Learn Basic Taekwondo

Taekwondo is the Korean art of self-defence. It means "Way of the Hand and Foot". It is a skilled application of kicks, punches, strikes, holds and throws.


  1. Mae-geri (Front kick): Begin in a fighting stance and slide your left foot forward. Change your guard so your right foot leads and bring your right knee up. Your leg should form a square. This is called a chamber. Straighten your leg and snap your foot out, aiming higher than your face. Pull the kick back and set your foot down.
  2. Mawashi-geri (Roundhouse kick): Begin from left fighting stance. Change your guard and bring your right knee up and across your body. Twist on your supporting foot and kick horizontally across the front of your body. Be sure to snap your foot.
  3. Zuki (Standard punch): From fighting stance, make a fist and thrust it forward into your opponent's solar plexus, chest or other target areas.
  4. Harai-goshi (Shoulder throw): Keep a firm grip on your opponent's lapel as you step across and begin to wind in. Bend your knees and pull on his lapel as you roll him straight over your back.


  • Some of these moves require you to be close, equally, or stronger than your opponent, most likely if your opponent is too overwhelming, it will be hard to defeat him/her.
  • Always remember to warm up before attempting a technique.
  • There are other moves to this art. Mostly these moves are just a combination of the basics put together so the art if more effective.
  • When performing a kick, you will get faster and faster until you can perform a No-Shadow kick, which is when a kick is so fast, your opponent doesn't see it coming.
  • Remember to stretch before attempting anything. You will perform much better if you do.
  • When you do a roundhouse kick, remember to snap.


  • Performing any of these techniques without wearing suitable clothing and warming up could result in injury.
  • This article is no substitute for a teacher.

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