Make New Staff Members Feel They Belong

New staff members can often feel bewildered by all the things they have to learn, the people they need to get to know, and the newness of everything. The early days of being a new employee are vital days for helping the new recruit feel a part of the organisation and to know where they sit in the structure and what they can expect from the relationships with other staff members.


  1. Provide a complete new recruit package from the start. That way, the employee can read all the relevant documentation immediately in their own time and can raise questions about things they need to know more about.
    • Include personnel forms
    • Include employment policies and guidelines
    • Take time to talk through these items (see below).
  2. Take them around to meet their fellow staff members. This includes the people that they won't have much to do with but they should still be aware of. In fact, new recruits should know who is in the organisation and what each person is responsible for. You never know the day when they might need to connect with a person they normally don't work to or with, for one reason or other. This includes field workers, Work in Virtual Teams, and part-timers.
    • Meet both formally and informally. Show the new recruit around the office and meet them in person as they do their work. Then, hold a get-together to welcome the new recruit, such as a morning tea, or drinks after work.
  3. Give them a brief rundown on the most important things in the policies and guidelines of the company. Ask them if they have any questions and take the time to talk them through this. Clarify such things as vacation leave, sick leave, pay schedules, and any other immediate relevance.
    • Alleviate any concerns they have. Doing this now can save a lot of supposition and errant ideas from the outset.
    • Introduce them to Human Resources.
  4. Be available. Make it known that you're available, as are any other relevant persons, to ask questions of. Let them know that no question is too small or too strange to be asked, and let them feel comfortable when asking by listening and not belittling their knowledge. Nerves can make even the smartest person forget simple things.
    • Show from the outset that you expect to take this person into the collegiate and collaborative atmosphere of your organisation, and that they're viewed with equal importance as all other staff members.
  5. Explain the work to them. Don't expect them to shuffle back to their desk or forklift and know what to do. Walk them through everything, including where to find files and tools, where the tearoom is, and when they can take legitimate breaks. Ask them if there is anything they're unsure about.
    • At this stage, if it becomes clear there is a knowledge gap, perhaps consider getting training organised quickly. Hiring smart people means they will learn fast, especially if they know you don't have misgivings about what they don't know but simply expect them to learn it, fast.
  6. Mentor the newcomer. Either do this yourself or find someone else who is suitable. It is important that they feel there is at least one person to whom they can go when they don't know what to do or decide about workplace issues and work.
    • Choose someone who is very experienced, calm, and resourceful for this role. It should be a person who isn't easily flustered by an extra "responsibility".
    • Ask the mentor to guide, counsel, role model, validate, and protect the new recruit. In addition, ask the mentor to encourage and motivate.
  7. Stay in touch. If you are their first point of contact or the person in charge of ensuring the new recruit succeeds, make an effort to check in on them regularly to see how they're going and to provide reassurance.
    • Give feedback both through formal processes of progress review and through regular informal catch-ups. Be sensitive to their concerns and if there are problems, find positive, constructive solutions rather than coming across negatively.
    • Address any concerns that they feel about not knowing things that are relevant to their job. It may be as simple as misunderstanding how the information flow proceeds or it could be as serious as misunderstanding the company's role itself. Be sure to alleviate all misunderstandings before they turn into points of conflict with coworkers and bosses.
  8. Make it clear that your organisation is happy to have the new person on board. Reassure the new employee that the right decision was made and that their presence is greatly appreciated. Be sincere when you express your happiness at their joining your organisation.
    • If you get feedback from the new recruit months after employing them that they still do not feel a part of the organisation, take this very seriously. It may be that you have missed warning signals or overlooked things that they have said in passing to you. It may be that they don't feel there have been things done for them that were done for other employees. Or, they may have missed out on vital training or recruitment procedures necessary to do the job well; sometimes these things can be overlooked if the employee starts during a really busy part of the year.


  • Bear in mind that the beginning of a new job creates lasting impressions in the employee's mind. Just as they are trying really hard to present themselves in the best manner possible, your organisation has a responsibility to ensure that the impression they're getting is as good as the one they're trying to make.
  • When assessing perceived incompetence of a new employee, look to your induction processes first. Did your organisation really give all the information and background needed? Were gaps in knowledge spotted and quickly attended to through training and specific teaching? It's costly to change employees, and it may be just a case of bringing this person up-to-scratch through education and/or mentoring.


  • Sometimes things won't work out as you had hoped. If you employ a new recruit who doesn't seem to be working out, see what can be done quickly rather than letting things fester. If they're on probation, call time out and do a quick review and follow the procedures outlined for the probation. It it appears they're better suited to another role, is it possible to shift them to it? And if they're just not working out at all but they're lovely, how about having an honest, sincere and caring heart-to-heart about what might work out better for all of you?
  • Even those who have already been in the workplace for a while as interns or volunteers need to be treated differently when they take on a job with your organisation. Remember that this changes the rules of engagement and nothing should be assumed about what this person does or does not know; expect to fully brief them in the same manner as a cold recruit.
  • A new employee who doesn't ask questions may be scared, nervous, or simply frightened to look stupid. Or, they may wish to avoid bothering others or treading on toes. Do not assume they are stupid or that they know everything. Be compassionate and take the time to talk through everything you know is relevant; at this point, you know a lot more about your organisation and the way things work than your new recruit does, so assume nothing.

Things You'll Need

  • Employee welcome package
  • Policies, guidelines, and rules available from the start
  • Guided tour of premises and meeting all staff
  • Safety manuals and instructions

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