Build a Copper Bird Feeder Pole
Attracting wildlife to your surroundings can be fun and educational. These instructions will teach you how to construct a beautiful, functional, and adjustable pole on which to hang bird feeders and bird houses.
- Decide on the height. The starting point is deciding how tall you want the structure so you will know how much pipe is needed. A good size is a pole that is about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} tall so the feeders hang at between 5 and 7 feet from the ground.
- In addition to the {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} above ground, you will also need about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of pipe to drive into the ground; this is the support for the structure and also allows the above ground section to be removed and modified, or swiveled if you like. Try using a hammer and block of wood to hammer the {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} section into the ground about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} deep. The wood is used so you do not hit the pipe directly with the hammer which would bend the pipe.
- Solder a simple coupler (sleeve) once the pipe is driven to an adequate depth, over the end of the pipe so the upper half of the structure can slide in and out of the coupler as needed and be supported by the pipe in the ground.
- Decide how many "limbs" you want. (Remember that the more limbs, the more breaks you need in the main pole which will create more movement at the top. You also want to try to equalize the weight distribution of the feeders to each side of the pole so it does not lean over time.) You can decide to have three limbs, two at about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} and then another off the very top. From this point, you simply cut the main pipe at the height you want the first limb and attach a "T" fitting so you have the ability to add another pipe perpendicular to the main pole. Then add another length of pipe into the "T" fitting that will extend the main pole to the height of the second limb and repeat as desired.
- Prepare and add the actual limbs that you will hang the feeders or houses on. The further out you want your feeders hung, the less weight the pipe will bear. This image shows somebody using 1" copper pipe which seems to be holding the weight well but it is a soft metal and will kink easily so it is not suggested making the limbs more than {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} long. A good idea is to find a way to secure the feeders in such a way that they could spin easily for a different look and could be removed for cleaning and filling. The easiest way some would think to do this was to drill a hole in the bottom of each arm about an inch from the end. A hole is drilled large enough for a deck nail shaft to fit but not the head. Taking a pair of vice grips, the nails are bent so the pointed end acts as a hook which can be fed through the inside of the hole drilled in the pipe so the nail hook is suspended by its head and can spin freely.
- Slide each arm into its respective "T" fitting, stand your pole with the limbs attached into the base coupler and you are ready to hang your feeders on the hooks.
- If you have squirrels who like to eat your suet or seed, try spraying the pole with non-stick spray or olive oil. This will make the pole slippery and make the rodents slip off the pole(if they get on in the first place) Petroleum jelly or Crisco works as well, just be sure that whatever you use it will not be harmful to the squirrels who may lick their feet after trying to climb the pole. This works well keeping them from climbing up the pole, but not keeping them from coming down tree limbs onto the structure from above....sneaky little guys.
- Use a piece of rebar instead of copper pipe for the portion driven into the ground. You can get it cut to length at many hardware stores. Leave at least {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} sticking out of the ground, and simply slide the copper pipe onto it. Rebar is strong enough to hammer directly into the ground, is a lot cheaper than copper, and will help to keep your copper pipe from kinking or bending under load. You may want to wrap the upper part of the rebar with tape for a snug fit to the copper.
- If you do not like the look of new copper or want this structure to have the look of being weathered, you can spray salt water on the pipe and expedite the patina to have that old copper look.
- You can try to add the ability to move the feeders around on a regular basis or add more as time goes on so you do not solder every joint. The pole does have some give at each joint and if you want to add a lot of limbs you may find the structure flimsy. You can solder each joint to sturdy the pole if needed but with the limbs being high on the structure, usually, you should not have any issues.
- Many people may not have a pipe cutter or know how to solder. You can have your hardware store cut the pipe for you which also makes transport easy and you could drill a hole through the coupler and pipe in the ground and attach the two using a bolt if needed.
- If you do put anything on the pole to keep away squirrels, make sure it is not toxic.
Things You'll Need
- Copper pipes
- Measuring tape
- Nails suited for building
- Salt-water (optional)
- Any safety gear you may need