Look Hot at School

Everyone wants to be attractive at school. However, being attractive isn't all about looks. It's about being someone that people want to be around, and that means you need to have the whole package. It doesn't matter what genes you were born with, everyone can be attractive in one way or another.


Treating Your Body Well

  1. Work on having clean skin. If you're school has a uniform it's going to be difficult to stand out with your clothing. In that case, you might as well focus on looking as good as you possibly can in the uniform. Try focusing on clean skin. Clean skin can cover a lot of other problems, and pockmarked skin can make you look less attractive than you really are. This is one of the most important parts of your look. Everyday, wash your face with a cleanser, apply toner and moisturizer and once or twice a week exfoliate. Remember, everyone has breakouts or bad skin at some point in their lives. Don’t stress about it, just try to take care of it the best that you can. The bad skin will pass in time.
  2. Get plenty of sleep. At least 8 hours a night is recommended. Don’t take this tip for granted. People joke about beauty sleep but if you come into school everyday looking haggard with huge bags under your eyes, you won’t appear very attractive. It's hard to
  3. Get a nice haircut. If you've been wearing your hair in the same style that your mom started cutting it when you were a little kid, maybe its time for something new. Go to a hair stylist and tell them that you're looking to change your style and that you want to look good. They'll offer plenty of options. You can even show them the kind of hairstyle you want from your favorite celebrity.
  4. Groom. Depending on your gender, plucking your eyebrows, shaving your legs, and cutting your finger nails are all good habits to get into. If you're sitting at the lunch table at school and someone notices that you're fingernails are incredibly long and dirty they probably won't think that you're hot. [1]
  5. Shower everyday. This is really important if you want to look good at school. As you go through puberty, you will start to smell! Use a shower gel so your skin smells good too. Also, wash your hair thoroughly so it doesn't appear greasy or unwashed. Use a lotion afterwards.
    • Make sure you wear a deodorant. Put a deodorant on every morning to avoid unseemly sweat stains and body odor. This is another part of going through puberty. If you would rather wear perfume, buy an unscented deodorant.
  6. Eat healthily and stay away from junk food. Looking slim and fit at school is a great way to really stand out. If you want to look hot, you have to have the body for it. Eating well is part of maintaining a healthy weight, but it will also have a lot of other benefits. Your hair will look thicker, fuller and shinier if you ditch the junk food and eat healthy. Your skin will be better. You’ll even have more energy! Load up your plate with vegetables. [2]
    • Don't skip breakfast, some people find it hard to eat in the morning, but still eat a small piece of fruit or something to keep you full until lunch.
  7. Play a sport at school. Remember, a good body will make the uniform look a lot more attractive. Swimming, biking, running, and other cardio activities are a great way to stay in shape and have a healthy looking body. If you do these a couple times a week your body will look strong, healthy, and attractive. Many people think that playing a sport is really hot.

Dressing Well

  1. Pick out your clothing ahead of time. If you plan ahead and decide what you want to wear the night before school you'll more easily be able to plan a good outfit. Rushing to put together your outfit in the morning can leave you looking like a mess. [1]
  2. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. You don’t need to go for the stylish name brands – just try to find something that you think you look good in. If you feel good in the clothes, you probably look good too! Everyone has his or her favorites and you should stick to yours. That being said, try to avoid looking sloppy. Holes can be trendy if they’re in fashionable areas like your knees or thighs, but don’t wear clothes with tons of stains on them. That isn’t attractive.
    • Remember to try to match. Some fashion experts say that you shouldn’t wear an outfit with more than three colors. [3]
    • A lot of schools have uniforms, but you can find your own style within this uniform. For example, maybe you can wear corduroys and a flannel shirt if you're a boy to satisfy the uniform and still wear a particular style.
  3. Try wearing makeup if it suits you. Obviously you want to look good if you're hanging around people you're own age the whole day. Makeup can really help with that. Prime your skin with a primer, some good ones are smashbox photofinish, Korres organic primer, mac prep and prime, or you could just use your moisturizer. Primer keeps your makeup on longer and can make pores and fine lines go away.
    • Use a light to medium coverage. Foundation adds a flawless base for your skin and makes your skin look a lot more even. If you need to, conceal dark areas and pimples with a creamy concealer. Put it all around your neck so you don't look like you have white underneath and tan on top, it's good to use a little tanner color.
    • Try using a bronzer and a blush. Try to buy ones that don't have much glitter or shimmer in them and keep your face pretty matte.
    • Use a loose powder to set your foundation in the morning and a pressed one for touchups. This will give you a good flawless finish. Make sure that you put some all around your neck and behind like the foundation so it's not noticeable but so it looks well.
  4. Try to emulate the latest fashion trends or what other people are wearing at school. If you prefer not to wear clothes that you feel comfortable in or you want to find a new style, try to find the latest fashion trend that you think would suit you. Maybe that’s wearing a certain style of shirt, maybe it’s stylish summer dresses or sleek skintight pants. Use the internet to look up the latest fashion trends and find one that works for you. [4] You also can find someone who you think dresses really well at school and emulate what they do. If other people think that person is hot, you could do worse than following their lead.
  5. Wear a light perfume. There are many perfumes to try, choose one that you feel defines you. Don’t put too much of it on – if you can smell it on yourself while you’re walking around then that is probably a bad sign. Just put enough on so that you have your signature scent.
  6. Accessorize. Wear tasteful earrings, necklaces, or rings if jewelry suits you. However, if you don't want to deal with having jewelry on you all day at school and in class, try getting a cute bag.

Having an Attractive Personality

  1. Be confident at school. Stand up straight, hold your head high. More importantly, don't be afraid to talk to people, to introduce yourself to the new kid, to ask questions in class, to sign up for a new club, or anything else you would like to do. Come out of your shell. You are you, and be proud of it! People are attracted to others who are real. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t, even if it feels like you are supposed to do that in high school. People will look up to you if you aren’t insecure. [5]
  2. Smile! Wave at people, smile a lot, and try to laugh. The world is a wonderful place and there’s always something to smile about. Remembering people's names saying hello to them in the hall is incredibly attractive. If you look good and you start acting like you look good, everyone will be attracted to you.
  3. Remember to be yourself at school. Even if you want to look hotter, don't leave behind the parts of your personality that make you who you are. That means that you shouldn't just try to become friends with the popular crowd if you don't like them at all. You don't have to hate them either. It is not attractive if you try too hard to be someone you are not. Be confident in the things you love, your talents, and the things you are successful in. If you make a mistake, laugh it off and try to do better next time. Remember all those who love you, and remember that everyone makes mistakes.
  4. Have an opinion. Intelligence and independence are two of the most attractive qualities that you can have. [6] Find the things you are interested in and learn more about them. Don’t be vapid. Enter into conversations in an informed and intelligent manner.
  5. Treat others well at school. Being nice is incredibly attractive, especially if you already have a lot going for you. Engage others in conversation and actually pay attention to what they have to say. Even if you are beautiful, don’t expect the world to bow down to you. Ask a lot of questions. Try to be a good person! [5]


  • Don't try too hard, it will show and you will look like a wannabe.
  • Education is most important if you spent as much time to study than apply makeup everything falls into place. Besides who wouldn't want a girl with beauty and brains?
  • Have confidence and never listen to others rude or insulting comments.
  • Read 'Being Me', this book is helpful if you have trouble with your confidence.
  • Wear clothes that fit your body type. For example, if you're heavy avoid wearing horizontal stripes, they make you look bigger. If you have a small bust, don't wear low neck shirts.
  • The most attractive girls are those who are able to compliment others without feeling the need to have or be "that".
  • If, at the end, you are not considered "hot" at the extent you want to be, maybe consider being "cute" or "pretty".
  • When putting on nail polish, make sure you have the color complements your skin tone. If you are light toned use pastel colors such as light purple, pink, blue, green or yellow. If you are medium, you want to lean more to the metallic side. Shiny, metal looking colors. You may also want to use brighter colors, like neon. If you are dark, maroons, dark greens, and reds tend to look the best. Gold does look pretty stylish too!
  • If your tan starts to look patchy, moisturizing and exfoliating are your two best friends.
  • Laugh at your mistakes.
  • Try carrying a small purse with things in for touch-ups if you wear makeup. You don't want to be in the middle of class and have your eye liner running and your lip balm smearing!
  • If you have strict rules about uniform at school, don't get yourself in detention for wearing your skirt too short or people will get a bad impression!
  • Note that if you like someone else's clothes or style, go for it! But don't make it exactly like the other persons. You might come across as rude, plus you should add your touch to your clothes; make them a part of YOU.
  • Remember, you can still be hot if you're plus size or a little chunky. The skinny girl is not always the hot girl.
  • Step outside the lines. According to this article, 'f you're heavy avoid wearing horizontal stripes, they make you look bigger. If you have a small bust, don't wear low neck shirts' is "true". You can wear horizontal stripes, you don't have to listen to fashion. Wear whatever you like.

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