Make Food for Santa's Reindeer
Do you or your children want to feed Santa's reindeer? Do you think it's unfair to leave cookies and milk for Santa and nothing for the reindeer? Try one of these great fun recipes!
Sugar and oatmeal mix
- Measure the oatmeal and sugar into the bowl, and have your child help you mix it together.
- While your mixing, have your child close their eyes and make a wish. Tell them it's just like when they blow out the candles on their birthday cake.
- Add the glitter or baking sugar and give the mix one more quick stir.
- Take the reindeer food outside and throw handfuls of it onto the lawn. Don't pile it all up in one place, but do use it all. Then stop for a second and feel the magic in the air.
- On Christmas morning, go and see if the reindeer ate all their food!
Candy mix
- Gather 5 candy canes, a jar, 1 tbsp of sugar, 25 gummy bears, and sprinkles.
- Crush the candy canes and put them in the jar, add the sugar, sprinkles,and gummy bears.
- Close the lid, then shake the jar.
- On Christmas Eve shake all the food out in front of your door.
Healthy crunch
- Gather 5 carrots, 5 pieces of lettuce, and 5 tomatoes.
- Put all the food on a plate and leave it in front of your door.
The lazy way
- Make a sign that says "All Out!"
- Do not be surprised if some of the food you left is still there Christmas morning. Santa and his reindeer appreciate it, but they don't always eat everything everyone leaves them. There are so many people leaving them food, they'd make themselves sick if they did!
- The glitter or colored sugar may, of course, be omitted. However, it gives the reindeer food a magical look, and makes it easier to see exactly where it was tossed.
- Make a wish yourself while stirring the reindeer food.
- You don't have to use the recipe. You can use any small bits of food you have around the house, such as rice cereal or crushed crackers.
- Have your child make a wish, but tell them it can't be for themselves. Have them make a wish for someone else (such as that a sick relative get better, a friend receive the present they want, etc.).
- When you sprinkle the mixture on your lawn, look at the sky and see if you can spot a glowing red light. If you did, you just saw Rudolph!
- Be sure that whatever food you use is safe for the wildlife around you. While animals know not to eat glitter, they may not be able to differentiate between food that will harm them and food that will not.
- If using glitter instead of coloured sugar, be sure your child doesn't eat it!
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