucalyptus and has a pleasant scent and feel without any plasticizing properties. It is also effective at repelling ticks.
    • Tea tree oil may be another useful natural repellent. Look for commercial repellents that include it.
    • Try Skin Armour Deep Woods Outdoor soap. A combined effort from the researchers in Australia and China who have worked extensively over the last decade to find a competent mosquito protection product resulted in this product. It's is a completely natural product made from a group of powerful natural oils and may help to you keep yours safe from the attack of mosquitoes while you're working or camping outdoors.
  4. Wear loose, full coverage clothing. Long-sleeved shirts and long pants will help to protect you from mosquitoes when you're outdoors. Covering your skin is a key approach to repelling mosquitoes.
    • Clothing may also be sprayed with repellent containing permethrin or another EPA-registered repellent for greater protection. Do not use permethrin directly on your skin.
    • Avoid wearing heavy, dark clothing in warm weather. Mosquitoes are attracted to warm bodies, so staying cool is an effective way to avoid bites. They also appear to like black, blue and red the most.[1]
    • Don't wear scent when outdoors during mosquito season. Mosquitoes are attracted to sweat, but the act of sweating can mask more effective attractors of mosquitoes, such as perfumes.
  5. Use mosquito nets to protect yourself at night. If you're sleeping in a mosquito-infested area, get a mosquito net to drape around the bed or mat so that it touches the floor on all sides. This is the only really effective way to prevent them from getting inside to bite you, especially if there are open windows or doors in the vicinity.
    • Check the net for holes regularly; even overly long toenails can tear a hole in them during sleep.
    • Make sure you are not touching the net anywhere while you sleep.
    • Kennels and other pet refuges should also be covered with mosquito nets when you are experiencing a mosquito infestation.
  6. Insect-proof your home. Check your screens and repair any that have holes or tears in them that would let mosquitoes fly in. Silicon caulk or screen patches work well. Use weather stripping to seal door gaps, especially under the doors. There's no sure way to prevent mosquitoes from coming in, but taking these measures can really help.
  7. Stay indoors when mosquitoes prefer to be outside. They tend to come out at dusk, dawn and in the dark, so if you can, stay safely inside during these times. When you do go out during times when mosquitoes are most active, wear more layers to protect your exposed skin.

Repelling Them From Your Yard

  1. Use citronella products to repel them. Mosquitoes don't like to go near citronella oil. In addition to using it on your body, citronella oil can be used in the following ways to keep mosquitoes away from your property:
    • Burn a citronella candle or torch. The smoke in the air may help keep away some bugs.
    • Plant a citronella plant in a pot on your porch.[2] To use, you can snap off a twig and rub it over your skin and around the perimeter of your porch––the smell may discourage mosquitoes.
    • Use citronella incense coils. Check for the other ingredients in these and don't sit in the line of the smoke from them, as any smoke inhalation is potentially unhealthy.
  2. Burn other essential oils. Get an oil burner and use a candle to heat some water and an essential oil like lemon eucalyptus, lavender or catnip (a mixture of few oil types is preferred). The heat of the candle will evaporate the oil into the air, and both the heat and the repellent oils will help to create a {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} radius of mosquito-free zone. [3]
  3. Put out a dish of soapy water. If you're having an outdoor meal, you can keep mosquitoes away by placing a dish of water with some dish soap in a discreet place nearby. The mosquitoes will be attracted to the water source, and they'll get trapped in the soap bubbles and drown.[4]
  4. Use lighting that doesn't attract mosquitoes. Place yellow LED lights around doorways, windows and porches. Mosquitoes won't hang around if the light is sourced from yellow LEDs, bug lights or sodium lamps.[1]
  5. Screen or cover outdoor spaces. If you live in a place with a big mosquito infestation, you might want to use a net or screen outside as well as inside. Place a suitable net or clear outdoor covering around your porch or outdoor area. A waterproof one will help to keep out the rain, the snow and all the bugs, too.
  6. Grow some garlic in your yard. Eating garlic daily to repel mosquitoes has not been proven effective in scientific studies,[5] but, some people believe it has an impact when used as a barrier. Since garlic is delicious, it can't hurt to grow it, but don't rely on it as the only source of repelling the pests.
    • Plant garlic around your house to repel mosquitoes. It can be integrated around your house, on a balcony, etc.[6]
    • Garlic powder from your local grocer sprinkled all through your yard may create a mosquito repellent. Sprinkle a little extra thickly around the patio and porch areas. This may protect pets from being bitten if they sleep in that area.[7]
  7. Use a mosquito trapping system. Mosquitoes can be effectively killed using a dedicated machine that employs heat and carbon dioxide to attract the mosquitoes and then entrap or kill them using nets, containers or chemicals. While these mosquito trapping systems can be expensive, they're quite effective, and worth looking into if you're committed to keeping your yard mosquito-free.
    • Mosquito trapping systems won't eliminate all of the mosquitoes from your yard. Every neighborhood tends to have more than one species of mosquito breeding in the area, and different types of trapping systems cater to different species. Ask around in your area to find out what type of trapping system has worked well for others.[8]
    • Avoid using an electric "zapper". These have been shown to kill many bugs very effectively, but generally the bugs killed are the non-harmful ones.[9] Plus, the noise they generate tends to be obnoxious.

Zapping Their Breeding Sites

  1. Dump or flush out any stagnant water sources in your yard. Mosquitoes are often attracted to water, especially standing water. Examples of mosquito breeding grounds include old tires, driveway puddles, clogged gutters, unfiltered fish ponds, empty flowerpots, and any item that can hold water for more than a few days at a time.
    • Use a push broom to distribute the water for small puddles on hard surfaces. Use a siphon pump for larger puddles.
    • If you're inundated by mosquitoes due to standing water from street curbs, drainage ditches or other pools you cannot control, call the responsible public authority to explain that you believe the water has become a mosquito breeding source.
    • If it is not possible to remove particular water source, place some Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI) dunks/granules into the water. BTI is a species of bacteria that functions as a larvicide and will kill mosquito larvae for as long as a month, in addition to being safe and non-toxic to children/pets.[10]
  2. Maintain water features and swimming pools. If you have a koi pond or swimming pool that doesn't see much use, it may become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Do yourself and your neighbors a favor by doing regular maintenance to keep the water fresh and flowing.[11]
    • Cut back vegetation from around your pond or other water features.
    • If you have a birdbath or another small source of water, change the water frequently or agitate it so mosquitoes won't lay eggs there.
    • Treat your pool with the proper chemicals to make it uninhabitable for mosquitoes.
  3. Keep your grass mowed regularly and trim your shrubs. Too much grass and shrubbery can create breeding and hiding grounds for mosquitoes. Be sure to regularly mow your lawn and use hedge trimmers to cut back shrubs and other vegetation.


  • Lavender is great for repelling mosquitoes, as well as lavender oil.
  • Rub toothpaste on the bite to make it stop itching. Works immediately most of the time.
  • Wear citronella.
  • Dryer sheets (rubbed on or hanging) have been proven in multiple controlled studies to have no effect whatsoever on the number of mosquito bites received.
  • If you live or travel in an area with particularly bad mosquitoes, consider purchasing mosquito netting.
  • Boil garlic and store in a spray bottle and spray.
  • Use of mosquito nets both treated as well as untreated keeps the mosquitoes at bay hence no contact with human beings.
  • Put lemon juice on a bite.
  • Hanging sealed-clear-plastic bags of water with a small entry and placed around the area you wish to keep insect free will only capture flies, not mosquitoes, bees, wasps, or crawlers.
  • Spray a permethrin product on walls and ceilings etc. Whenever a mosquito touches the treated area, it will die in a short while.
  • Buy and use basil plants to keep mosquitoes away. Place on outdoor tables, patios, decks or porches. Mosquitoes hate the smell therefore it drives them away.


  • Sometimes mosquitoes develop an immunity to a certain brand of bug spray.
  • Citronella candles or oil in tiki torches may not actually work that differently from any other candle that emits heat, moisture and carbon dioxide which draws away the mosquitoes.
  • Vitamin B theories are interesting (and vitamin B can't harm most people if taken) but the theories of the vitamin's effectiveness against mosquitoes remains unproven.

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