Make Natural Dyes

Ever wonder how Great-great-grandma dyed the cloth for the family clothing? Perhaps you've been curious about "natural" colors and how to make them? Here is a primer to get you started with your own natural color experiments.


  1. Collect your plant materials when they are at their peak of color. Flowers should be fresh, Berries should be very ripe, not withered.
  2. Chop all plant materials into small pieces (inch or smaller) and place them into a large pot or pan that you are willing to sacrifice to the cloth dyeing craft. You will not be able to use it for cooking again.
  3. Measure the amount of plant material and place twice as much water as plant material into the pot with the plant material.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer it, stirring occasionally, for at least an hour.
  5. Strain out the plant material and set the dye bath aside.
  6. Place your fabric into a color fixative bath such as salt water (1 part salt to 16 parts water) or a vinegar bath (1 part vinegar to 4 parts water).
  7. Allow the fabric to absorb the color fixative mix and simmer it for an hour.
  8. Remove the fabric from the fixative and wring it out thoroughly.
  9. Place the wet fabric into the dye mixture and simmer it until the desired color is achieved. The dry product will be lighter than the wet product, so go for a slightly darker color when wet.
  10. Remove the fabric from the dye bath with rubber gloves. (You want to dye the cloth, not your hands.)
  11. Wring the fabric thoroughly and hang it up to dry.
  12. Launder naturally dyed fabrics in cold water and separate from other laundry.


  • Some plant materials can be toxic, check with your poison control center if you are unsure.
  • Natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, muslin and wool will take dye more readily than a synthetic material.
  • See the link below for color charts... there are so many variations that it would be cumbersome to list them all here.


  • Dye of this type is generally NOT colorfast in warm water. Wash in cold water and separately from lighter colors.
  • Do not drink dye colored water.

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