Make Your Nintendo DS Read the Game Cartridge Correctly

When you turn on your DS, the system fails to read the game cartridge. It says on the screen that there is no game cartridge inserted, yet there really is one in there, and you know you aren't going crazy. Has this ever happened to you? Here are some simple steps on how to fix the problem.


  1. Take the unreadable game cartridge and blow a large puff of compressed air on the back of the cartridge where the metal is. Alcohol and a cotton swab will also help to clean the cartridge. If your cartridge was dirty and the DS wasn't reading it, that should fix it. If it doesn't, go to the next step.
  2. Test the game cartridge on another DS system. If the other system can read it but your system can't, then your DS cartridge slot is either still dirty or your DS is having trouble reading cartridges.
  3. Be patient. Give yourself the gift of time. Don't go throwing away your cartridge if you know that it works on a different DS than yours.


  • Don't throw out your DS or game cartridge just because it won't work after you cleaned it off. It probably just needs some more cleaning.

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