Make Ballet Pointe Shoes

Pointe shoes are expensive. This is how to make a decorative, non-functional pair of pointe shoes out of cardboard, fabric, tape, glue, and cotton balls!

Warning: This is only for decoration! Please only go en pointe in a purchased and properly fitted pair of pointe shoes after consistent and lengthy technical training. Your ballet teacher will tell you when she thinks you're ready.


  1. Measure. Take your large square of cardboard and measure your foot, tracing would be best, cut this out, but make it a little boxy, cut your fabric too. If desired, take cotton balls and paste to the bottom and inside front of your shoe. Pointe shoes always have padding for the toes and feet.
  2. Cut out the sides and a tall flat front, just like on pointe shoes.
  3. Now, cut out a second bottom foot piece, but this time, cut out a large oval so that you can stick your foot in.
  4. Tape your slipper together.
  5. Take your fabric and glue the slipper together. Take a cheap paint brush, dip it in Elmer's school glue and apply to the cardboard shoe, then stick fabric on.
  6. Repeat. Now do the same with you second slipper! (Add a pretty tail to tie around your ankle if desired!)


  • - make sure the pointe shoes do not look too messy, take your time!


  • The shoes described here are not to be actually used for dancing en pointe. They are intended for decoration only. Using incorrectly aligned en pointe could seriously and permanently damage your knees, feet, and legs.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 large square of cardboard
  • Elmers liquid glue
  • Cheap plastic bristled paintbrush
  • fabric (optional)
  • Cotton balls

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