Light Matches With Your Thumb
Impress and amaze your friends by lighting a match single-handedly!
- Grasp the matchbook in your dominant hand. Your middle and ring fingers should be against the striker side, which should be at the bottom, facing away from you, and your thumb on the opening side which is facing you.
- Open the matchbook, by using your thumb to push up the cover, inserting the tip of your index finger into the right side and flipping the cover open.
- Get a match. Choose a match on the far left (vice versa if you're a lefty). Bend it down and under the bottom of the matchbook, so the match head is against the striker; flip matchbook over (bottom to top) so striker is facing you, thumb holding match head against striker
- Use thumb to move match head to the right.
- Light 'er up! Push the match head across the striker toward the left, lighting it in the process!
- Make sure the matches in your book are long enough to bend under the book so the head can reach the striker.
- It's possible to accidentally light the entire book of matches on fire using this trick since the lit match is still attached to the book, so do it over a sink or a bowl of water and use caution. Children should not attempt this without parental supervision.
- You have a good chance of burning your thumb so keep your thumb far back on the match if possible.
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