Look Less Tired When You Wake Up
Whether you stayed up late working or didn’t sleep well the night before, there are many reasons to feel tired in the morning. But that doesn’t mean you need to look tired when you wake up. Puffy, red eyes, uneven skin tone, and dark under-eye circles are a huge giveaway that you aren’t rested, which can make you seem sloppy and unprepared. But even if you feel tired, there are ways to cover up the signs of sleep deprivation and appear less tired when you wake up.
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
- Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated throughout the day will help you look better and feel better. Going to bed even mildly dehydrated will not only disturb your sleep cycle, it will also cause you to look more tired in the morning. Staying hydrated will help your skin achieve an even tone and can help you avoid dark under-eye circles, which will make you look tired even if you had a full night of deep sleep. Try to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water each day for best results. If drinking this much water throughout the day makes you get up to use the restroom at night, drink the eight glasses earlier in the day and stop drinking water two hours before bedtime.
- Limit caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. Both caffeine and alcohol are extremely dehydrating, so drinking too much of either throughout the day can counteract all the water you drink to stay hydrated. Alcohol also causes the blood vessels in your body and face to dilate, which can lead to flushed, puffy skin when you wake up in the morning. Drinking either of these before bed will make you look even more tired in the morning, so definitely avoid these the night before any important day.
- Wind down before bed the night before. Feeling and looking tired in the morning can be caused by a number of factors, but one of the most common factors is poor sleep hygiene. Sleeping well is not just about how long you sleep, it is also about how well you sleep. Many people just jump into bed and shut the light off, but this is not the proper way to wind down after a long day. Before settling in for the night, try to take the time to clear your mind of any stressors. Be sure to turn off the TV and any bright lights as well. Maximize the benefits of sleep by helping your brain get to the ultra-relaxing deep sleep stage by starting your night off with a relaxed mind.
- Get enough sleep. Most sleep experts agree that the average adult should get 7 - 9 hours of sleep each night. For many this number may seem like a lot, but that’s because hardly any adults get the much sleep. In fact, about 40% of adults get less than 7 hours of sleep each night. Sleep experts say this means that almost half of adults are starving for sleep, so it’s no wonder so many of us feel and look tired in the morning. To help you look less tired in the morning, be less tired in the morning by getting enough sleep the night before. Stick to a consistent bedtime to help set your body’s internal clock, and you’ll be on your way to a fresh face in the morning in no time.
- Sleep on your back. To help you look your best in the morning, experts also recommend sleeping on your back to reduce sleep lines upon awakening. Sleeping on your back can also help to reduce face puffiness and the formation of early-onset wrinkles. You can also try sleeping with more pillows under your head, which some research finds reduces dark circles formation by eliminating blood pooling in the tiny vessels of the face during sleep.
Starting Your Day Right
- Avoid hitting the snooze button. Whether you hit the snooze button constantly in the morning, or only delay getting up by five minutes, using the snooze button at all will make you feel more tired. Sleep experts say that hitting the snooze button disrupts the inertia of your sleep, which in turn will make you feel (and look!) more tired throughout the morning. When you first wake up in the morning and feel like you want to go back to sleep, that is normal sleep inertia; however, allowing your body to go back to sleep and having to repeat the process again a few minutes later will cause your brain to feel this pronounced grogginess longer after you do finally get up. If you want to feel and look more awake right away, avoid post-snooze sleep and the snooze button!
- Don’t get ready in the dark. Your body’s internal clock is extremely sensitive to light and darkness, so try to avoid confusing it by telling it to be awake when you’re still in the dark. A hefty dose of sunshine when you first wake up in the morning is one of the best ways to trick your body into waking up. And if you feel like you’re awake, you will look like you’re awake. If you open the curtains to overcast skies or you wake up before dawn, turn on a very strong light in every room you get ready in. For best results, try using the type of lightbulb used to treat seasonal affective disorder.
- Stretch and lightly exercise every morning. If you have the willpower to wake up and do your full workout, that’s great! For many people though, just getting up in the morning is hard enough. Even if you feel extremely tired in the morning, another great way to perk up your appearance is to get the blood moving by taking a brisk walk around your room, doing a couple of jumping jacks, or stretching for about 5 minutes. This light exercise and stretching will help wake up your mind and body, and it will give you an alert look and a rosy, healthy glow.
- Take a cold shower. When you wake up feeling tired it can be tempting to skip the shower altogether for a few extra minutes of sleep; however, taking a shower is a great way to wake up in the morning. Adjust the water temperature to be as cool as you can handle it, and use an exfoliating scrub on your face and body. Exfoliating will scrub off the grime and bacteria from the previous day and brighten the skin, which will help you look more awake. Cold water also causes the blood vessels to constrict, which reduces redness and swelling, so your face will look more rested. Be sure to put moisturizer on afterward since dehydrated skin will look unhealthy and make you look tired.
- Eat breakfast and drink a large glass of cold water. Sleep experts say that waking up and immediately reaching for your coffee is one of the worst ways to wake up. It gets your body in the habit of needing caffeine and makes your body think that it can’t possibly wake up without it when in fact it can. This means that on days when you don’t have enough coffee or any coffee at all, you will look way more tired than you really are because you’ve tricked yourself into thinking you’re sleepy. Instead, reach for a large glass of cold water and drink it briskly. This will wake you up and hydrate your skin, helping you look awake. Also don’t forget to eat breakfast rich in fiber and protein, which will set you up for a day of productivity.
Combating the Signs of Sleepiness
- Get rid of under-eye bags. It may seem strange, but one of the most tried and true remedies to look awake and refreshed in the morning is to use cold spoons to de-puff your eyes. Place two spoons in your freezer while you get ready in the morning. Once they have cooled, gently press the spoons (curved side in) to your eye sockets. The combination of the cold and the pressure will make under-eye bags disappear, which will make you look wide awake and well-rested. Keep the spoons on your eyes until they are no longer cold, about 5 minutes.
- Make your eyes look white and bright. Red eyes are a sure sign that you are fatigued, so taking measures to make your eyes look white will immediately make you look less tired. There are several ways to do this depending on how much extra time you have in the morning:
- Use over-the-counter eye drops to clear up bloodshot eyes.
- Apply a cold compress to your eyes for 10 - 15 minutes in the morning to help shrink the blood vessels around your eyes.
- If you wear makeup, apply eyeliner that matches your skin tone to the inner lash line, called the waterline, of your lower eyelid. This will make the veins in your eyes less noticeable and the whites of your eyes will look brighter.
- Get rid of dark circles. Many people suffer from dark under-eye circles even when they are well rested, but still these circles are associated with fatigue. In fact, dark under-eye circles are not caused by a lack of sleep, these shadows are just more apparent when you’re tired because a lack of sleep makes you paler and more hollow-eyed. Whether the circles are chronic or because you pulled an all-nighter, there are ways to reduce their appearance and help you look less tired:
- Applying cold compresses (especially cold spoons!) will help get rid of dark circles as well as puffy eyes.
- Try using saline washes or sprays to rinse away any nasal congestion, which can affect your blood pressure and pool blood in the veins and capillaries under your eyes.
- Take a moment and gently massage your under-eye area with a cool wet washcloth or a frozen cotton swab for about 5 - 10 minutes. This will help disperse any blood pooled in the veins and capillaries under your eyes.
- If you wear makeup, use a thick concealer with a yellow undertone to hide dark under-eye circles.
- Apply a refreshing moisturizer to your skin. On days where you need a little more help to look less tired in the morning, reach for a moisturizing product designed to perk up your skin. Look for products that contain refreshing ingredients like caffeine or green tea, which will help awaken your skin up from the inside out. To enhance the effectiveness of these products further, try keeping them in the refrigerator to that they are extra cool and refresh when applied to the skin.
- Some experts also believe that reducing your salt intake during the day will help reduce the development of puffy eyes during the night. If you try these tricks and still have tired-looking eyes, try reducing the amount of salty products you eat.
- Wearing bright colors/clothes brightens your mood and people begin to match your clothing with your emotions. If you wear dark clothing, some may believe your not as awake or happy but by wearing bright colors, they assume you're awake and ready for the day!
- If you’re sleeping for long, deep hours and still feel tired and exhausted in the morning, keep in mind this probably indicates that there is something disrupting your sleep in the night and keeping it shallow. If this persists, consider seeing a sleep specialist, especially one affiliated with the National Sleep Foundation.