Plan a Gluten‐Free Brunch
Brunch can be a fun way to visit with friends and family over a delicious meal. If you are planning a brunch and one of your guests is celiac or has a gluten intolerance, it is very important that all of the food served is gluten-free. This is true if you are hosting brunch at your own house, or choosing a restaurant. To plan a gluten-free brunch, select gluten free menu items, and ensure that there is no cross contamination during the preparation process.
Selecting Gluten-Free Menu Items
- Search online for gluten-free brunch recipes. If you are cooking brunch for a group of friends or family and someone has a gluten intolerance, you may not be able to use your favourite go-to brunch recipes. Search online for gluten-free brunch recipes. There are a wide variety of recipes available that are both simple and tasty.
- Choose foods that are naturally gluten-free. Many brunch food options are naturally gluten-free. For example, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, bacon, sausage, and potatoes. Avoid foods that contain anything derived from wheat or barley. You can make a delicious brunch by sticking strictly to foods that are naturally gluten-free.
- Make sure that you do not pair any naturally gluten-free options with sauces that include gluten, such as soy sauce.
- Try recipes with gluten replacements. If your favourite brunch meals include muffins, waffles, pancakes, and scones, you can make these using gluten-free flour replacements. There are a variety of gluten free-flour options available from your local grocery store.
- Alternatively, you can purchase pre-made gluten-free muffins and scones or pancake and waffle mixes.
- Include a variety of food options. Brunch is typically served later in the morning and includes both breakfast and lunch options. In order to satisfy your guests, you should provide a variety of gluten-free options. For example, you could provide some sweet breakfast treats such as muffins, scones, and pancakes, as well as a savoury crust-free quiche or omelette.
- You could also serve a fruit, vegetable, and cheese tray along with hummus for dipping.
Preparing Gluten Free Meals
- Always read the labels on packaged foods. If your brunch recipes include packed foods or pre-made sauces, it is very important that you carefully read the label. Some items will be specifically marked as gluten-free, but you should still read the entire list of ingredients to be safe. Pay particular attention to the fine print. Some labels will now mention if a product was processed in a wheat-free environment.
- For a complete list of foods to avoid, read the Unsafe Gluten-Free Food List at
- Ensure there is no contamination while cooking. When you are preparing brunch, be very careful to ensure that gluten contamination does not occur. For example, make sure that all pots and pans are thoroughly washed between each use. If you are cooking regular pancakes as well as a gluten-free option, it is extremely important that you do not use the same cooking utensils or serve them on the same platter.
- Avoid using wooden surfaces and utensils. Wood can trap gluten, making it difficult to clean. As a result, when you are cooking for someone with a gluten intolerance, you should use plastic cutting boards, spatulas, and utensils. These are less likely to have any residual gluten on them from the last time they were used.
Choosing a Restaurant with Gluten Free Options
- Search online for restaurants that serve brunch. In some instances it may be easier to host your next family brunch at a local restaurant. Search online to find a restaurant that serves gluten-free brunch or all day breakfast options. Many restaurants will actually advertise and cater to clients with gluten intolerances.
- Read the brunch menu online. Once you have found a few restaurants in your area that serve brunch, you should read the menu online to ensure there are gluten-free menu items available. For example, some restaurants may indicate when an item is gluten-free. Alternatively, you may have to order an item that appears to be gluten-free and then speak with your server about making substitutions.
- Call the restaurant and ask about the food preparation. Although some menus may have gluten-free options, this does not always mean that the food has not been contaminated. To ensure that the food is truly gluten-free, you should call the restaurant in advance. Some questions to ask include:
- Are gluten-free items prepared in a separate area of the kitchen, using dedicated pots, pans, cutting boards, and utensils?
- Is the grill cleaned before gluten-free foods are made?
- Are all cooking utensils cleaned between uses?
- Plan the menu well in advance and ensure that all ingredients are gluten-free.
- If you are preparing a gluten-free brunch for guests, you don’t have to tell everyone that the meal is gluten-free. This may turn some people off.
- If you are hosting a gluten-free brunch, ask your guests to each bring a dish. Make sure they know that the dish needs to be gluten-free. This will help to share the cooking responsibilities.
- When eating at a restaurant, always inform your server if you, or anyone in your party, has a gluten allergy.
- Always ask friends or family if they have any food allergies. This way you can accommodate these and plan the brunch accordingly.
Sources and Citations
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