Make Monday Go Fast

Mondays don’t have to be a drag. If you struggle just to get through the day, try perking up your Monday by creating an engaging day. Make sure there’s at least one thing you look forward to doing to keep you motivated and feeling good about the day. Get plenty of sleep on Sunday so that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready.


Keeping Yourself Engaged

  1. Plan ahead. Take some time the week before to prepare for Monday. This may mean determining a schedule for Monday the Friday before. If you want a light Monday, then plan minimal tasks, and if you want a busier Monday, plan to fill more of your time throughout the day. Gauge your own preferences and plan your Monday accordingly.[1]
    • For example, plan some alone time in the morning to help you ease into your Monday (doing paperwork, for example), then plan a couple meetings in the afternoon.
    • By planning ahead, you’ll know exactly what to anticipate on your Monday and not have too many surprises pop up.
  2. Start something new. Do you have a new project that you’re excited to begin? Start it on a Monday. This can keep you motivated and engaged in something. Starting something new means that it’s often novel, so you’ll spend some time getting acquainted and figuring out how to approach it.
    • For example, start a new report or call the first group brainstorming meeting on a Monday.
    • Starting something new can keep you engaged throughout the day. This can help to pass the time and make the day go by more quickly.
  3. Fill your free time. Have some go-to options for filling in your free time. Even 2-5 minute breaks between meetings or activities can feel long if you don’t know how to fill these spaces. You might want to check your social media, respond to emails, or talk with a classmate or coworker. Have things you can do with the pockets of time that often add up throughout the day.
  4. Get busy. If you have a light day or don’t create many plans for your day, it might feel like the time is lagging because you don’t have much to do. If you get caught up by trying to fill the time just to get through the day, make Mondays a bit busier. Have certain things you tend to do (either at home or at work) that you accomplish on Mondays.
    • Have something to do (or at least the option of something to do) throughout the day. At work, this might mean completing certain tasks while at home it might mean doing the laundry or getting the grocery shopping done for the week.

Staying Motivated

  1. Have something to look forward to. Whether you prepare a spectacular lunch or are meeting up with friends after work, plan something you can look forward to all day. This can keep you motivated and excited about what is to come. Monday shouldn’t just be a day you have to get through, it can be fun and something to look forward to.[2]
    • Catch up on some television, make a great dinner, or spend some quality time with your family.
  2. Listen to music. Listening to music is a great way to change your mood and feel good. If you can, listen to music as you accomplish your work. If you need a break, listen to a song that inspires you or that motivates you.[3]
    • Choose music that is lively and energetic to help you feel ready and capable throughout the day.
  3. Do something you enjoy. When you’re doing something pleasant, you’re not worried about how fast or slow time feels. At school or work, have tasks in your day that you do when you start to feel bored. Save the more pleasant tasks for the lulls in the day to keep yourself motivated and invested in your work.[4]
    • If there’s work you enjoy doing (like having client meetings or color-coding your notes), save these tasks for your Monday lulls. You can also plan an enjoyable break, like going to get delicious coffee or a special snack only on Monday afternoons.
    • Start to anticipate when the day starts to feel longer, then fill those spaces with more enjoyable things.
  4. Think less about time. The saying, “A watched pot never boils” refers to the notion that time always feels slower when you’re purposefully perceiving it. Make a point to look at the clock less. If you start to think about how slow the time feels, shift your attention to something else.[4]
    • Be mindful not to look at the time or keep a clock nearby.
  5. Take breaks. Take regular breaks throughout the day. If you’re solely focused on work, you might become exhausted and reach a point where you no longer want to work. By scheduling breaks, you create space in your day and mix it up. No matter what you choose to do, make it non-work related and choose something enjoyable.[5]
    • Make a snack, practice a new skill, or do a puzzle to take your mind off of work for a bit.

Engaging in Healthy Habits

  1. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Time always seems to lag when you’re tired or sleep deprived. Get the best start to your Monday by waking up feeling refreshed and energized in the morning. Go to bed at a reasonable time and learn to prioritize your sleep.[1]
    • If you have problems falling asleep or staying asleep through the night, make some changes to help you sleep better.
  2. Take a walk. Don’t sit at your desk all day. Get up and move! If you need a break, take a quick walk. If you can, walk outside. If not, walk around your office building, use the stairs, or go somewhere you can get away for a bit. Even a short walk can help you feel re-energized and ready for the next thing.[3]
    • Take a walk with someone else. If you can, schedule short or informal meetings with a walk.
  3. Exercise. Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and feel physically good. Have a fun aerobic activity that gets you moving and that you enjoy and plan to do this on Mondays. Whether you exercise first thing in the morning or do it after school or work, make exercise part of your day and notice how you feel better.[6]
    • Attend a dance class, go rock climbing, or sign up for karate.
  4. Relax. Deal with the stress of your day by engaging in a relaxation practice. This can help with stress that builds up. Whether you choose to relax in the morning before you start your day, in the middle of the day, or at the end, it can help you reach a calm mindset and help to stabilize your moods.[7]

Sources and Citations