Learn Technical Writing Software

Technical communicators/writers document products and processes, writing software help files and manuals, human resources manuals, assembly instructions, and owner's guides, among other documents. Many of these documents require them to use special software applications to make the process of technical writing easier.

Becoming a technical writer often means becoming proficient with several of these applications to land a technical writing position and function effectively in it. It's easy to learn types of technical writing software and how to use them.


  1. Know the kinds of software technical writers use. Technical writing software can be broken down into several types, listed below. A knowledge of several types of these tools, as well as several applications in each type, can help you in finding a technical writing position.
    • Word processing applications: Although many technical writing duties require special software applications, there are also many documents that can be written with word processing applications such as Microsoft Word, Corel Word Perfect, or OpenOffice Writer. A fully featured word processing program includes the ability to create text styles to assign fonts to headers and text as well as the ability to lay out graphic images within the text.
    • Help authoring software: Specialized help authoring tools include Adobe RoboHelp, Madcap Flare, Help and Manual, Doc-2-Help, Help Logix, Author-it, and Wink. These applications automate the process of creating help file topics and the hyperlinks to jump between them, as well as organizing the topics into books and creating search keywords for users to find information quickly. Many help authoring tools also include graphic editing capabilities such as screen capturing, graphic resizing, and embedding hyperlinks into graphic images.
    • Desktop publishing/page layout software: Although word processing applications can handle some layout functions, more robust programs such as Adobe InDesign (successor to its earlier PageMaker program), Adobe FrameMaker, and Microsoft Publisher make it easier to handle creating manuals, brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, and quick reference guides.
    • Graphics editing software: Adobe Photoshop is the best-known graphics tool, although other tools include Illustrator, Paint Shop Pro, and Gimp. Graphics editing programs enable technical writers to create and capture graphic images. Related to graphics editing programs are computer-aided drafting software applications such as AutoCAD, which are usually used by technical illustrators for architectural and mechanical drawings.
    • Screen capture utilities: Programs such as SnagIt are graphics applications dedicated to creating screen captures, resizing them, and adding captions and callouts. They are often easier to use than full-fledged graphics editing programs, particularly when technical writers are only called upon to make and use screenshots.
    • Video capture utilities: Although most technical writing is in the form of static documents featuring text and still images, video tutorials are becoming more commonplace, thanks to the number of instructional videos available on the Internet. Capture utilities such as Adobe Captivate and Camtasia Studio are to capturing video what SnagIt is to capturing still images.
    • Other technical writing software applications that may be useful include presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and flowcharting/screen creating programs such as Microsoft Visio.
  2. Take classes in the software that interests you. Classes in technical writing software may be available at your local community college or through a private institution that specializes in software training. Classes are often the best way to learn fully featured graphics editing applications like Photoshop or layout applications such as FrameMaker. Classes may be offered in one of these formats:
    • Traditional classroom training features a computer-equipped classroom or lecture area and computer lab with an instructor who provides a mixture of lectures and hands-on experience. Sessions range from short "lunch and learn" overviews to day-long workshops and multi-session classes running for 1 to 3 months
    • Student-driven classes are held in computer classrooms, but the students direct themselves in learning the software application, with instructors serving as guides to answer questions as they arise. They may be used in combination with traditional classes.
    • Virtual classes are online classes structured like traditional classes with instructors delivering lectures. Some class sessions may be broadcast at certain times, with remote students able to ask questions and receive answers during those times by email or instant message, either using the software on their own computers or guiding classroom computers remotely. Other sessions may be podcasted, allowing students to review the presentation at their leisure.
  3. Learn on the job. You can sometimes learn a piece of technical writing software on the job. The key features of most help authoring tools and screen capture utilities like SnagIt can be learned by sitting down with them for 1 to 2 hours a day or even over the course of an afternoon, by working with them. You probably won't achieve mastery for several months, but you should be able to create something useful in a short time.
    • The most likely circumstances where you can learn technical writing software on the job is if you already have a technical writing position with the company or are being cross-trained in a department that has a technical writer on staff. You may be able to supplement such training with virtual classes as described above, using your office computer.
  4. Learn on your own. If you have the ability to learn software quickly, you can learn the less complicated technical writing software applications on your own, by devoting the same amount of time to learning them that you would in an office setting. Some applications, such as RoboHelp, come with a hefty price tag, however. You may want to try an open-source application to see if you're comfortable with that type of technical writing software before moving to more common commercial tools.


  • Do not attempt to substitute learning an open-source application for its commercial equivalent. While the functions and commands may be similar, some companies are so heavily invested in particular software applications that they won't consider you for a position if you use something else. Also, some commercial software applications may take a considerable amount of time to learn to use effectively.

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