Turn a Photo Into a Puzzle
Have you ever thought of making your own jigsaw puzzle? You can start with any photograph you want and come out with an unusual gift or fun conversation piece.
- Take the photo that you would like to make into a puzzle and blow it up to the size you want to make. A4 or A3 is recommended. You can do this with a normal photocopier or go through a photo processing store for a glossier print.
- Get a piece of thin cardboard (colored card) the size of your photo.
- Using an acid-free glue, glue the photo to the card. Make sure you get it corner to corner. A paper cutter can clean edges so they are aligned.
- Let the glue dry thoroughly.
- Cut out shapes using a Stanley knife or X-Acto knife. It may be helpful for you to use a pencil to trace out shapes on the back of the puzzle before you begin cutting. You could do this freehand, or trace around jigsaw puzzle pieces from a commercial jigsaw puzzle.
- Jumble the puzzle pieces and hand them to a friend to solve.
- If you're cutting deeply enough, you should cut right through the cardboard, possibly damaging the surface underneath. To protect surfaces, place a cutting board, mat, or old magazine underneath the cardboard.
- Use a photo-safe glue or glue stick, preferably without acid.
- Homemade jigsaw puzzle pieces would be a good addition to a collage.
- Use a Stanley knife, not scissors, when cutting your puzzle into shapes.
- Stanley knives have extremely sharp blades. Have an adult do the cutting for you.
- The blade may break on the knife. Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.
- Never cut toward yourself. Always point the blade away from you, and away from any one standing near you.
Things You'll Need
- Cardboard
- Stanley or X-Acto knife
- Photo
- Acid-free Glue
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