Make Photo Coasters

Why spend tons of money on gifts when you can make personalized photo coasters at home for less than half the price? All you will need is a few things and a little bit of time. Sound interesting? Lets get started!


  1. Print off or cut out the photo that you want to use and trim the edges to fit the ceramic tiles.
  2. Apply Mod Podge to the back of the photo using the sponge applicator, and carefully place it on the ceramic tile. Be sure to move quickly because Mod Podge is not very forgiving.
  3. Apply a layer of Mod Podge to the top of the photo once it dries. Use directional strokes (left to right, right to left, or diagonal ) when doing this because the lines will show as it dries.
  4. Allow Mod Podge to dry completely.
  5. Apply two more layers, making sure that each layer dries before doing the next, and allow those to dry.
  6. Spray the tiles. Take the tiles outside and spray the acrylic coating.
  7. Let the spray dry for about 15 minutes and then repeat. Do a total of at least 5 layers to make sure the tiles were completely waterproof.
  8. Cut out pieces of felt and add to the back of the coasters. This will ensure that they will not scratch up your table.
  9. Finished.


  • You can use a cork backing instead of felt if that is better for you. Both are super cute!
  • When spraying the Acrylic Coating Spray, put down some wax paper first so that the tiles don't stick to the surface that you have them on.


  • Make sure you allow the mod podge to dry for at least 20 minutes between coats.
  • Do not stack coasters on top of each other until they are completely dry!
  • Make sure to spray acrylic spray in a well ventilated area (I did mine outside on the porch)
  • Be careful not to get the acrylic spray on your hands. It is a battle to get it off.

Things You'll Need

  • Ceramic Tiles
  • Photos or Scrapbook paper
  • Mod Podge
  • Sponge Applicator
  • Clear Acrylic High Gloss Coating Spray
  • Felt Fabric
  • Water

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