Know When You Are Acting Passive Aggressive
Sometimes it can be difficult to identify your own behavior, particularly if that behavior is undesirable. Passive-aggressive behavior is a way of expressing emotions (usually anger) that involves not saying anything for a long time, then seeking hidden revenge. Being able to correctly identify when you are acting passive-aggressive can help you develop more effective communication habits.
Understanding Passive Aggression
- Recognize the characteristics of passive-aggressive conflict. There is a passive-aggressive conflict style that commonly develops in a person with passive-aggressive tendencies. Being able to distinguish the signs of passive aggression in others can help you identify it in yourself as well.
- Evaluate the way you express anger. Stage one of the passive-aggressive conflict cycle is the development of a belief that direct expressions of anger are perilous and should be avoided. Instead of expressing anger clearly when the feelings begin, the passive-aggressive person solves his anger issues by masking the anger with passive-aggressive behaviors.
- Realize that stress can trigger passive aggression. Stage two of the passive-aggressive conflict cycle is a stressful situation that triggers irrational thoughts based on the early life experiences that discouraged direct expression of anger.
- Beware a denial of anger. Stage three of the passive-aggressive conflict cycle occurs when the passive-aggressive individual denies his or her anger. This denial can lead to projecting negative feelings onto other people, which results in the building of resentment towards others.
- Look out for passive-aggressive behaviors. Stage four of the passive-aggressive conflict cycle is to actually engage in passive-aggressive behavior. This includes (but is not limited to): denying feelings of anger, withdrawing, sulking, pouting, procrastinating, carrying out tasks inefficiently or unacceptably, and exacting hidden revenge.
- Consider the reactions of others. Stage five of the passive-aggressive conflict cycle is the reactions of others. Most people react negatively to passive-aggressive behavior and, often, this is what the aggressor is hoping for. This reaction then only acts as reinforcement for the behavior and the cycle will begin again.
Evaluating Your Own Behavior
- Use a behavior journal. Journaling is a useful means of identifying, evaluating, and correcting your own behavior. Your journal can help you determine triggers for your behavior and allows you a safe place to be honest about your own reactions and how you would like to act differently in the future.
- Identify incidents in which you acted passive-aggressively. Passive aggression can take on different forms, but the basic idea is that you were upset or angry about something and did not address your emotions directly. Instead, you may have engaged in “revenge” in the form of one of the following:
- Withdrawing from others
- Pouting
- Complying temporarily
- Being intentionally inefficient
- Letting a problem escalate
- Taking hidden but conscious revenge
- For example, if you are acting passive-aggressively towards a coworker, you may do some of the following: ruin work materials that she needs (hidden revenge), not tell her that you know her client is unhappy (letting a problem escalate), completing your portion of a cooperative project late on purpose (intentional inefficiency), or telling her you will help her on a project but not following through (temporary compliance).
- Record information about what happened. It is important to identify and eliminate faulty patterns of thought that were developed early in life
- How did your family members handle anger when you were a child?
- Who triggered your emotions or behavior?
- How did you feel during the incident?
- When and where did the incident happen?
- What outside factors may have influenced your behavior or feelings?
- How did the situation play out?
- What could you do differently in the future to avoid and/or resolve the conflict?
. To eliminate these thought processes, first identify when and how they are occurring. Look back and try to recall specific details about your behavior. It can be helpful to view the circumstances as a third-party observer would, being as objective as possible. Examine the circumstances and motivations that bring out your passive aggressive actions. Consider the following questions:
- Pinpoint discrepancies between your thoughts and behaviors. Generally, passive-aggressive behavior
- offering public support but indirectly resisting, procrastinating or undermining the successful completion of social and occupational tasks
- agreeing to do something and not following through or pretending to forget
- giving someone the silent treatment but not letting the person know why
- pleasing people in public but demeaning them behind their backs
- lacking the assertiveness to express your feelings and desires but still expecting others to know what they are
- overlaying positive comments with pointed sarcasm or negative body language
- complaining of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others
- being sullen and argumentative without offering constructive ideas
- blaming others for everything while avoiding responsibility
- unreasonably criticizing and scorning authority to your peers
- responding to unwelcome authority with covert, dishonest actions
- repressing emotions in fear of conflict, failure or disappointment
- expressing envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate
- voicing exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune
- alternating between hostile defiance and contrition
- predicting negative outcomes before even starting the work
manifests as deliberate contradictions between what you say and do (passive) and how you feel (angry/aggressive). The following are common manifestations of passive-aggressive behavior:
- Avoid temporary compliance. A passive-aggressive person engages in a specific type of passive aggression called temporary compliance when he agrees to a task and is then intentionally late in completing it. He may be late because of procrastinating, arriving late to meetings or check-ins, or misplacing important documents. People often engage in temporary compliance when they feel underappreciated but don’t know how to appropriately express these feelings.
- Do not be intentionally inefficient. With intentional inefficiency, a person values the opportunity to be hostile more than he values his own competence. An example of this would be an employee who continues to produce the same amount of work with the quality of the work significantly decreasing. People who are confronted about their inefficiency often play the role of a victim. This kind of behavior can be self-destructive as well as inconvenient to others.
- Try not to let problems escalate. Letting a problem escalate is a passive aggressive behavior whereby an individual refuses to confront or address a problem that he is aware of. Instead, he lets the problem build until it becomes a bigger problem.
- Stay away from hidden but conscious revenge. Hidden but conscious revenge means an individual is secretly undermining the individual who has upset them. This can take place in the form of gossip or other undetected acts of sabotage such as spreading rumors or getting other people to pick your “side.”
- Find patterns in your behavior. When you think about your actions (or read through your journal), try to find patterns in your behavior. Were there specific elements that contributed to your passive-aggressive response in multiple situations? Many people who struggle with anger or passive-aggression experience “triggers,” which can activate a disproportionately emotional response from them. Triggers are usually tied to past emotions or memories (even if you aren’t consciously aware of them). Some common triggers include:
- Feeling out of control of your own life, another person’s actions, your environment, or your life situation
- Believing that someone is trying to manipulate you
- Getting mad at yourself for making a mistake
- Accept your emotions. Denying what you truly feel is part of the problem with passive aggressive tendencies. You don't want others to know that you are angry, hurt, or resentful, so you act as if you aren't. Your feelings only intensify and become more irrational because you haven't provided yourself a healthier outlet for them. Therefore, it is important to allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your emotions so that you can deal with them in a healthier way.
Communicating More Effectively
- Give yourself time to change. Changing a behavior you have built up overtime takes a lot of time and persistence. Remember that change is a process that is not always linear. Don’t be afraid to go back to the beginning and re-assess your behavior. At the same time, don’t be hard on yourself if you find yourself unsuccessful on your first attempt. The more you practice and work through your passive aggressive tendencies, the more likely you are to successfully change your behavior. If you find yourself getting off track in your attempts to change passive-aggressive behavior, take a moment to pause and reflect on what is happening. Ask yourself:
- Learn about assertive communication. If you want to stop acting passive aggressive, you may be wondering what your other options are. A healthier form of communication is known as “assertive” communication. Assertive communication is a healthy, respectful way to address and confront the person or situation that is causing you to become angry. It involves speaking your mind when you are angry but maintaining respect for the other people around you.
- Emphasize that both parties’ needs are important. Part of assertive communication is acknowledging that your needs as well as the needs of the other person (or people) involved are important. This takes the focus off of you and shows that you are appreciative of the needs of others.
- Use respect when communicating. Using “please” and “thank you” can go a long way towards seeming respectful of another. Treat the other party with respect, acknowledging that they have a side to the story as well.
- Be clear and specific with requests. Remember to think of any actions you would like the other party to take as requests, not demands. This will help you word your request appropriately. It is important that you are specific and that you do your best to stick to the actual facts.
- Express your feelings. While you do want to provide factual information, it is okay to include the way that you feel when you are expressing your anger. You can emphasize words like “I feel like” or “it makes me feel,” which may help prevent the other party from becoming defensive.
- Seek a solution to the problem. Ideally, you and the party to whom you are expressing your feelings can collaborate on a solution to the problem that is making you angry. Unfortunately, you cannot control the actions of others, and you may need to seek a solution on your own.
- For example, you and your neighbor may brainstorm ways to keep the dog in check, such as keeping him on a leash or in a fence. If, however, the neighbor refuses to cooperate, you might have to come up with a solution on your own, such as fencing in your own yard.
- Listen and observe. Communication is just as much about listening and reading unspoken messages as it is about speaking openly and directly. Consider what the other person is saying or not saying in response to your own words or actions. Remember that conversations are 2-sided and that you are speaking with another human who also has thoughts and feelings.
- Accept that conflicts are okay. Disagreements are not uncommon. Some of the confrontations you encounter may not be conflicts but rather misunderstandings. You usually are not in any danger if you can defuse your anger and make your discussions constructive and positive. It's possible to agreeably disagree and be able to work out compromises that bring "win-win" results to both parties involved. In this way, you are taking control instead of allowing passive aggressive behavior to send issues out of control.
- Replace negative thinking with positive thinking. Being more positive can help you have more positive communication experiences.
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ Whitson, S. (2013). The passive aggressive conflict cycle. Reclaiming Children & Youth, 22(93), pp. 24-27.
- Whitson, S. (2013). The passive aggressive conflict cycle. Reclaiming Children & Youth, 22(93), pp. 24-27
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- Hopwood, C.J., & Wright, A.G.C. (2012). A comparison of passive-aggressive and negativistic personality disorders. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94(3), pp. 296-303.
- Underwood, C. (2014). 8 keys to eliminating passive-aggressiveness. Psych Central. Retrieved from
- ↑ Whitson, S. (June 2010). Checking passive aggression. HR Magazine
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