Make Chocolate Milk Out of Nutella or Hazelnut Spread

Are you looking for a healthy and tasty drink? This treat works great for kids, adults, and any other aged person you know! Nutella is already such a tasty snack, but what about a tasty drink? Do you want to know how to make one? Well here is how...


  • Nutella
  • Milk


In A Blender

  1. Scoop out a spoon full of Nutella. Put it into your blender.
  2. Pour a glass of milk in the blender. Hot, or cold- both make a great treat.
  3. Blend. 20 seconds should be enough to mix it.
  4. Enjoy.

In A Cup

  1. Pour a glass of milk.
  2. Scoop out a spoon full of Nutella hazelnut spread.
  3. Put the spoonful of Nutella into the glass. You may need to tap the spoon on the glass a few times to get it to come off. If that doesn't work, spin the spoon of Nutella in the glass of milk for about 5 seconds and then tap it.
  4. Get another spoonful of Nutella. This is optional. If you prefer more kick in your taste, put two spoonfuls, if you prefer a small bit of flavor, add spoonful.
  5. Stir your Nutella in the glass of milk. It will take quite a while to stir the Nutella into the milk. If you have trouble getting it to mix in, try heating the milk in the microwave. Whether you heat the milk or not, you will find small chunks of hazelnut spread in your milk, that is normal.
  6. Done! Now you are ready to drink your glass of Nutella, or "chocolate milk"!

In A Jar

  1. Grab a jar of Nutella that's almost empty. A good ratio is about one tablespoon of Nutella per cup of milk, so plan ahead!
  2. Optional: warm up your milk. This makes it easier to mix and gives you a hot chocolate-like drink - perfect for cold weather!
  3. Pour the milk into the jar.
  4. Close the lid! Nutella milk is best in your mouth, not on the walls, so seal it tight!
  5. Shake! Shake the jar up and down, spin it around, over your head, until it's mixed! Or, if you don't want to shake it, ask a friend (or kids) or leave it in the fridge to settle.
  6. Enjoy!


  • Another faster method is to follow the same steps as above, but instead of stirring the milk, blend it in a blender until smooth. There will be little to no chunks of hazelnut spread and it will be a little frothy.
  • A faster method is to use a clean empty glass jar. Add in the milk and Nutella, and then stir until only small bits of Nutella can be observed from the bottle. Finally, close the jar tight and shake for about one minute (you can shake fast without any risk of spilling)
  • Hold down the blender lid so it doesn't fly off.
  • Using an almost-empty jar of Nutella is a quick and easy way to use up that last little bit!
  • To make a Nutella Milkshake, try pouring the Nutella milk into a blender with a scoop of chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
  • If using the jar method, make sure your jar is closed tight!

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