Make Perches for a Hummingbird Feeder

The best Feed Hummingbirds are easy to disassemble and clean, and have perches for the birds to sit on while drinking nectar. The most commonly available hummingbird feeders have a base and a removable nectar reservoir, but no perches. You can get more enjoyment out of your hummingbird feeder by adding perches. The birds will be much more likely to stay for several minutes, and you'll have better luck seeing and observing them. Heavy coated wire can be used to make an inexpensive but effective perch for the birds to sit on.


  1. Prepare the feeder. Remove the base from the reservoir and place the base on your work surface.
  2. Make the anchor wire. Measure around the point where the reservoir attaches to the feeder plus 1" (2.5cm).
  3. Secure the anchor wire. Bend the last 1/2" of each end of this wire into a little hook. Bend the wire into a circle and hook the ends together. Bend the wire a little more if necessary to make it round. Fit it over the feeder base. It should be a loose fit.
  4. Make the perch wire. Measure the circumference of a circle about 1" larger than the circumference of the feeder base. Cut a length of the heavy-gauge coated wire equal to this length plus 1".
  5. Secure the perch wire. Bend the last 1/2" of each end of this wire into a little hook. Bend the wire into a circle and hook the ends together. Bend the wire a little more if necessary to make it round. Lay it around the feeder base.
  6. Make the connector wires. Measure the distance between the two round wires. Cut connector wires equal to this length plus 1". The number of connector wires you'll need is equal to the number of feeder holes in the base.
  7. Use the connector wires to connect the anchor wire and perch wire. Bend the last 1/2" of each end of each connector wire into a little hook. Hook each onto the anchor wire with the hook facing upward spacing them so that the connectors are between the feeder holes. Put the perch wire into the hooks at the other end of each connector wire. You will likely have to "play" with bending the various wires to get everything to fit together.
  8. Clamp it together. Once you're satisfied with the arrangement, use the pliers to clamp down all the connector wire hooks. The whole thing should look like two wheels connected by spokes. It should be rigid enough that if you pick it up, the various parts don't rearrange themselves.
  9. Fill the feeder. Fill the feeder with Feed Hummingbirds, and hang it where you can see it.
  10. Enjoy visits from your new friends!


  • If the heavy wire is not very flexible, (i.e. it doesn't flop or bend much if you shake it gently) you may not need to bend the ends into hooks. You can just "butt" the ends together bending the wire so that the ends are close together. Hummingbirds are very small and only weigh a few ounces so they aren't going to bend the wire by sitting on it.
  • If you don't have a tape measure, you can just start bending the wire "freehand" around the feeder base and cutting the wire when you meet up with the end.
  • Don't worry if it's not perfect or beautiful -- the birds won't care. In fact, they'll likely show their appreciation for your efforts by hanging around more.
  • Remember to clean and refill the feeder every few days. Perches won't entice the birds to come if the food is moldy or the feeder is dirty!
  • Use coated wire as some believe that birds do not like to stand on metal.
  • If your connector wires are too short, you can always bend the perch wire in a little bit where it meets the connectors.

Things You'll Need

  • Hummingbird feeder with wide base and removable reservoir
  • Heavy-gauge coated wire
  • Thinner wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • Tape measure (optional, but helpful)

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