Look for Mistakes in Google Earth

Wanting to look for cool or even freaky things on Google Earth?? Read on.


  1. Know that if you do not have Google earth, go to google.com
  2. Search "Google Earth download"
  3. Click on the result that will lead you to downloading Google Earth.
  4. Read the Terms and Conditions and follow the steps to download it.
  5. To find mistakes, you can simply go on line to search or find your own.
  6. If you chose the second one read on.
  7. On the side, type in your address.
  8. Search a few blocks away. (this is what i found. in the same box search 36°51'52.52"N 94°22'1.35"W{you may have to zoom in})
  9. If you don't have any luck, search for a popular city and look around for some more.

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