Kill a Joke
Has someone you didn't like ever made a joke you wanted to ruin? Here is how to do it.
- Pay close attention to the joke. Try not to get distracted by anything else.
- Make random remarks and outbursts, such as "Wait, I think I've heard this joke before somewhere".
- Right before the person gets to the end, start laughing really loudly. Try not to make it too early, or you will look like a complete idiot. If you do it too late, it will seem like you are laughing with everyone else.
- If the person telling the joke says "This is so funny" before they start telling the joke, then halfway through the joke, start laughing hysterically, and say " Oh, that is funny!" It annoys people terribly.
- If it is a knock knock joke, do not reply to "knock knock" with "who's there" instead reply with one of the following: "Come in" "what" "how did you find my house" "no"
- Use over-estimation to deflate the joke or story. If it goes something like "Guess how much I paid for these shoes!", respond with wild over-estimation to kill it dead. For example:
- "Guess how much I paid for these shoes!"
- "I dunno... like £800?"
- "Well... no. £150."
- "Wow, yeah that's a lot." (Said with little enthusiasm.)
- The high point has been swatted effectively and all enthusiasm has been successfully removed.
- Stare at them, at the end, motionless....
- If you fail to laugh before the person finishes, try laughing far too long. Exaggerate and annoy.
- It helps if you have know the particular joke, or have heard one similar to it.
- Apply literalism. Instead of laughing, point out every exaggeration and scientific inaccuracy of the joke.
- If you don't want to offend whoever's telling the joke, try to defuse it, rather than provoking it.
- If you keep killing people's jokes, you won't be liked much.
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