Make Chocolate With Cocoa Powder

Making chocolates from scratch—using cocoa beans and processing them—is a job best left to the professionals and those with a lot of free time. And let's face it—when you want a chocolate, you don't want to wait! Cheer up, the answer's at hand—make chocolate from the stuff you (usually) find in your cupboard or fridge.


  • 2 cups (220g) cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup (170g) butter, softened at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup (100g) sugar (preferably powdered)
  • 2/3 cup (150ml) milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
  • 1 cup (235ml) water


  1. Blend cocoa and butter. Place the cocoa powder and softened butter in a bowl and stir until blended and mix until it becomes a paste.
    • Transfer the chocolate mixture into a bowl (or top of a double boiler)
  2. Fill saucepan or double boiler about 1/4 full with water (1 cup). Place the chocolate mixture on top of the saucepan or double boiler, and bring the water to just simmering, over low heat.
    • Heat until hot, stirring frequently. Regularly scrape the chocolate off the sides with a rubber spatula, to prevent scorching. When the paste is hot (but not cooked), Put it back in the processor and mix till smooth.
  3. Blend in milk and sugar. Stir the paste, and add milk and sugar gradually. Mix well until the paste is smooth and creamy. Taste, and adjust with more sugar if necessary, and salt as needed.
  4. Pour in mold or ice cube tray. Put it in the fridge until the chocolates have set.
  5. Take them out, and dust with powdered sugar. Enjoy!


  • Don't add too much water or the chocolate will seize (form lumps and stick together).
  • Use an ice cube mold for a classic shape.
  • Use a wooden spoon and lift the paste from the base and put it to the top to make it creamy.
  • You can buy molds from an arts & crafts shop.
  • Don't add too much water or the paste will become too runny if this does happen add a bit of flour!
  • Try using variety of things you enjoy, for example, nuts.


  • It could possibly take over 10 hours to freeze.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 quart saucepan
  • Food processor
  • Mold or ice cube tray

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