Get to Sleep and Feel Refreshed in the Morning

When you come home from a long day at work, you are likely exhausted. However, even if you get plenty of sleep, you may find yourself groggy in the morning. Knowing how to shed your worries, unwind at night, and sleep deeply and soundly will help you feel energized and ready to go in the morning.


Getting to Sleep

  1. Get comfortable. Don't wear any clothes that are too tight or restricting or that will keep you too warm at night. They can keep you from falling asleep because you aren't comfortable, as well as make you restless later.
  2. Cut out stimulants. Caffeine, for instance, can last 5 hours or more in your system, so make sure to stop drinking it early.[1] Another stimulant to avoid is nicotine; it's best to try to quit smoking altogether if you are having trouble sleeping.[2]
  3. Turn off the electronics. At least an hour before you want to sleep, turn off your computer, phone, and television. The bright lights of the screen tell your brain to stay awake, so to get your mind ready for bed, they need to go.[3]
  4. Stop your racing mind. If you find you can't sleep because your brain keeps going, stop trying to sleep. Go try another activity for a time, such as reading a book. You'll begin to feel sleepy, and when you do, return to bed. This practice helps you to associate your bed with one thing--sleep.[1]
    • Another way to slow down your mind is to try meditation, as it clears your mind of thoughts if you do it properly. It also relaxes you.[1] One simple meditation is to concentrate on your breaths. Take deep breaths in and out, focusing solely on your breaths.[4] Try counting to four each time you inhale, and then repeat four counts each time you exhale to help slow your breaths.
    • Also, have a pen handy. That way, if you think of something you must do tomorrow, you can write it down instead of worrying about it.[5]
  5. Keep snacks light before bed. Big meals can cause indigestion or make you full enough that it keeps you awake. If you need a snack before bed, keep it light.[6]
  6. Stay on schedule. Try going to sleep at the same time every night, as well as waking up at the same time every morning. This trains your body to want to go to bed when it's time for you to go to bed, helping you get to sleep easier.[6]
  7. Try melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that tells you to sleep. Your body already produces it, but you can also take a supplement. It is relatively safe, though it can cause headaches, dizziness, and irritability, as well as make you drowsy the next day. Therefore, you should try it out on a weekend when you don't need to be anywhere in particular.
    • Orally, you can swallow a pill or buy lozenges that you leave to melt under your tongue. You can also use a cream that you rub into your skin.[7] Usually, you take 0.3 to 0.5 milligrams near bedtime to help you get to sleep. The body generally produces 0.3 milligrams or less per day, so you can start with less than that (0.1 milligrams) and work your way up to a dose that helps you, up to 3 milligrams as an adult.[7]
    • Melatonin can react with other medications, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and blood pressure medications. Always check with your doctor first before starting a new medication.[7]
  8. Try a sleep aid. Over-the-counter medications can help you sleep. Most are antihistamines that make you drowsy. However, if you take them too often, they won't be effective anymore. Plus, they can make you groggy the next day.[8]
    • The two main categories are diphenhydramine, which is the main ingredient in Benadryl and Unisom SleepGels, and doxylamine succinate, the main ingredient in Unisom SleepTabs. Both of these are antihistamines that can make you drowsy in the day, give you blurred vision, and dry out your mouth.[9]
    • Always check with your doctor first. You shouldn't take these drugs if you have certain conditions, such as liver disease, asthma, glaucoma, or sleep apnea.[9]
  9. Understand when to see a doctor. If you're getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, and still not feeling ok in the morning, you may need to see a doctor. You could have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, or insomnia.[10]
    • Insomnia is a chronic condition where you can't go to sleep or you wake up often during the night.[11] Sleep apnea keeps you from getting restful sleep because you skip a breath in your breathing. Restless legs syndrome is a feeling in your legs of tingling that can keep you awake. Narcolepsy can cause you to fall asleep at almost any time against your control.[10]

Staying Asleep

  1. Skip the alcohol late at night. Though alcohol can help you fall asleep, it can also make you restless later at night, meaning you won't wake up as refreshed.[12] Stop drinking at least 2 hours before bedtime.[13]
    • Alcohol diminishes your ability to go into REM sleep, so you get less good quality sleep. Also, if you drink too much, it can affect your breathing, making your sleep not as sound.[14]
  2. Turn your pets out. Your pets most likely do not sleep through the night like you do. They move around, make noise, and get up. These activities can wake you up, leaving you less rested. Try locking your pets out of your room for a night to see if you sleep better.[6]
  3. Drown out the light. Light tells your brain to wake up, so whether it's light from streetlights, the hallway, or even your bedside clock, it can keep you up. Use dark curtains on the window, especially if you have a good amount of early morning light, and place towels under doors if you need to do so. Cover up your clock so it's not shining so brightly.[1]
  4. Cool down your room. In the same vein, your room should be cool enough for sleeping, as you'll toss and turn if you're too warm. Generally, you should aim for 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.[15]
    • Studies show that people sleep better and for longer periods of time in colder rooms. In fact, studies have shown that a cool room can even help people who suffer from sleep apnea sleep better. Your body follows circadian rhythms when it comes temperature, cooling down as you get closer to nighttime. However, if your body runs a bit hotter overall, you may have trouble falling asleep if you're not in a cool room, as your body can't cool down for sleep.[16]
  5. Remove noise from the room. That is, you should definitely turn off noises such as the television and radio, but you should also take out anything smaller that makes noise, such as a ticking clock. Even small sounds can keep you awake or wake you up.[5]
    • If you can't stop certain noises, try earplugs or a white noise app to drown them out.[1]
  6. Change positions. Just because you've slept on your back your whole life doesn't mean that's the best position for you. Try sleeping on your stomach, or if you must stay on your back, maybe you need to support your knees and back with pillows to help keep you comfortable throughout the night.[5]

Waking Up Refreshed

  1. Try a gentle alarm clock. Your body doesn't like to be jolted out of sleep, and you may feel more groggy if you have a loud, obnoxious alarm clock. Try one that has a more gradual alarm, such as one that slowly gets louder.[17]
  2. Be in the sunlight. As soon as you can in the morning, try to get some sunlight. Either step outside or let sunlight into your bedroom Sunlight tells your body to wake up, so you'll be awake to start the day.[18]
    • Your body's natural rhythms are set by the sun and night. Basically, the sunlight tells your body it's morning, and it's time to start the day.[19]
  3. Drink water. You lose water during the night from sweating and through breathing. Make it one of your top priorities to drink a glass of water early in the morning, prepping you for the rest of the day.[18]
  4. Have some coffee. Though you want to skip the caffeine later in the day, you can use some in the morning to get you going. Just don't go overboard; 1 to 2 cups is sufficient. Try programming your coffeepot to start brewing just before your alarm. The smell will help you wake up, plus you'll have coffee ready to go.[17]
  5. Give yourself energy. Just like your car needs gas to go, your body needs food to go. Give it what it needs by having a breakfast complete with protein and a complex carbohydrate, such as peanut butter on whole wheat toast. Skip overly sugary breakfasts, such as sugary cereals or waffles with syrup.[18]
    • Try oatmeal, which is packed with fiber and is a complex carbohydrate. Use fruit to sweeten it, and add some protein, such as a few almonds or peanuts.[20]
    • Eat Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has more protein than other yogurts, so it's a great choice for the mornings. Try it plain with some fruit to add sweetness.[21]
  6. Try exercise. Nothing wakes you up like a morning workout, so try jogging or an aerobic routine in the morning to get your day going. As an added bonus, people who exercise tend to sleep better at night, so you'll have a more restful night later.[22]

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Sources and Citations

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
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  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2
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  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2
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  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1
  11. Jump up
  12. Jump up,,20462696_8,00.html
  13. Jump up
  14. Jump up
  15. Jump up
  16. Jump up
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 18.2
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  20. Jump up,,20676415_2,00.html
  21. Jump up,,20676415_3,00.html
  22. Jump up