Prepare Pointe Shoes for Dancing

Preparing pointe shoes is no easy task. They must be sewn almost exactly right, with elastic and ribbons. So, here is how to prepare the elastic and ribbon for your pointe shoes in readiness for dancing.


  1. Before your first class, bend your pointe shoe a bit at the arch. Don't bend the area between the arch and demi-pointe area; this will weaken the shoe's support. Do some releves from demi pointe to pointe. To soften them even more, put one shoe on, but leave the heel off and folded all the way down. Take hold of the heel of the shank (the hard "sole" of the shoe) and push it down and in to your exact arch. If you feel uncertain about this, ask a teacher to do it the first time. However, if you use only a little pressure, it will not hurt the shoe.
  2. Break in the box (front part) of the shoes by gently pressing the top until it gives a little. This makes it wider and more comfortable for your toes. Do not use harsh pressure, or extreme methods such as hammering them, unless you are very experienced! This will likely cause the shoe to crack or break and be weak in areas. Some common "pressure points" for dancers en pointe are the bunion bone area (side of the big toe joint) and the tailors bunion (side of the pinky to joint). If you find those areas to rub or press to much, try dabbing a little rubbing alcohol on them, working them with your fingers, then allowing them to mould around your foot while drying.
  3. For your first class, try to keep this kind of breaking-in minimal, just enough so that the shoes are wearable. If you are not experienced you may end up damaging the shoes. The best way to break in shoes is by dancing in them. As you become more experienced, you will be able to figure out how to break in your shoes more easily.
  4. All your sewing should be done with either pointe shoe thread, or dental floss. Dental floss is strong and will not give out as easily as regular thread.

Sewing the elastic

  1. Measure a thumbs length from the back seam of the shoe, both ways. This is where you will sew the elastic.
  2. Before you begin sewing, be sure to measure out the appropriate length of elastic by putting the shoe on and feeling for what is comfortable. You want it tight enough for support, but not to block blood flow.
  3. Line up your elastic, and sew with a whipstitch and double back 2 or three times for maximum durability.

Sewing the ribbons

  1. Sit down, and study your pointed foot. Notice where the middle of your arch is.
  2. Fold the heel of the shoe over so it makes a crease. Then, mark where it meets the side of the shoe, this is where you sew your ribbons on. Or, fold the heel of the pointe shoe as far forward as it'll go, and fit the end of the ribbon in slanted to follow the line of the fold. The fold should be in line with the approximate centre of the ribbon.
  3. Fold the end of your ribbon twice. Then place it shiny side outward, and sew around the edges. Make sure you do not pierce the satin on the outside of the shoe, only the rough canvas on the inside, to keep it looking nice and clean. Once you've done both ribbons Do a few releves or other basic ballet moves. Make sure that the ribbons support your ankle.
  4. Adjust the ribbons until they are right for you. You may need to angle them.
  5. Sew them right below the drawstring. Make sure that you do not sew the drawstring. 
  6. Double check and make sure that the ribbons work.

Adjusting the drawstring

  1. After the ribbons have been sewn, put your foot up on pointe. Gently pull the drawstring a little.
  2. Holding the drawstrings still, go down to demi-pointe. The shoe should not bag much on the sides.
  3. Continue steps 1-2 until the sides don't bag much. A little bagging is okay; you don't want the drawstring to be too tight.
  4. Be careful if the drawstring is elastic, because it is easy to tighten them up too much.
  5. After you have your drawstrings properly tightened, tie them in a double knot.
  6. Pull the drawstrings up to the end of the toe and cut them there. This way you can still adjust them if needed, but they will be easily tucked in for a professional look!
  7. Go onto demi-pointe in your shoes. If there is pressure or pain in your achilles, either your drawstring is too tight, your ribbons are too tight, or the shoe is too short for you. Adjust your ribbons if you feel a pull on your Achilles tendon. Do not dance if the shoes cause pain in your Achilles tendon! This can lead to tendonitis and other injuries that could possibly ruin your career as a dancer.
  8. For a first pair of shoes, it is wiser to wait to adjust the drawstrings until you have danced in them first. Ask your teacher if you can tie your drawstrings in bows for your first class. That way you can adjust the over the course of the class.

Tying the ribbons

  1. Place your foot flat on the floor, or hold your foot in a flexed position.
  2. Hold the inside ribbon. Cross it over the ankle bone until it meets the inside of your ankle. From there, wrap it around the ankle once. Hold the ribbon tight on the inside of the ankle.
  3. Hold the outside ribbon. Cross it over the inside of the ankle so it crosses the other in an X. From there, wrap it around the ankle once, and then around half the ankle, so it meets the other end of the ribbon on the inside of the ankle.
  4. Tie the ribbon ends in a double knot.
  5. Cut the ends, about four inches from the knot.
  6. Singe the ends with a lighter, or use clear nail polish to keep the ends from fraying.
  7. Tuck the knot and ribbon ends underneath the tied ribbons.
  8. It may take you a long time to tie them at first, but soon you will be able to do it in your sleep!


  • Make it comfortable for you. But also, don't get discouraged if it is your first pair, your teacher will help you! Also, don't expect the shoes to be comfortable, they are usually quite painful to dance in for the first week or two!
  • To make pointe shoes last longer, after each class take your toepads out of your shoe. They can be stored in the bottom of the mesh bag or in a separate mesh bag.
  • After each class, take your shoes out of your bag and hang them up to dry. This way, they won't break down so much and will last longer.
  • Over time, your process for preparing shoes will become systematic and personal. Every dancer has her own method. As you get more advanced, don't be afraid to experiment!
  • Quilting thread or dental floss is good for sewing ribbons.
  • If your teacher has given you instructions other than this, listen to them! They know your feet better than an article.
  • Place the end of the ribbon and elastic so that there is about one inch in the shoe under the drawstring. Sew along the bottom, up the sides, and below the drawstring in a box. This will make the shoes fit your feet better and decrease the chances on the ribbons falling off.
  • If the heels of your shoes often fall off when dancing, try wearing pointe shoes with no tights. Skin is not as slippery as tights and the traction will make your shoes stay better. If you must wear tights, rub a little rosin or water on the heel. Double crossing the elastic or getting ribbon with a bit of elastic sewn into the back where it meets your heel can also help keep your heels in your shoes.
  • To keep your ribbons from coming loose, you can use one long length of ribbon instead of two. Cross the ribbon under your foot and sew under the drawstring on both sides. This saves time, as well.
  • Don't get very pink ribbons/elastic. Then the audience will be watching your elastic/ribbons instead of you. As a general rule, shoes and ribbons should match the color of your leg line.
  • You can also use these tips for demi-pointe shoes, if you put ribbons and/or elastic on your flats.
  • If you find the shoes slippery, scrap the sole with a scraper or score it with an exacto knife. Cut off the satin on the tip on the toe.
  • You need to be experienced in ballet and have enough ankle strength in order to get pointe shoes.
  • Make sure you get your teacher's consent before buying the pointe shoes, it is dangerous to start too early.


  • Never dance in dead (too soft shoes) if you are a beginner. Only experienced dancers with very strong feet have the strength to support themselves in soft shoes.
  • Don't get your shoes wet; it will probably damage them.
  • Never play around in your pointe shoes at home if you are a beginner!

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