Make Ice Cream with a Machine
Nothing beats homemade ice cream. While it is possible to make ice cream without a machine, using an ice cream maker will give you a smoother treat. This is because the churning process helps break up ice crystals, which can make the ice cream grainy. Most machines will be used in similar ways, but how you prepare the base depends whether you want a Philadelphia-styled base or a French-styled (custard) base.
Philadelphia-Style Base
- 2 cups (475 milliliters) heavy cream
- 1 cup (240 milliliters) milk
- ¾ cup (170 grams) sugar
- 1 tablespoon (30 milliliters) vanilla extract
Makes 1 quart/1 liter
French-Style Base
- 4 large egg yolks
- ⅔ cup (150 grams) sugar
- 1½ cups (360 milliliters) whole milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1½ cups (360 milliliters) heavy cream
Makes 1 quart/1 liter
Preparing a Philadelphia-Style Base (Option 1)
- Freeze the ice cream bowl the night before. Most ice cream machines have a bowl that you need to freeze beforehand. If you forgot or didn't get to freeze the bowl, make the ice cream base first. Put the base into the fridge and the ice cream maker bowl into the freezer. Churn the ice cream the next day.
- Philadelphia-style ice cream is egg-free. It has a light and delicate texture and flavor. It is also quicker to make, compared to French-style ice cream.
- Set up an ice bath. Even though you won't be cooking the ice cream base, you still want it to be as cold as possible. Fill your sink with enough cold water and ice so that it comes up ½ to ⅔ of the way up the side of your mixing bowl. The ice bath should be more ice than water.
- Stir together the heavy cream and the milk. Pour both into a large bowl or saucepan, and stir them together. Make sure that you have enough room for the sugar as well.
- Add the sugar and whisk it until it dissolves. This will take about 3 to 4 minutes. Taste the mixture and make sure that it doesn't feel grainy. If you are using a glass bowl, look at the bottom and make sure that there are no grains of sugar.
- Stir in the vanilla extract. At this point, you can also add in other flavoring extracts or oils.
- Chill the mixture in the ice bath. Set the bowl down into the sink. Make sure that the ice comes up ½ to ⅔ of the way up the sides of the bowl. Leave the bowl in the ice bath for 30 to 45 minutes.
- Cover and refrigerate the mixture for 3 to 24 hours. Take the bowl out of the ice bath. Place a sheet of plastic wrap right onto the surface of the mixture. Put it in the fridge, and leave it there for 3 to 24 hours.
Preparing a French-Style Base (Option 2)
- Place the ice cream bowl into the freezer the night before. Most types of ice cream machines have a bowl that needs to be frozen for several hours. If you forgot or didn't get a chance to freeze the bowl, prepare the base as instructed in the following steps. Put the base into the fridge and the bowl in the freezer, then churn it the following day.
- French-style ice cream is also called custard style. It is made with egg yolks, which gives the ice cream a smooth, rich, and creamy taste and texture.
- Set up an ice bath on the day you're ready to make ice cream. Place a large bowl into a sink. Fill the sink with enough ice and cold water to reach ½ to ⅔ of the way up the side of the bowl. Place a strainer over the bowl.
- The ice bath should be more "ice" than "water."
- You will be tempering the eggs to reduce curdling, but some curdles may form. The strainer will catch them.
- Whisk the egg yolks and sugar. Separate the yolks from the whites first. Place the yolks into a medium-sized mixing bowl and add the sugar. Whisk the two together until the mixture turns pale yellow. Set the bowl aside when you are done.
- The mixture will be thick and dark yellow at first; keep whisking until it turns pale.
- Heat the milk, then add the vanilla. Pour the milk into a medium-sized saucepan, then place it on the stove. Add the vanilla extract, then bring the milk to a simmer over medium heat. Once it comes to a simmer, remove it from heat.
- You can also use a vanilla bean pod instead. Split the bean in half, then scrape the seeds into the milk. Add in the pod as well.
- Consider adding other herbs and spices to the milk for extra flavor, such as mint leaves, lavender flowers, coffee beans, chocolate, etc.
- Temper the egg mixture with the hot milk. Measure out ½ to 1 cup (120 to 240 milliliters) of the hot milk. Slowly pour it into the egg mixture, whisking while you do so. This will help gradually warm up the egg mixture and prevent it from curdling in the next step.
- Pour the egg mixture into the milk, then heat it until it thickens. Stir the tempered egg mixture into the milk first. Place the saucepan back on the stove and turn the heat up to low. Stir the custard base slowly, but constantly, as it cooks. Be sure to scrape the bottom and sides of the saucepan often. You are ready for the next step when the custard turns thick enough to coat the back of a spoon and reaches 170°F (77°C).
- Pour the custard base through the strainer into the ice bath bowl. Once you have everything in the bowl, lift the strainer out. If you see anything caught in the strainer, such as egg curdles or vanilla bean pods, throw them out.
- Stir the heavy cream into the custard, then chill it completely. You can leave the custard base in the ice bath for 20 minutes, stirring it occasionally. You can also cover the bowl with plastic wrap, then refrigerate it for 3 to 8 hours.
- For extra flavor, stir in your favorite extract, liqueur, or flavoring oil.
Making the Ice Cream
- Freeze the bowl ahead of time. If you have not already, put the bowl of your ice cream maker into the freezer the night before you plan to make ice cream. If it's too late for that, put the bowl into the freezer now, and the ice cream base in the fridge. Leave them there over night, then continue the next day.
- Assemble the ice cream maker. Take the bowl out of the freezer and place it into the ice cream maker. Insert the beater, then plug the ice cream maker in. If you have a manual/hand-cranked ice cream maker, do the following:
- Insert the bowl into the bucket, then the beater.
- Fill the bucket (not the bowl) with 3 inches (7.62 centimeters) of ice.
- Sprinkle salt evenly over the ice.
- Repeat these layers until the bucket is half-full.
- Pour cold water over the ice until the bucket is full.
- Pour the ice cream base into bowl. Use a rubber spatula to help scrape the bowl clean so that you don't waste any ice cream base.
- Churn the ice cream until it thickens. You want it to reach a soft-serve consistency, which is a little thicker than a milkshake. If the mixture becomes hard to churn, you are ready for the next step. This will take about 20 minutes for most machines, but double-check the instructions on your machine.
- If you have a manual or hand-cranked machine, you will have to turn the crank to the right.
- Add any extras, if desired. Now is the time to add in any extra ingredients into your ice cream, such as chocolate chips, nuts, or chopped up strawberries. Other options include caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, and sprinkles. You don't have to do this, but it can take your ice cream to the next level.
- Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container. Remove the churner from the bowl first, then take the bowl out. Use a rubber spatula to scrape the ice cream into a freezer-safe container.
- If you want to enjoy your ice cream as soft-serve, you can serve it now.
- Place a sheet of wax paper against the ice cream. Make sure that it is touching the surface of the ice cream. This will help prevent the ice cream from developing ice crystals. If you don't have any wax paper, you could try parchment paper or plastic wrap.
- Freeze the ice cream until it turns solid. Cover the container with a lid, if you have one, and place it in the coldest part of your freezer. Leave it there until the ice cream turns solid. This will take at least 4 hours.
- Eat the ice cream within 2 weeks. If you made Philadelphia-style ice cream, you may start noticing ice crystals after a few days. After 2 weeks, the French-style will start to form ice crystals as well.
- Keep the ice cream maker and the base as cold as possible while you are making the ice cream. This will prevent the ice cream from becoming too hard when you freeze it.
- Cover your finished ice cream with a sheet of plastic wrap. This will help prevent it from absorbing other odors in the fridge (such as frozen fish) and forming ice crystals.
- If your ice cream maker has other instructions, prepare the ice cream according to those.
- You can eat the ice cream straight from the ice cream maker as "soft-serve" ice cream. It will have a milder flavor, however.
- Sprinkle fruits or berries with sugar, then add them into the ice cream base before you churn it. This will give you more flavor than simply adding in chunks of fruit or berries at the end.
- Wrap the bowl of your ice cream machine before putting it into the freezer to protect it from getting freezer burn.
- The bowl from your ice cream maker must be completely frozen before you use it. If it isn't, your ice cream won't freeze properly.
Things You'll Need
Preparing a Philadelphia-Style Base
- Mixing bowl
- Whisk
- Rubber spatula
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Ice cream machine
- Ice, for ice bath
Preparing a French-Style Base
- Medium-sized mixing bowl
- Strainer
- Whisk
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Medium-sized saucepan
- Rubber spatula
- Instant-read thermometer
- Ice cream machine
- Ice, for ice bath
Sources and Citations
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