Make Rhubarb and Chamomile Hair Lightening Rinse

This natural rinse will help to lighten your hair. It is best for medium to light brunettes and for blondes.


  1. Gather together the ingredients.
  2. Chop the rhubarb finely and put it into a saucepan.
  3. Add the chamomile flowers and water.
  4. Bring the water to the boil, cover and simmer the mixture for 20 - 30 minutes.
  5. Remove the mixture from heat and let it stand until lukewarm.
  6. Strain the mixture.
  7. Add borax to the mixture.
  8. Your rinse is ready. Pour it through your hair after washing it with shampoo.


  • This works best if you can dry your hair naturally, especially in the sunshine.
  • Hair benefits most from lukewarm shower temperature and is damaged by hotter temperatures, so the best hair wash is one that uses only lukewarm water for the whole wash.


  • Handle borax carefully. Do not leave borax lying around where pets or children could access it and swallow it - it is a poison when swallowed.
  • Use only rhubarb stalks. The leaves and roots are very poisonous!

Things You'll Need

  • 4 oz / 125g fresh rhubarb
  • 1 tbsp dried chamomile flowers
  • 1 quart / {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} water
  • 1 tsp borax (from supermarket, health food stores, hardware stores)

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