Swim when You Are on Your Period
Your menstrual cycle should never prevent you from enjoying a day at the beach or pool with your friends. In fact, getting some exercise while swimming with your period can help you reduce cramps and improve your mood. Women have been venturing into the water since time immemorial, and you can do. If you want to know how to swim on your period, see Step 1 to get started.
- Insert a tampon or a menstrual cup before swimming. Though swimming can temporarily reduce your menstrual flow, a tampon will eliminate any flow. Also, especially in a pool, it is not sanitary for you to go in the water with your friends without inserting a tampon or a menstrual cup first. If you are not yet comfortable with these items yet, you should try using them at home before you go swimming.
- Tampons: If you are already used to wearing tampons, they are perfect for swimming. You do not have to worry about any leakage, since they expand as necessary to fit your body. Be sure to hide the string by tucking it into your bikini bottom and you are good to swim in clear water, wearing any swimsuit bottom. Remember to change your tampon every few hours if you have a flow, and to never wear it for more than eight hours.
- Cups: Though menstrual cups are not as commonly used as tampons (yet), they are inserted into the vagina and sit at its base to collect menstrual blood. They can even last up to ten hours, which is more than the eight-hour maximum wear for a tampon. Just like a tampon, the menstrual cup is functionally invisible. It suctions to your body so that no blood escapes, and when you use the cup, you don't even have to worry about hiding a tampon string.
- Swimming wearing a pad or a pantyliner is not advisable. A pad will just get wet and soggy if you go in the water, and it will be unable to absorb any leakage. If you just wear it in your suit, it will swell and may be noticeable and probably uncomfortable.
- Bring extra supplies. If you are wearing a tampon, you might need to make a few changes throughout the day if you will be around the water for an extended period of time. Take a few more supplies than you think you will need, in case your group decides to enjoy the day and stay a little longer. If you want to change from a tampon to a pad once you are done swimming and change into normal clothes and underwear, you can bring those, too.
- If you are wearing a tampon on a heavy day, change it every three to four hours.
- If you are wearing a menstrual cup, you probably will not have to worry about dumping it out while you are there — it can stay in for up to 12 hours. Still, bringing an extra one just in case will not hurt.
- Also, it is likely some other woman in your group may need a tampon.
- Ignore any myths about why you shouldn't swim on your period. There are a lot of lies out there when it comes to your period. Don't listen to anyone who says that swimming with your period is unhealthy, or even that your menstrual blood will attract sharks if you swim in the ocean. Ignore anyone who tells you that your tampon will absorb too much water if you swim with it in. There's absolutely no truth to statements like this, and you are free to swim any day you want to, whether or not you have your period.
- Wear shorts if you're self-conscious about wearing a tampon. Though this is not necessary, if you are really nervous about your tampon string showing or just feel a little uncomfortable down there, you can wear shorts to give yourself some extra protection and to put your mind at ease. Buy a cute style that does not look too baggy, and slip them on over the bottom of your swimsuit. For extra peace of mind, buy them in a dark color.
- Mens-style "board shorts" often look great with bikini tops and is a style that does not draw any attention or curiosity.
- You can also fib and say you could not find your swimsuit bottoms or had to borrow your brother's or something.
- Wear a darker-colored swimsuit if you're nervous about leakage. Though your menstrual blood is not likely to leak through to your bikini bottom if you've inserted your tampon or menstrual cup correctly, you can also put your mind at ease by wearing a darker-colored swimsuit. Choose a cute color such as dark blue or dark purple and prepare for a fun day of swimming ahead.
- You can also choose a suit that's a bit thicker in the bikini area so you don't have to worry about your tampon string showing.
- Swim without worrying about your period. Swim with confidence! Do not constantly fuss with your suit or twist around to check your rear every 5 minutes — that is a dead giveaway. Excuse yourself from the water and run to the bathroom for a quick check if you're really nervous about something going wrong.. Try to ignore it and enjoy yourself.
- Set up a buddy system. Ask a close girl friend to alert you if she notices any problems.
- Protect yourself from bloating and cramps. Though there's no sure-fire way to feel perfectly normal during your period, there are a few things you can do to minimize any cramps or bloating you may experience during your period. Avoid fried, salty, or generally unhealthy foods, along with caffeine. If you're really in pain, take Motrin or another pain relief medication that can ease your troubles. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just to get in the water and forget about any pain you're feeling.
- Opt for sunbathing if you're not comfortable swimming on your period. If swimming is too uncomfortable, if you're just not feeling well, or if you just cannot feel confident about going in the water on your period, back out gracefully. Say, "I'm not feeling up to it right now" and soak up some rays instead. If everyone in your group is a girl, they will probably understand immediately. If you are in mixed company, the boys won't bother you about it.
- Find ways to interact with the group, even while they are in the water. You can sit at the edge of the pool and put your legs in, time races from the shore, or cheer any contests from the sidelines.
- Remember that this is only a last resort if you really don't feel comfortable. You should feel confident enough to go swimming whenever you want — period or not. Menstruation is a natural process that should make you proud to be a woman instead of ashamed.
- It always helps to wear a dark swimsuit bottom. Not only does it look good, but also it can hide those annoying stains.
- If you do not feel comfortable (like you are about to leak), trust your instincts, and just get out of the water.
- Act natural, nothing is worse than directing attention to any leaks if they happen, just excuse yourself and change.
- Remember to bring a swimsuit cover up in case of a stain on your bathing suit (preferably one that has a long skirt).
- If you leak, and a close friend notices, make sure that you two do not make a scene; people might notice. Arrange a signal or a code, such as 'I'd love a drink of juice; will you go and check if I have some in my bag?'
- Don't let your period stop you from swimming. Sometimes exercise can help you feel better.
- You can arrange with a close friend to have emergency supplies so you are both covered.
- Instead of wearing a swimsuit bottom, wear black shorts. Do not wear a pad in the water, but do put one on after taking a shower.
- Make sure to wear shorts or swimming trunks to hide the bump or just wear tampons if you are ready or just face your fear and dive!
- If you are having swimming lessons, and you think you will have a leak say "I don't feel well" and then they will let you sit out. Go to the toilet every hour and change your pad. If you start to find that hard, speak to your swimming teacher about it.
- Cheer up! Exercise may just help you a lot. Get someone you can trust and ask them for advice if they have gotten their period.
- If you are on vacation, go to the bathroom and remove your pad, hang tight and run into the pool. Blood stops in water. Then, when done swimming, make sure you have a pad somewhere that you can get it quick. Take it, run to the bathroom, and you will be fine. For best results, wear a black, red, or brown bathing suit.
- The menstrual flow stops as soon as you hit the water. That is why you can take a shower or bath without getting bloody. If you are clean before you get in the water, stains won't occur. Note: cold water will postpone the period from starting up again and warm water will make the flow stronger after you've gotten out. Not to worry, you will have ample time to dry off and get dressed before the flow restarts.
- To hide the tampon string, cut enough so it cannot hang
- Never cut a tampon string or you will not be able to pull it out.
- If you cut the tampon string, don't cut too much otherwise you won't be able to pull it out.
- Before you get into the pool, use the restroom. It will help to reduce the chance of bleeding in the pool.
- Make plans for removal. If you know the bathrooms where you are going do not have trash cans in the stalls, dispose of used products in a resealable plastic bag, then put that in a brown paper bag. Toss it into the next available garbage can.
- A small piece of fabric or cloth works too, but only in situations when pads/cups/tampons are unavailable
- Use the thinnest pad that you can to reduce bulkiness and visible lines. Training pads are ideal since they are smaller, but you will have to change them more.
- Tell your swimming instructor about it if you don't feel confident.
- Try to get some potassium in your body, it helps make your flow lighter.
- You probably shouldn't wear pad since they just soak up water and will be a bit embarrassing.
- Paranoid about leaking? Dip your feet in the pool, splash your friends, or sunbathe or read. You don't have to go in the water if you're not feeling confident enough.
- Flow doesn't stop in water; it just becomes very slow. You could wear a pad while swimming only if you have a light flow, but you would have to change it every 1 to 2 hours. Even if you leak in water, calm down and just excuse yourself from there. People would likely not notice or chances are only a few people would notice.
- If you're worried about leaking so much, just don't go, or if it's possible, rearrange the timing to until your period is over.
- Always bring spare supplies with you in your bag. Go to the toilet before you get in the water just to be sure you are ready. If you are in the water and feel you are about to leak, play it safe and Tell your group you need to go to the toilet, and on the way there grab your spare supplies and go and change.
- If you are not comfortable with doing these steps, then don't go swimming. Trust your feelings. There's always another day where you don't have your period!
- Remember to make sure that your tampon is in correctly before going into the pool to reduce chance of any leaks (which are unlikely anyway) If you are not comfortable with using a tampon, just find another poolside option like sunbathing or reading!
- If you normally wear a light colored suit, try a darker one instead.
- If you don't feel confident about this, Try it in the bath! Build up your confidence!
- If you swim do not get out and sit go to a bathroom and put in a pad.
- If you really don't like tampons, or your parents won't let you wear them, wear a pad with wings on tight fitting underwear (like thong underwear) underneath swim shorts. If you can, get swim shorts with built in underwear. If you're still nervous, wear tight sport shorts under the swim shorts.
- If you're on a heavy period try wearing a bigger tampon than usual or a tampon meant for heavy.
- Do not wear a light bikini, wear a dark one so in case of a leakage it will be less likely too see.
- Although the blood slows in water, it does not stop; after a while, blood may come out, but nothing too obvious.
- Some find wearing a pad when swimming does not absorb the blood.
- If you choose to sunbathe, always wear sunscreen to reduce risk of skin cancer.
Related Articles
- Use a Tampon
- Use a Menstrual Cup
- Deal With Your Period
- Dispose of Tampons
- Use a Tampon While Swimming
- Swim on Your Period with a Pad