Use Simple HTML Format

This guide will show you how to easily create simple sentences and paragraphs in HTML. There are many programs use to create web sites but the basic way to do it is using your notepad and HTML language.



Doc:Simple Webpage,Webpage with HTML,HTML Cheat Sheet

Using Simple HTML Format

  1. First, some information about HTML:
    To program in HTML we use "tags". They are the ones that give format to the text that is going to appear in your website, make tables, insert images, etc.
    A tag goes between this symbols "< >", like this <xxx>.
    Everything else that is not between "< >" is what is going to appear in the website.
    There are two kinds of tags: open and close.
    Open tags have just one key word, for example: <xxx> .
    Close tags (the most common ones) have two key words, the last one goes at the end of the sentence you want appear in the website and have the symbol "/", for example:
    <yyy> hi, my name is Dane </yyy>.
  2. Open a new notepad document
  3. Type
    Welcome to my first web site
  4. Save the document with any name you like but with the extension: .html, like this: website.html
    if you don't save it like this is not going to work!
  5. Go to the folder where you save the document, there you will find the document with the IExplorer symbol.
  6. Open it and it's going to look like this:
  7. Experiment with new tags. here's a list of the most common tags:
    • BOLD: < b > hello < /b > ----> hello
  8. ITALIC: < i > hello < /i > ----> hello
  9. UNDERLINE: < u > hello < /u > ----> hello
  10. FONT COLOR: < font color="f11a0a" > hello < /font > ----> hello
  11. SPACE BETWEEN LINES (enter): hello < br > how are u? ----> hello
    how are u?


  • On HTML language, colors are expressed in code, for example
  • 0000ff=blue
  • the code have always 6 digits that can go from 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
  • If you want to edit your website and you close you notepad doc, right click on the website and click on "view source". It will open the Notepad document so you can edit it, then save and go to your web site and click "refresh" and the changes will appear.
  • You can experiment creating your own codes or search in the web for more HTML color codes, you'll find a lot of them!!!
  • 000000=black
  • ff0000=red
  • Search in the web for more tags so you can create a more personalize web site.
  • 00ff00=green
  • ffffff=white

Things You'll Need

  • a computer
  • a simple text editor.
  • willingness to learn and experiment.
  • patience

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