Learn Basic Underwater Skills

Tired of having to empty your goggles of water, or wipe off that foggy condensation? Or losing the traditional game of Who-Can-Hold-Their-Breath-Longer? You have come to the right place! :) These two things: Having your eyes open underwater and holding your breath for long periods of time, are things that seem basic, but are usually abnormal for everyday people to do. Learn how here!


  1. First is opening your eyes underwater. Remember that every skill takes time. You can't learn a new instrument or sport in one afternoon, so don't expect to learn how to keep your eyes open in one afternoon! It takes time to accustom to the feeling of water on your eyes.
  2. So the first step is a small science lesson! The outside of your eye is protected by a thin film called the cornea. It is very tough and keep dirt, bacteria, etc. from getting to the more sensitive parts, like the pupil and the lens. Trust me, I've dissected a sheep eye in science class, just take my word on it...
  3. Anyhow, time for Practice! (: Who doesn't love practice? It may not make you perfect, but it will make you a whole lot better! The first steps are to take on fresh water. Try filling out your bathroom sink first. (You may want to rinse it out to make sure no toothpaste or cleaning products are in it. That could really be hard to adjust to...) Next, take a deep breath and relax. Jitters won't help. Close your eyes and stick your head under. When you feel ready, open them and stare at a point in the sink. Focus and relax, blink a couple times then stare at a new point to get used to the feeling. You can also try this with a tub or bucket of water from a hose.
  4. When you've become comfortable opening your eyes in the tub, try moving your head. The fact is when you're swimming, hair is going to be getting in your face. Get used to it getting in your eyes. Move your head and feel the water on your eyes and your hair (if it is long enough.) The feeling is much different than if you're still.
  5. Keep moving on to new levels. Try it in a lake. Focus on a rock, seashell, etc. then continue the steps mentioned above. Pretty soon you'll be so used to the feeling you'll be able to swim like that and amaze your friends! :^)
  6. If you live by the ocean, this will be harder to get used to. Remember the ocean is briny, it's salt water! Salt in your eyes will not feel good, but its also water. Do the steps mentioned above in a calm part of the surf. You could swim out to where it's over your head or could bend over from the waist like you're bending over the sink. I would also recommend to do the sink first, then hit the waves. (:
  7. Next is holding your breath! This is actually a bit harder than opening your eyes. It's mental and physical control. You're expanding your lungs, holding air, and meditating your mind to calm it into a state that yes, I'm not breathing but I'm not dying. If you stop breathing, your body automatically goes into distress mode. Plus, you're muscles and blood needs oxygen. Learning to control your physical and mental needs takes a lot of practice.
  8. For the first lesson, try breathing deeply. Control your heart rate, and breathe from your stomach/diaphragm. What this means is your whole torso should expand, not just your chest. You'll feel that you breathe deeper and once you get used to breathing that way, trying to breathe "normally" will feel shallow. Learning deep stomach breathing may make you feel dizzy at first.
  9. Next, take five seconds to inhale, pause for five seconds, then exhale for five seconds, pause for five seconds, and repeat. Don't try counting in your head. Focus entirely on your breathing, keeping it even, under control, and at a moderate pace. Don't puff out your cheeks. You're letting that air escape your lungs and and pushing with your stomach. Hold it in your throat when pausing.
  10. This is the practice that I do daily. I also follow this dude on youtube. Check out the link below for more in depth practices.


  • When filling a sink or tub, try warm water. You're body is naturally warm, so putting cold water, or scorching water on the naked eye for the first time will not feel good.
  • When breathing, make sure you're not forcing it. If you're gasping for breath, breathe normally and restart. 5 sec. inhale, 5 sec. pause, 5 sec. exhale, 5 sec. pause; and repeat. It won't come naturally on the first time.
  • Take your time! Both of these skills are super amazing and you want to learn them right! You're used to breathing and being in air. Water is new, don't rush it!
  • Don't try really hot water. The cornea is strong, but can be burned as easily (and easier) as the skin. Move to colder water, sink lakes and oceans tend to be cooler.


  • Take your time! Skills don't come without practice! Everyone learns at their own pace, and so will you!
  • Don't wear contacts or make-up that is not waterproof! Contacts can fall out and be lost, while make-up that is not waterproof can smear and run into your eyes, irritating them.
  • DO NOT try this in a chlorinated pool! Chlorine is a chemical, and it will sting or even wreck your eyes! Chlorine is for keeping bacteria from spreading in a pool, not for inducing your eyes in.
  • RELAX! Being nervous doesn't help. Just chill and it'll be easier to learn! You'll do great, just remember: Chillax and take your time. :)

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