Make Rice Flour

Making rice flour can help you save money, especially if you or anyone in your family eats a gluten-free diet. Many foods normally made with wheat flour can be tweaked for a gluten-free alternative, such as rice flour. To make rice flour, use a blender capable of cracking grains to grind white or brown rice into a fine powder resembling traditional wheat flour in appearance.


  • White or brown rice


  1. Purchase brown or white rice, depending on the type of flour you want to make. The more rice you buy at a time, the less expensive the rice flour becomes. If you have a warehouse store in your local area, consider buying the rice in bulk so you can make rice flour in large amounts or in small batches whenever you need it, regardless of quantity. A 25-pound (11.33 kilogram) bag should produce enough rice flour to last for several months.
  2. Purchase a blender or mixer that cracks grains. You need a blender or mixer that works specifically to crack grains; if you have one for wet ingredients, it will not work.
  3. Fill the container with 1 to 4 cups (240 mL to 960 mL) of rice. If you use more than this amount, you could compromise the quality of the resulting rice flour. If you want to make more than this at one time, do it in multiple batches.
  4. Mix the rice until the flour consistency is one you like. Mix it gradually until you get it as fine as desired. The finer the grain, the better it will work in baked goods because it will not drastically alter the texture of the final product.
  5. Use the resulting rice flour in gluten-free recipes. You can also use it to thicken soups, sauces, and gravies. It works as a thickener because it will not allow the liquid to separate from the other ingredients.
  6. Store any remaining rice flour in an air-tight container until you are ready to use it again. If the flour is not stored in an air-tight container, it may become moldy. You can store it in the freezer to help prevent the mold from forming, but if it is not in an air-tight container, it will absorb moisture and odor from other items. Brown rice flour typically lasts up to 5 months but may spoil sooner if the bran contains a lot of oil. White rice flour, when stored properly, is thought to have an indefinite shelf life.


  • You can also use a grinder to grind down the rice into flour as long as it is strong enough to crack the grains.
  • Using rice flour in a recipe is somewhat different than using wheat flour, because it tends to produce a crumby product. To combat issues with crumby texture or consistency, use 1 part arrowroot to 4 parts rice flour in your recipe. Including more eggs in your recipe is another way to improve the texture.
  • A Cuisinart food processor can also be used. Follow manufacturers directions for grinding.
  • Rice flour absorbs more water than wheat, so you may need to add extra liquids to the recipe to produce the correct consistency.
  • Although it's a more-expensive option, a grain mill can help you to make your own rice flour at home if you do not like the way your mixer or blender is producing flour.
  • Brown rice is more nutritional than white rice.


  • Do not use minute rice. You should use raw, uncooked rice.

Things You'll Need

  • Brown or white rice, uncooked and raw
  • Blender or mixer designed to crack grains, grain mill, or grinder

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