Make It Seem Like You Can Read Minds

Know what I'm thinking? This article will show you how to make it seem like you can read minds with nothing but your hands, an accomplice and an easy target.


  1. Close your mouth so that your teeth are together (top and bottom).
  2. Put your fingertips on your temples.
  3. Clench your teeth and relax repeatedly. If done correctly, you can feel the movement although it cannot be seen.
  4. Tell your victim to tell your accomplice a number from 1 to 10, so that you cannot hear. Make sure the victim can see the accomplice's face and body so that he is not sending any signals.
  5. Put your fingertips onto your accomplice's temples and wait. At this time your accomplice should start clenching and relaxing. Every clench counts as one.
  6. Tell your target the number and astound him or her!


  • If the victim asks why you can't just read the victims mind, say that you and the accomplice have a special connection. Also, if the accomplice doesn't tell someone the number, you can suggest that the victim can cheat by simply saying that the number you guess isn't correct - it keeps the victim honest.
  • For added proof, the "mind reader" should close his eyes.
  • The accomplice should keep his cheek as still as possible.


  • Do not clench too hard.
  • If you clench too hard then it can be seen near your cheeks so keep the clench gentle, but readable.
  • The accomplice should always wait for the "mind reader" to settle his fingertips on his temples before starting to clench.

Things You'll Need

  • A victim.
  • A cooperative, prepared accomplice.

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