Be Desirable to a Recruiter

Using a recruiter(s) to get a new job can be a great way to supplement your job search. Here is how you can be desirable in the eyes of recruiters.


  1. Use a recruiter(s) to supplement your job search, but don’t solely rely on them to get you a job.
  2. Have a professional looking cover letter and resume ready. Recruiters aren't resume writers. While they might help you tweak your resume for a specific job, they won’t write it for you.
  3. Be ready, willing and able to meet at the recruiter’s office in person.
  4. Let the recruiter know which companies and jobs you have already applied to so that they don't waste time showing you jobs you’ve already considered.
  5. Be prepared to listen to a recruiter’s instructions particularly when it comes to them offering advice before you attend an interview with one of their clients.
  6. Avoid mass emailing your resume to numerous recruiters at the same time using the BCC or CC feature as it tends to result in your email being deleted without being read.
  7. Have a typed list of references ready.
  8. Prepare for interviews by anticipating about the questions you may be asked and researching each company you interview with on the Internet.
  9. Be ready to attend interviews. If you’re currently working, you might need to manage your schedule a bit since companies tend to interview during office hours when you’re at work.
  10. Be ready to seriously consider a job offer(s).
  11. Be flexible and realistic with regards to a potential job offer that might be extended. You may not always get everything that you want.
  12. Be ready to accept a suitable job offer, commit to the new job and resign from your current position.


  • Be willing to help your recruiter from time to time by referring them to good people who you know. This isn’t an absolute requirement for all recruiters, but it’s certainly a great way to pay back a recruiter who has helped you.


  • Avoid putting your resume on every major Internet job board that exists otherwise you might have a difficult time getting good recruiters to work with you. Companies often won’t allow a recruiter to send them any job candidates whose resume is already available on the popular job websites especially if the company already subscribes to these sites themselves.

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