Make Your Eyelashes Naturally Longer

If you’d like to have naturally longer, fuller lashes, there are many things that you can try. Many of these methods are not backed by science, but they are highly recommended by numerous alternative health practitioners and fans of DIY beauty. The people who have tried these methods claim that they show results within one month.


Considering Lash Health and Hygiene

  1. Eat foods that promote healthy hair growth. The following foods have been proven to assist with growing healthy hair:[1]
    • Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which promote the growth of full, shiny hair.
    • Greek yogurt contains vitamin B5, which promotes blood flow and helps keep hair thick.
    • Spinach contains vitamin A, iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C, which combine to give you strong, well-moisturized hair.
    • Guava contains vitamin C, which prevents breakage.
    • Meats, iron-fortified cereals, and leafy greens will give you the iron you need to keep your hair growing.
    • Lean poultry and other sources of lean protein promote hair growth. When you’re not getting enough protein, your hair stops growing.
    • Cinnamon helps with your circulation, which brings oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles.
  2. Remove your makeup every night. Wearing makeup can dry out your lashes, making them brittle and more likely to break or fall out. Failing to remove your makeup can also cause eye irritation or even styes.
    • Styes are pimples that appear on your eyelids, often around the lash line. They are caused by clogged oil glands and bacteria. The irritation caused by styes can cause lashes to fall out.[2]
  3. Be gentle while cleaning your eyelids and lashes. Use a gentle makeup remover for your eyes. Coconut oil is a good option, as it will remove your makeup and moisturize your lashes at the same time. It also has antibacterial properties.
    • One good way to clean the makeup off your eyes is to gently massage coconut oil into your eyelids and lashes, and then blot the oil and makeup off with a cotton pad.
    • Be sure not to rub your eyes too hard while cleaning them, as this could cause some of your eyelashes to fall out.
  4. Follow up your makeup removal with a gentle facial cleanser. Once you’ve removed your makeup, use a gentle facial cleanser over your entire face, including your eyelids. This will help remove any remaining oil.
    • Your eyelids should already be pretty clean, so just let the cleanser lightly run over your eyes. There is no need to rub it into them.
  5. Give your lashes a break from makeup. Try to avoid wearing makeup every day — especially eye makeup and mascara. Wearing makeup every day can dry out your lashes and irritate your eyes, which can cause your lashes to break or even fall out.[3]
    • If you have to wear makeup to work or school, try to take a day off on the weekend.
    • At the very least, remove your makeup as soon as you are home and not going out for the rest of the day/night.
  6. Avoid waterproof mascara. Waterproof mascara not only dries out your lashes, but it is also more difficult to remove than non-waterproof formulas. The more you struggle to remove your mascara, the more likely you are to remove some eyelashes in the process.[3]
  7. Consider dyeing your lashes darker. See if you can find someone who uses natural dyes and can dye your lashes a darker color. Having darker lashes may make it easier for you to skip the mascara.
    • If you do decide to dye your lashes, avoid chemical dyes, as these could damage your lashes and your eyes in the long run. Some experts recommend using vegetable-based semi-permanent stains instead.[4]
  8. Be careful when using fake eyelashes and eyelash curlers. Both of these things involve pulling and placing pressure on your eyelashes that could cause them to fall out. If you must use an eyelash curler, squeeze it gently a few times instead of pressing down hard.[3]
    • If you do use an eyelash curler, be sure to only use it BEFORE applying mascara to your eyelashes. Using it on wet eyelashes increases the chances of the lashes adhering to the curler and tearing out.[3]
  9. Don’t rub or pull on your lashes. Whether you’re cleaning them or trying to get something out of your eye, avoid rubbing or pulling on your eyelashes, as doing so can cause them to break or fall out.
    • Rubbing your lashes means applying hard pressure to them while moving your fingers or other objects back and forth, or up and down, across your lashes.
    • Note that rubbing your lashes is not the same as massaging your eyelids, which can actually improve the health of both your eyelids and lashes.

Massaging Your Eyelids

  1. Wash and dry your hands. You want to make sure that your hands are clean and dry before you massage your eyelids, otherwise you could risk irritating your eyes or causing pimples (styes) to form.
  2. Apply a warm compress to your eyelids. You can also use a clean washcloth soaked in very warm water. Just be sure that the water isn’t so hot that it burns your skin. This will help unclog pores and deep clean your eyelids and lash line.[5]
  3. Gently massage your eyelids and lash line. Sweep your fingers along the length of your eyelids towards your eye — downward on your upper eyelid, and upward on your lower eyelid.[5] Massaging these areas will keep pores clean, increase blood flow, and stimulate hair growth.
    • Be sure that you apply a gentle pressure to your eyelids while massaging them. The pressure shouldn’t be so hard that it hurts your eyelids or eyeballs in any way.[5]
    • You can do this with or without oil. If you do use oil, be careful that it doesn’t get into your eyes, and that you properly wash your face afterward so that the oil doesn’t clog your pores. Coconut oil may be a good choice as it has antibacterial properties.
  4. Repeat 5 to 10 times over 30 seconds.[5] Continue the sweeping motions on each eyelid for roughly 30 seconds per eyelid. If you experience any discomfort, consider applying less pressure, or take a break.
  5. Repeat at least 2 to 3 times per week. Some people even massage their eyelids once a day.[6]

Applying Oils to Your Eyelashes

  1. Know which oils are beneficial to your lashes. Many alternative health practitioners and DIY beauty fans believe that the following oils stimulate hair growth, but scientific research is still needed to prove that they really work:
    • Castor oil is one of the most commonly recommended oils for promoting thicker, fuller lashes. Try to buy a natural and hexane-free brand of castor oil.[6]
    • Cedarwood oil is a stimulator that promotes hair growth.[7]
    • Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which can help boost hair health and growth by preventing protein loss.[8]
    • Extra virgin olive oil has moisturizing and antibacterial properties that can help you achieve thicker, fuller lashes.[9]
    • Jojoba oil has long been praised as a natural hair growth remedy. It has been proven to moisturize and nourish hair, and may stimulate growth.[7]
    • Moroccan argan oil is full of antioxidants, and moisturizes and nourishes your hair.[7]
    • Rosemary oil stimulates your hair’s roots, improves hair growth, and increases circulation.[7]
    • Vitamin E oil can be taken as a supplement or applied externally to promote hair growth.[10]
  2. Dilute the oils. Some oils such as coconut or olive oil, for example, can be applied directly to the lashes without being diluted. Essential oils, however, carry strong scents that can irritate the eyes if they aren’t diluted with carrier oils.
    • Extra virgin olive oil and jojoba oil are commonly used to dilute essential oils. How much you use will depend on your own tastes, but you might want to start with 2 to 4 drops of essential oil per tsp of carrier oil.
  3. Know a sample lash growth recipe. A popular growth serum recipe is to combine 1/2 tsp of coconut oil with 2 to 4 drops of lavender essential oil. You can even mix these in the palm of your hand.[6]
    • If you want to make more, use the same ratio in larger quantities, and store the mixture in an air-tight container, away from light.
  4. Wash your eye area. Ensure that it is clean of makeup or any other debris/dirt. Gently wash your eye area with your hands, being careful not to rub or apply too much pressure to your eyes and eyelashes.
  5. Apply the oil or oil mixture to your eyelashes. Use either your finger or a cotton swab to do this. Start at the roots and work your way to the ends.
  6. Be careful not to get any in your eyes. Essential oils can irritate your eyes, so be careful that none of the oils drip into your eyes during application. If they do, rinse your eyes out with cool, clean water.
    • To rinse your eyes, fill your hands or a basin with cool or lukewarm water and lean down to place your eye into the water. Open and close your eye repeatedly, release the water from your hand, and repeat as needed until your eye feels flushed.[11]
  7. Leave on overnight. Ideally, apply this serum to your eyelashes before bed so that your eyelashes can really soak up all the benefits.
  8. Clean your eyes thoroughly the next day. Be sure to clean your eyes well the next day so that your pores and glands don’t become clogged. Remember to be gentle while you clean your eyes — don't rub them!
  9. Repeat a few times a week. If you experience any irritation, stop using whatever oils you’re using on your lashes immediately.

Enhancing Your Lashes with Plants

  1. Use green tea internally or externally. Research suggests that green tea may improve hair growth. A study done on rodents who drank the tea for 6 months showed significant hair growth in previously bald patches.[12]
    • Green tea can also stimulate growth and soften hair when applied topically (directly to the skin/hair).[13]
  2. Apply aloe vera to your lashes. Many DIY beauty fans and alternative health practitioners claim that aloe vera gel promotes lash growth, but this has not been proven by science. To give it a try, apply the gel to your lashes with a cotton swab, a mascara wand, or your fingers.
    • You can take the gel directly from the plant (by squeezing it out from the leaves), or you can use aloe vera gel, which is available at most drugstores. This is particularly nice to use in the summer months in place of oil.
  3. Use garlic internally or externally. Research has shown that garlic can aid hair growth. One study showed that patients who applied a topical garlic treatment to bald patches saw results within 2 to 4 weeks.[14]
    • Garlic pills are available at most health food stores, and many pharmacies. Garlic creams or gels may be more difficult to find, so ask your doctor or dermatologist if you cannot easily find them at a pharmacy.[15]
    • Do not apply actual garlic to your eyelashes, as this will cause irritation, not to mention it will make you smell like garlic.

Using Petroleum Jelly to Lengthen Your Lashes

  1. Know why petroleum jelly helps lashes. There is actually no scientific evidence to prove the age-old claim that petroleum jelly boosts lash growth, but countless people claim to have had success with it.
    • Many people believe the lash-growth effect is due to petroleum jelly’s moisturizing powers, which can help condition the hairs, making them stronger and thus less likely to break before reaching their full length potential.
  2. Know the risks. Petroleum jelly (also known as petrolatum) is generally considered safe, however, concerns have recently been raised about the risks of contamination from cancer-causing chemicals that are found in the oil from which the petrolatum is sourced.[16]
    • Some people avoid petrolatum not out of health concerns, but out of ethical ones, as it is sourced from oil, which is a non-renewable resource.[16]
    • Allergic reactions to petroleum jelly are rare but possible, so use with caution. In addition, as petroleum jelly is greasy, there is also the risk that applying it to your lashes could cause the pores on your eyelids and lash lines to become clogged, causing irritation or styes.
  3. Purchase petroleum jelly. Vaseline is the popular brand, but you can get no-name versions as well. If you don’t want to use petroleum jelly, you can buy non-petroleum versions at health food stores like Whole Foods. Synthetic versions also exist.
    • You can also make your own non-petroleum jelly by combining 1/8 a cup (roughly 1 ounce) of grated beeswax and 1/2 a cup of olive oil in a small saucepan, melting them together over low heat or in the top of a double boiler, and pouring the mixture into a jar to cool.[17]
  4. Purchase a mascara wand or cotton swabs. You should be able to find both of these things at drugstores, beauty supply shops, and dollar stores.
    • If you’d prefer a wand but don’t want to buy one, you can even go to a store that sells makeup and request one of the disposable wands used for testing out products and applying makeup during in-store makeovers.
    • If you get a disposable wand, be sure to clean it after each use with a gentle cleanser (baby shampoo will work) and lukewarm warm water.
  5. Clean your eyelids and lashes. Use a gentle, unscented cleanser to wash your eyelids and lashes, being sure not to rub them or apply too much pressure. This will ensure that they are free of debris such as residual makeup.
  6. Apply the petroleum jelly to your lashes. Dip a cotton swab in the jelly and then run it along your lash line like an eye liner, avoiding your eyes. Next, put a bit of jelly on your fingers and gently run your thumb and index finger over your lashes.[18]
    • You can also just apply the jelly to your lashes as you would apply mascara, with a clean mascara wand.
  7. Apply it before bed or wear it in place of mascara. Applying petroleum jelly before bed will allow the jelly to sink into your lashes undisturbed. You can also wear it in place of mascara. It won’t be as dramatic as mascara, but it will enhance the appearance of your eyelashes.[18]
    • Some people suggest wearing petroleum jelly underneath your mascara to keep your lashes moisturized and keep your mascara on longer, while others claim that the jelly will cause your mascara to smudge.[18]
  8. Repeat at least 3 times a week. If you’re only applying it before bed, try to repeat the process at least 3 times a week.
  9. Ensure that you thoroughly clean it off your lids and lashes. Use a gentle cleanser to wash the petroleum jelly completely off your lashes and lids.[19]
  10. Don’t wear petroleum jelly on your eyelashes all the time. You need to give your eyelids and lashes a break, otherwise you’ll risk getting clogged pores, which could make lashes fall out or at least stop them from growing.
    • If you’re wearing it in place of mascara, don’t wear it at night.
    • If you wear it at night, don’t wear it all day as well.
  11. Expect to see a difference in 2 to 4 weeks. The popular claim is that petroleum jelly can make your lashes appear longer and fuller. You should be able to notice a difference within a few weeks of using it, as long as you use it regularly.[18]
    • Although many people claim that petroleum jelly works to give them fuller, longer lashes, no scientific research has been done to prove that such claims are true.


  • If you must wear mascara, choose one that includes a growth formula. Rimmel’s Lash Accelerator is a popular choice.
  • There are many serums on the market that claim to boost lash growth. It’s worthwhile to read online reviews before purchasing one, as not all of them work equally well, and some may even cause irritation or allergic reactions.


  • If you suffer from styes or any other eyelid-related issues, be extra careful about what you use on your eyelids and lashes. If you’re uncertain about what is appropriate to use on your eyelids and lashes given any health issues you may have, consult your doctor or dermatologist.
  • Eyes and the skin around them are sensitive. If you experience any irritation from any of the treatments you’re putting on your lashes, discontinue immediately. If the irritation continues long after you’ve stopped using the treatment, see a doctor.
  • Using oils around your eyes can cause puffiness and dark under-eye circles. Keeping your eye area well washed will help prevent this.[18]

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Sources and Citations

  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3
  16. 16.0 16.1
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4