Make Blinking Text Without the Text Tag or JavaScript

What a lot of people would like is a way to make blinking text in Internet Explorer. There is one very long, hard way using Javascript, but why waste so much energy when there is a simple way. The "blink" tag doesn't work, so why not use marquees?


Sample HTML

Doc:HTML Marquee Code for Blinking Text

Making Blinking Text

  1. Start by putting a marquee tag.(<marquee>)
  2. Then, put a style="" inside that tag (<marquee style="">)
  3. Put height:wateverheight;width:wateverwidth inside the style="" (<marquee style="height:20;width:200">)
  4. After the style="" put scrollamount="watevernumber" Make sure that number is exactly the same as the width! (<marquee style="height:20;width:200" scrollamount="200">)
  5. Put a scrolldelay="watevernumber". This number can be whatever you want it to be. Just remember: the lower the number, the faster the blink. (<marquee style="height:20;width:200" scrollamount="200" scrolldelay="500">)
  6. Type in your text (<marquee style="height:20;width:200" scrollamount="200" scrolldelay="500">Blinky Text!)
  7. Put </marquee> at the end. <marquee style="height:20;width:200" scrollamount="200" scrolldelay="500">Blinky Text!</marquee>)


  • Don't use it for normal text. Only use it for things like "NEW!" or other things that you want to be noticed.
  • Try not to overuse this effect. It gets very annoying.


  • Don't forget to add the </marquee> tag at the end, or the whole page will be flashing.
  • Both marquee and blinking text are deprecated, and can make your website look very bad.

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