Make a Google Map

Here is a brief tutorial to get you up and running with the Google Maps program. Below are the first few steps, once complete, you can start playing around and tweaking your map to personalize it and make it unique. Don’t forget to change your peg to something other than the default blue peg!


  1. Log into your Google Maps account.
  2. Click on the MY MAPS link near the top left. (If you don't see this screen, manually navigate to
  3. Click on the CREATE NEW MAP link near the top left.
  4. Now you can see the new ‘Untitled’ map you’ve started as well as the map editing tools you’ll use to create your map.
  5. Click on Blue peg in your tools area, then click the physical map to place your marker on the map. You’re up and running!
  6. Explore the editing tools and get comfortable with the different ways of developing a map. You can use simple HTML to format your information windows, add images, create links, color type, and, of course, make your own map marker.
  7. One last thing, when adding a Google map to a web page or blog, you will need a key from Google Maps API ( The key is for a particular url, just follow the instructions at the url above for plugging in your map.

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